Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT002V (AF:277658 AR:166133)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
The course of Portuguese and Brazilian Literature 1 is common to all the curricula available in the Bachelor's Degree Programme in Language, Civilisation and the Science of Language.
The course aims to provide an overview of nineteenth-century Portuguese culture through the in-depth study of literary fiction (especially novels, but also short stories and novellas).
1. Knowledge and understanding: knowledge of the literary genre of the novel, with particular attention to the development of this genre in the Portuguese context; knowledge of the Portuguese history of XIX century and the socio-cultural and historical-political dynamics that affect the production of certain literary phenomena; ability to understand some of the main texts of Portuguese literature of XIX century (by authors such as Almeida Garrett, Alexandre Herculano, Camilo Castelo Branco, Júlio Dinis, Antero de Quental, Eça de Queirós, Fialho de Almeida and some women writers), both in terms of content and in terms of their socio-cultural, literary and artistic implications.
2. Applied knowledge and understanding: applying the knowledge acquired to the contextualization of novels in the historical-cultural, literary and political framework in which they were produced.
3. Autonomy of judgement: ability to acquire and apply adequate critical tools in the analysis of the narrative texts indicated, on a thematic and stylistic-formal level, also putting them in relation to the context; being able to formulate a personal evaluation and commentary on the literary and cultural specificities that emerged during the course; ability to identify thematic nuclei within the covered topics and to autonomously select critical commentary texts that refer to these nuclei.
4. Communicative skills: understanding the exposition of an academic discourse; knowing how to present in a clear and coherent way a studied problem; knowing how to argue in a coherent and effective way.
5. Ability to learn: learning how to recognise the type of text and formulate hypotheses of analysis; learning how to establish appropriate links between the facts and materials examined and the ideas and context in which they are expressed; learning the basics of building a bibliography from a thematic nucleus of interest.
Basic knowledge of XIX century European history and culture.
The course aims to reflect on the aesthetic-literary trends of Portuguese prose fiction (novels, short stories and novellas) of XIX century. Some works by the most representative authors of the century will be analysed, framing them both in the historical and literary context of the contemporary movements at European level (historical novel, Romanticism, Naturalism and Realism) and in the specificity of the Portuguese context (Geração de 70, colonial imaginary). The course will also introduce some hints on the female writing of this century in Portugal, thus discussing the concept of "literary canon" and its implications. During the lessons, the most significant passages of the selected works will be read and commented on, also with the support of the Italian translation.
1. Novels and other literary works:
A. In Portuguese:
- GARRETT, Almeida, Portugal na balança da Europa, Coimbra, Universidade de Coimbra, 2013 [1830].
- GARRETT, Almeida, Viagens na minha terra, Porto, Bloco Gráfico, 1980 [1846].
- HERCULANO, Alexandre, Eurico, o Presbítero, Venda Nova/Amadora, Livraria Bertrand, s.d. [1844].
- HERCULANO, Alexandre, Lendas e narrativas, Lisboa, Editorial Comunicação, 1987 [1851].
- HERCULANO, Alexandre, “Qual é o estado da nossa literatura? Qual é o trilho que ela hoje tem a seguir?”, in Opúsculos IX, Lisboa, Livraria Bertrand, 1982 [1873-1876], pp. 1-8.
- BRANCO, Camilo Castelo, Amor de perdição, Porto, Porto Editora, 1980 [1862].
- DINIS, Júlio, A morgadinha dos canaviais, Porto, Livraria Figueirinhas, 1965 [1868].
- QUENTAL, Antero de, Causas da decadência dos povos peninsulares, Lisboa, Tinta da China, 2008 [1871].
- QUENTAL, Antero de, Considerações sobre a philosophia da história litterária portugueza (A proposito d'alguns livros recentes), Porto / Braga, Livraria internacional, 1872.
- ALMEIDA, Fialho de, A cidade do vício, Porto, Clássica Editora, 1982 [1882].
- QUEIRÓS, Eça de, O crime do padre Amaro, Porto, Lello & Irmão, s.d. [1876].
- QUEIRÓS, Eça de, A ilustre casa de Ramires, Porto, Livraria Chardron, 1900.
- QUEIRÓS, Eça de, A correspondência de Fradique Mendes, Porto, Livraria Chardron, 1900.
- QUEIRÓS, Eça de, “Positivismo e idealismo”, in Notas contemporâneas, Porto, Livraria Lello & irmãos, 1945, pp. 239-253.

B. Translated into Italian:
- GARRETT, Almeida, Viaggi nella mia terra, Bracciano, Tuga edizioni, 2015.
- HERCULANO, Alexandre, La volta, Perugia, Edizioni dell'Urogallo, 2019.
- BRANCO, Camilo Castelo, Amore di perdizione: memorie di una famiglia, Palermo, Sellerio, 2000.
- QUENTAL, Antero de, Cause della decadenza dei popoli peninsulari, Perugia, Edizioni dell'Urogallo, 2014.
- QUENTAL, Antero de, Scritti letterari, Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso.
- QUEIRÓS, Eça de, La colpa di don Amaro, Milano, Rizzoli, 1962.
- QUEIRÓS, Eça de, L'illustre casata Ramires, Firenze, Sansoni, 1963.
- QUEIRÓS, Eça de, La corrispondenza di Fradique Mendes, Reggio Emilia, Diabasis, 2009.

2. Critical works on the theoretical, historical and historical-literary framework:
LANCIANI, Giulia, Il Settecento e l’Ottocento in Portogallo, Roma, UniversItalia, 2014.
MARINHO, Maria de Fátima, O romance histórico em Portugal, Porto, Campo das Letras, 1999.
MORETTI, Franco, Il romanzo, Torino, Einaudi, 2000.
RAMOS, Rui, História de Portugal, Lisboa, A esfera dos livros, 2015.
RUSSO, Vincenzo e VECCHI, Roberto, La letteratura portoghese: i testi e le idee, Firenze, Le Monnier, 2017.
SARAIVA, António José e LÓPES, Óscar Lópes, História da literatura portuguesa, 17ª ed., Lisboa, Porto Editora, 2004.

3. Critical essays:
ABBATI, Orietta, “Elementi ideologico-pedagogici nel romanzo storico di Alexandre Herculano”, in Annali dell’Istituto universitario Orientale di Napoli - Sezione romanza, 2007, pp. 623-644.
ALONSO, Claudia Pazos, "Ana Plácido, uma escritora oitocentista exemplar" in PETROW, Peter et al., Avanços em literatura e cultura portuguesa: da Idade Média ao século XIX, Faro/Santiago de Compostela, AIL/Através Editora, 2012, pp. 249-266.
RUSSO, Vincenzo, "Cultura e immaginario coloniale nel Portogallo finesecolare", in ACQUARELLI, Luca, Tenebre bianche: immaginari coloniali fin de siècle, Reggio Emilia, Diabasis, 2008, pp. 29-77.
SIMÕES, Manuel Gaspar, “A função intertextual de Carlos Fradique Mendes”, in Rassegna Iberistica, 44, 1992, pp. 3-16.
SILVESTRE, Osvaldo Manuel, "La volta: una presentazione", in HERCULANO, Alexandre, La volta, Perugia, Edizioni dell'Urogallo, 2019, pp. IX-XXIII.
- For first year students: oral test.
- For second year students: oral test, after a short written exercise on the construction of an annotated bibliography.
Lectures and invitation to discussion; individual written exercise for second year students.
Students who do not attend are invited to contact the teacher at the beginning of the course.
Other texts will be made available online during the course.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 14/09/2019