Academic year
2018/2019 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0212 (AF:276383 AR:158526)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
3rd Term
Course year
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This course is part of the more general domain of the history of philosophy. Taking up again the main problems of Greek and Roman philosophy, we will try to focus on those topics that are also current in contemporary philosophy, especially in the ethical and metaphysical field. The course therefore includes:
A) Introduction to theoretical bases of the History of Medieval Philosophy
B) Singling out of the principles of the Medieval Philosophy
C) Checking, in some ancient philosophers' texts, of the thesis investigated during the lectures.
D) Comparison with the contemporary perspective.

The student will acquire the skills needed to master the philosophical search tools and investigate, through the study of texts and the group discussion, the actual knowledge of European medieval philosophical tradition.
The knowledge of the main topics of the History of Philosophy is required.
Terminologies and basic concepts of Medieval Philosophy.
Introduction to the history of Medieval Philosophy.
Augustine's Confessions.
- K. Flash, Introduzione alla filosofia medioevale, Torino : Einaudi 2002 (choose two essays)
- Filosofia medievale, a cura di M. Bettetini, L. Bianchi, C. Marmo, P. Porro, Milano : Raffaello Cortina 2004 (the texts of Boezio, Anselmo, Abelardo, Bonaventura, Tommaso, Guglielmo di Ockham)
- S. Maso, Lingua philosophica Graeca, Milano : Mimesis 2010
- A. Kenny, Nuova storia della filosofia occidentale Vol II: Filosofia medievale, Torino : Einaudi 2012, cap. V La fisica; cap. VIII, L’etica
Alternatively: I. Sciuto, L'etica nel Medioevo, Torino : Einaudi 2007, cap. I: L’eredità del mondo antico; cap. VIII: Per un’etica della retta ragione: Domenicani e Francescani.

Agostino, Le Confessioni, Testo latino a fronte, a cura di C. Carena e M. Bettetini, Einaudi

- S. Reid, M. Vessey, A companion to Augustine, Oxford 2012; three essays: 1) K. Cooper, Love and Belonging, Loss and Betrayal in the Confessions, pp. 69-86; 2) S. Byers, Augustine and the Philosophers, pp. 175-87; 3) J. Wetzel, Augustine on the Will, pp. 339-53.
Alternatively: C. Horn, Sant'Agostino, Bologna : il Mulino 2005, cap. II, I temi filosofici e teologici.
Exam will be oral and includes:
A) The discussion around a few themes characterizing the history of medieval philosophy: the student must demonstrate a serious knowledge of the historical period related to medieval philosophy
B) The analysis of some topics of medieval texts examined during the course
C) The discussion of some arguments proposed in the secondary literature.
Presentation and discussion of the main topics of the program.
Participation to the conferences specifically organized for students of the medieval philosophy, at the Department of Philosophy of Ca' Foscari University.
Close analysis of some classical texts.

The course is composed by a unique module of 30 hours.
The not attending students must agree upon exam-program directly with the teacher.

In connection with the course will be scheduled a few days of study in which participants include researchers from European universities. During the course lectures will be given prompt notice of this.
The course is developed in two sections; the second one is structured in a seminar way.

For more information students can contact prof. Stefano Maso, www.philosophia-ve.it/universita


This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 06/04/2018