- Academic year
- 2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- LT007I (AF:280223 AR:157705)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 9 out of 18 of CHINESE LANGUAGE 2
- Subdivision
- Surnames D-L
- Degree level
- Bachelor's Degree Programme
- Educational sector code
- L-OR/21
- Period
- 1st Semester
- Course year
- 2
- Where
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
Expected learning outcomes
1. Knowledge and understanding
• Know the key sentences necessary to interact in the most common communicative contexts.
• Know grammatical and lexical aspects of particular importance concerning the nominal groups, the fundamental structure of the sentence, the prepositional groups, the different types of sentences and the verbal groups.
• Know a lexicon of about 1000 words and 800 characters (active competence).
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
• Be able to correctly use the key sentences necessary to interact in the most common communicative situations.
• Be able to use properly what has been learned on important grammatical and lexical aspects in order to understand written texts.
• Be able to use in writing a lexicon of about 1000 words and 600 characters.
• Be able to translate into Chinese simple sentences using correctly what has been learned about basic grammatical aspects.
3. Judgement capacity
• Know how to use the tools made available online to evaluate your level of knowledge and language skills.
4. Communication skills
• Be able to communicate the specificities of linguistic analysis using appropriate terminology.
5. Learning skills
• Know how to relate the different contexts of study and apply your knowledge and skills for personal and professional growth.
• To access the exam tests, students must have passed the Chinese language 1 exam.
• presentation of grammatical and lexical aspects of particular importance on nominal groups, on the fundamental structure of the sentence, on prepositional groups, different types of sentences and verbal groups: 30 hours of theory and practice;
• training for linguistic interaction in the most common communicative situations: 60 hours of practice A (conversation);
• conversation tutoring: practice B;
Referral texts
• Abbiati M., Grammatica di cinese moderno, Cafoscarina, Venezia 1998.
• Abbiati M., Materiali ed esercizi per l'apprendimento della grammatica cinese moderna, Cafoscarina, Venezia 2010 (also available on the website in the section “Lingua cinese 1 mod. 1 Cognomi A-C [LT0071] - prof.ssa M. Abbiati”, where other grammar exercises are also available. Moreover, further grammar exercises and active translation exercises are available on the Centro Multimediale website ).
• Abbiati M. and Zhang Ruoying, Dialogare in cinese: corso di lingua colloquiale, vol. 1, Cafoscarina, Venezia 2010. Listening exercises are also available on the website in the section “Lingua cinese 1 mod. 1 Cognomi A-C [LT0071] - prof.ssa M. Abbiati”.
• Abbiati M. and Chen Liansheng, Caratteri cinesi, Cafoscarina, Venezia 2001. Writing exercises are also available on the Centro Multimediale website .
• Zhao Xiuying, Il dizionario di Cinese. Dizionario Cinese-Italiano, Italiano-Cinese, Zanichelli, Bologna 2013; or Dizionario cinese-italiano italiano-cinese, Hoepli, Milano 2007; or Zhao Xiuying and Gatti F., Dizionario compatto cinese-italiano italiano-cinese e conversazioni, Zanichelli Bologna 1996; or Wenlin Software for Learning Chinese, 4.2.2 (per Windows e Mac), that can be purchased at the site; or Pleco Software (for iPhone/iPad and Android), that can be downloaded for free from the site
Supplementary readings
• Abbiati M., La lingua cinese, Cafoscarina, Venezia 1992 or Abbiati M., Guida alla lingua cinese, Carocci, Roma 2008.
Assessment methods
Type of exam
Teaching methods
a) front lessons;
b) writing and conversation practice aimed at building and consolidating the knowledge, skills and competences necessary to meet the goal of the course;
c) tutoring aimed at discussing and clarifying specific language problems that emerged during the teaching and the related practice.