Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT001J (AF:279976 AR:157388)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
6 out of 12 of KOREAN LANGUAGE
Surnames M-Z
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
Korean Language mod. 1 '(second language) is one of the core courses within the China and Japan curriculum of the Corso di Laurea in "Lingue, Culture e Società dell'Asia e dell'Africa Mediterranea". Its formative objectives fall within the area of language skills learning.
Two modules divided into the two semesters.
1) Language knowledge and language comprehension:
Complete the knowledge of grammatical structures of Korean at Beginners' level.
Knowledge and understanding of the usage of grammatical structures of Korean at Beginners' level (CEFR Level A1/A1+)

2) Ability to apply language knowledge and comprehension:
Ability to identify grammar categories and their properties.
Demonstrate a general comprehension of Korean grammatical structures for beginners.
Ability to describe constructs and grammatical phoenomena of Korean, acquired during the course.
Ability to make a correct use of terminology and basic tools of synctactic analysis acquired.
No prerequisites required.
1 lesson: Introduction of the Alphabet and system, syllables of Korean Language and Simple vowels, consonants
2 lesson: Patch’im, pronunciation rules (1), declarative ending/interrogative ending 이다, particle of topic 은/는
3 lesson: Negative ending 아니다: N이/가 아니다, to be / to have 있다/없다, place
4 lesson: Particle of subject 이/가, particle of place 에, where 어디
5 lesson: Demonstrative pronoun 이/그/저, pronunciation rules (2), adjectives
6 lesson: Verbs, formal declarative ending -ㅂ니다/습니다, irregular verbs (1), particle of object 을/를, particle 하고(and / with)
7 lesson: particle of direction 에, particle 도(too / also), particle 의 (of), imperative ending –(으)십시오
8 lesson: Irregular verbs (2), negative imperative ending -지 마십시오, semi-formal declarative ending -아요/어요/여요, irregular verbs (3)
9 lesson: Irregular verbs (4), location nouns, particle of place 에서
10 lesson: Number (1)
11 lesson: Number (2), particle of time 에
12 lesson: Particle ~부터~까지(from / to), negative 안/ -지 않다, Shall I / we? –(으)ㄹ까요?, propositive –(으)ㅂ시다, propositive negative -지 맙시다
13 lesson: Pronunciation rules (3), particle 으로(by / in), particle ~에서 ~까지(from /to)
14 lesson: Past form -았/었/였-
15 lesson: Simulation of test
King. Ross and Yeon Jae-Hoon, Elementary Korean, Tuttle Pub; Bilingual edition (28 luglio 2014)
Insun Lee , Elementary Korean Workbook, Tuttle Pub; Workbook edition (19 settembre 2014)
The final exam consists of a written test (about 1 h) with multiple choice questions and open questions on the course program.
Lectures and exercises with Power Point presentations. Presentations and in-depth materials will be available on the moodle.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 31/07/2019