Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM4056 (AF:279667 AR:160743)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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This course contributes to the Master Degree program by training students in dealing with possible issues concerning the representation of financial and non-financial performance of companies.
The course provides the basic theoretical and practical knowledge necessary in order to perform statutory auditing and the activity of the board of statutory auditors. In particular, it analyzes the tools, the objectives, the principles of the standards of auditing.
All the materials are constantly updated by the instructor with the new laws and best practices.
The students of the Master Degree course are expected to acquire a complete understanding of the accounting representation of companies performance. The course discusses the internal control systems, with specific reference to the bookkeeping activity, and complete the students’ training on financial statements.
By the end of the course, students are expected to be knowledgeable in:
1) Aims of auditing;
2) Aims and limitations of statutory auditing;
3) Auditing risks;
4) Going concern and crisis from an auditing perspective;
5) The International Standard on Auditing (Italy);
6) Form and substance of the audit report;
7) Auditing and the board of statutory auditors.

Knowledge of bookkeeping, of GAAP and of the laws regulating financial statements creation. Students need to have passed the Accounting and Business Administration (Economia Aziendale) exam.
1) Statutory auditing: general principles;
2) Legislative Decree n. 39 of 2010;
3) Controls planning and auditing risk;
4) Professional ethics, confidentiality and indipendence of auditors;
5) Internal control systems and auditing;
6) International Standards on Auditing (Italy);
7) Main auditing procedures;
8) Auditing in the main financial statements areas;
9) Audit report;
10) Board of statutory auditors;
11) Board of statutory auditors and statutory audit.
Reference book:
1) VALERIO SIMONATO: "La revisione legale del bilancio d'esercizio" Cafoscarina Editrice, Venezia, 2016.
2) LEONARDO CADEDDU-ANTONELLA PORTALUPI: "La Revisione legale dei conti", Il Sole 24 ore Spa, Milano, 2019, con l'esclusione dei seguenti capitoli: PARTE I (capitoli 1, 2 e 3); PARTE III (capitoli 11, 14, 15, 17 e 18); PARTE V (capitolo 26).
Recommended supplementary readings:
a) D. Lgs. 27 gennaio 2010, n. 39 (integrato con le modifiche introdotte dal d. lgs. 17/7/2016, n. 135);
b) Regolamento UE 16 aprile 2014, n. 537/2014;
c) Elenco dei Principi di revisione internazionali ISA ITALIA.
The specific documentation and slides inherent in the cases treated and commented during the course, will be provided to students from time to time.
The exam is oral. Students are expected to orally present and discuss 3/4 topics covered during the course.
Students attending the classes can prepare a short paper about a specific topic covered in class. The paper will be discussed during the oral exam.
Attendance is recommended, because of the characteristics and the continuous evolution of the current laws and practice. The course has three kinds of classes:
1) Traditional classes, discussing applicative cases of audit;
2) Guest lectures, with some professional working in the field;
3) University-job market classes with participation of professionals and auditing firms.
During the first class the instructor will present the course and the exam.
In order to successfully attend to the course, it is recommended also the attendance to:
1) Financial accounting (Ragioneria generale ed applicate)
2) Accounting and financial statements analysis (Bilancio e analisi economico finanziaria)
Office hours:
The instructor is available in the days of class, at a time that will be set during the course. During the rest of the academic year, the instructor can meet the students upon their request.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 19/09/2019