- Academic year
- 2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- LT004S (AF:277690 AR:166104)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 6 out of 12 of MODERN GREEK LITERATURE 2
- Degree level
- Bachelor's Degree Programme
- Educational sector code
- L-LIN/20
- Period
- 1st Semester
- Course year
- 2
- Where
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
The course will develop the ability to apply knowledge and understanding: to frame a cultural object in its context; to apply the analysis methodologies for the understanding of Greek society and culture; to read and translate a literary text and to comment on it with appropriate language and scientific methodology; treatment of historical sources in a framework of adequate critical contextualization; to autonomously initiate investigations on specific cases.
The course aims to introduce to the knowledge of the main historical-literary phases in vulgar and modern Greek: the student will therefore be initiated also to the main syntactic, morphological and phonological structures of the Greek language; to the history of the vulgar Greek language and to the question of language as well as to the ideological and political use of the language in Greece.
Expected learning outcomes
that they are able to apply their knowledge and understanding skills in order to demonstrate a professional approach and possess adequate skills both to devise and support arguments and to solve problems in their field of study; that have the ability to collect and interpret data deemed useful for determining independent judgments, including reflection on social, scientific or ethical issues related to them; who know how to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialists and non-specialist interlocutors; that have developed the learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
The course will be divided into two cycles: the first will be focused essentially on the critical presentation of the main literary and historical phases of poetic and narrative production in vulgar and modern Greek, from the first manifestations (akritical songs) to the contemporary age. In addition to reading, analysis, translation and commentary of Greek literary texts that have also had an artistic reproduction in another form (musical, theatrical, cinematographic) that will be presented in the classroom thanks to the use of the LIM (whose links will be included in the Moodle platform of teaching), we will analyze some articles about Greece at the end of the XX century and the first decades of the new Millennium.
A didactic experimentation will be carried out using the material set up as part of the "Archaeoschool for the future" project and the MOOC on the openedu platform.
Referral texts
- M. Vitti, Storia della letteratura neogreca, Cafoscarina Venezia 2016
- Dizionario: Greco moderno-italiano, italiano-greco moderno, Seconda edizione, Zanichelli, Bologna 2013
Articles from greek newspapers (on moodle platform).
Κανελλοπούλου Ρ., Παθιάκη Ει., Παυλοπούλου Α., Σιμόπουλος Γ., Ελληνικά Α', Πατάκης, Αθήνα 2010, (Ελληνικά A-B).
Ch. Bintoudis, La questione della lingua greca, traduzione di F. Zaccone Roma, Nuova cultura, 2008
C. Carpinato, O. Tribulato (eds), Storia e storie della lingua greca, ECF, Venezia 2014
P. Mackridge, La dimensione italiana della questione linguistica greca, in Aspetti di linguistica e di dialettologia neogreca, Bonanno, Acireale-Roma 2010, pp. 113-123; P. Mackridge, Language and National Identity in Greece, 1766-1976, Oxford University Press 2009.
Th.M. Veremis - I.S. Koliopulos, La Grecia moderna. Una storia che inizia nel 1821, Lecce 2014
Assessment methods
Read: the student will show that he is able to read a short text correctly.
Writing: the student will demonstrate to be able to write orthographically correct, under dictation, a text containing vocabulary already acquired thanks to the linguistic exercises. He will compile simple grammatical exercises in the neo-Greek and formulate a short written text (a letter, a summary, a description ...).
Understanding oral discourse: the student will summarize in Italian a short text pronounced in the Greek language containing lexicon, grammatical and syntactic forms of medium-high level.
Formulate an oral discourse: the student will answer in Italian to simple questions asked by the commission on topics treated in class, using the acquired linguistic knowledge.
Evaluation: grammar, morphology and syntax = evaluation of assimilation and precision in use; lexicon: consideration of the appropriate use of words; ability to manage speech (oral and written); ability to interact with the written text, in a conversation; fluent use of written and oral speech (correctly written and pronounced). Ability to organize a critical speech in Italian using theoretical and cultural knowledge (ie the theoretical and historical contents of the discipline.
Evaluation scheme: insufficient; sufficient (18-22); mediocre (23-25); good (26-27); very good (28-29); excellent (30, 30 cum laude).
Type of exam
Teaching methods
Each teaching unit follows the same didactic criteria:
1. preparatory phase (problem solving): the topic is presented through a reference grid (what, where, when, who and how; proposed theme, history, environment, linguistic specificity).
2. operational phase (learning by doing) provides educational activities (reading and analysis, translations, use of the LIM board) to develop skills starting from hidden, inherent and previous knowledge: starting from the guided discovery of the basic vocabulary to identify words within the proposed texts.
3. reconstructive phase: (reflective learning), in order to activate the dynamic collaboration of those who are learning the method, the language and the contents.
4. evaluation phase (evalutation): before passing to the final phase of the exams (written and oral) students are invited during the course to take simple tests for the evaluation and self-assessment of what they have learned.
Teaching language
Further information
ERASMUS exchanges (Athens, Corfu, Komotini, Patras, Ioannina, Crete).
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals
This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development