Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT0090 (AF:277643 AR:166340)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course is expected to show the student full awareness of the linguistic transition in Latinized areas from Latin to Romance varieties and to have direct knowledge of the first literary texts in ancient French and Castilian.
1. Knowledge and understanding:
to know and understand, in a comparative perspective, the main phenomena of linguistic change in medieval Romance area, also in function of an adequate understanding of the characteristics of the Romance languages in modern phase;
know and understand the main historical, cultural and literary events of the Romance world through its textual documentation;
to know and understand the dynamics of the production of texts in the Middle Ages and their dissemination through time and space.

2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
to be able to recognise the main phenomena of linguistic change in the Romance languages and to be able to illustrate their relevance also in order to take into account the peculiarities of these languages in modern phase;
to be able to face, in the context of pertinence, the linguistic and historical-cultural analysis of a medieval text, using the investigative tools discussed during the course;
know how to correctly use philological terminology in the main areas of teaching.

3. Autonomy of judgement:
to be able to orient oneself in the critical debate on philological topics, in order to be able to start then to face the evaluation of alternative hypotheses concerning the same phenomenon (linguistic, literary, historical-cultural) or to formulate hypotheses on various questions of the discipline.

4. Communication skills:
be able to communicate the course content in a clear and technically appropriate manner, using the relevant register for the communication situation.

5. Learning skills:
be able to propose the course contents in an organic way.
be able to find your way around the reference texts in the right way.

No prerequisites are required
Introduction to the Romance linguistics and philology and presentation of the new Romance literary traditions through reading and commenting on epic texts from the French and Castilian areas.
L. Renzi, A. Andreose, Manuale di linguistica e filologia romanza, Bologna, Il Mulino 2015;
A. Limentani, M. Infurna, L'epica romanza nel Medioevo, Bologna, Il Mulino 2007;
M. Bensi (a cura di), La canzone di Orlando, Milano, Rizzoli 2014;
A. Baldissera (a cura di) Cantare del Cid, Milano, Garzanti 2015.

The examination program for students who cannot attend the course is provided below in the More Information section.
The student will be asked eight open questions on the topics covered in the lesson and on the literature chosen; four will focus on the linguistic change in the transition from Latin to Romance varieties, two will be on the selected literature, two will include the translation and commentary of a passage in ancient French and one in Spanish of the texts analyzed in class. The time available will be 2 hours. Failure to answer or inadequate answer to the two questions on Limentani- Infurna L'epica romanza and on the Introductions of the two epic texts (to be prepared individually) determines the failure of the test.

WARNING. Due to the health emergency, the summer appeals in June and September 2020 will be held orally in telematic mode. Questions will focus on the program already indicated and as far as the translation of the texts dealt with in class is concerned, I will present on screen a short step that the student must be able to translate.
Lectures. Many examples will be used to illustrate the linguistic change in late antiquity and the Middle Ages, and the passages of the chosen epic texts will be read in their original form, translated and commented on both linguistically and in literary terms.
Examination program for students who cannot attend the course:
L. Renzi, A. Andreose, Manuale di linguistica e filologia romanza, Nuova edizione, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2015: pp. 16-59, 75-90, 145-170.
A. Limentani, M. Infurna, L'epica romanza nel Medioevo, Bologna, Il Mulino 2007;
Reading in original language with commentary on the following texts that the student must be able to translate: G. Caravaggi, A. D’Agostino (a cura di), Antologia della letteratura spagnola, vol. I, Dalle Origini al Quattrocento, Milano, Led 1996, pp. 35-67 e M. Bensi (a cura di), La canzone di Orlando, Milano, Rizzoli, vv.168—341; 2259-2396.
Full reading in Italian translation with study of the Introduction of the following volumes:
"La canzone di Orlando", a cura di M. Bensi, Milano, Rizzoli, and "Cantare del Cid", a cura di A. Baldissera, Milano, Garzanti.
This programme is provisional and there could still be changes in its contents.
Last update of the programme: 27/04/2020