Academic year
2019/2020 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT007S (AF:272279 AR:168611)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The main objective of the course is to provide an introduction to the main phonological, morphological, and syntactic structures of Standard Greek.
The course aims to introduce the main syntactic, morphological and phonological structures . Objectives of the course: to develop linguistic skills through a historical examination of the vulgar Greek language, with particular reference to the question of language and the ideological use of language in Greece. The course focuses on the development of the ability to reflect on language, on the active learning of language, on the history of the language from ancient Greek to modern Greek through a specific path of dynamic learning.

1. Knowledge and understanding
To know and understand the grammatical, morphological and syntactic structures of modern Greek (basic communication level A2-B1);
Know and understand the historical dynamics that characterize the modern Greek language.

2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
Ability to recognize the phenomena of continuity and interference that affect the language, in a historical-cultural perspective. Ability to express themselves correctly in oral and written form; ability to understand an oral and written speech (basic communication level).

3. Autonomy of judgment
Being able to develop the ability to evaluate the modern Greek language in the evolutionary context. Being able to perceive continuities and discontinuities. Being able to understand the different expressive registers.
Develop a critical capacity with respect to the historical and linguistic phenomena that interest the modern Greek language.

4. Communication skills
Be able to communicate in the language used today in modern Greece, using appropriate terminology.

5. Learning skills
Being able to develop specific methodological tools in the study of various linguistic phenomena; be able to take notes and share them in a collaborative way; be able to consult critically the reference texts and the bibliography contained in them; be able to use multimedia systems for active language learning.
The course aims to provide basic linguistic and linguistic knowledge that will allow the student to understand an oral speech (level A1 / A2), to express him/herself orally at level A1 / A2, to understand a speech written at level A2 / B1, to produce a speech written at A2 level. The course can also be enjoyed by Greek mother tongue students who will be able to actively follow the teaching of the Greek language as L2 for Italian speakers and to learn the mechanisms of teaching foreign languages. In addition to communication skills and the development of judgment skills, the course offers a historical-linguistic section within which the different stages of language development are presented. This dimension is necessary for the deep learning, from the first year, of the linguistic dynamics of the Greek language.
The frequency of the institutional course (and linguistic courses) and the individual study will allow students:
to know and understand the standard language spoken and written today in Greece (language of administration and education since 1976) but also to understand the literary language and the documents present in texts from the previous era;
to apply the knowledge acquired not exclusively for the purpose of first interpersonal communication but also in a historical-linguistic and sociolinguistic dimension necessary for the knowledge of the mental structure of Greek speakers;
to develop the ability to understand the different levels of the Greek language and its grammatical, syntactic and morphological mechanisms.
The student will acquire basic skills to produce and understand oral and written texts and messages by placing them in the historical-cultural context, recognizing the variety and the linguistic register.
The student will develop the ability to interact adequately in formal and informal situations, not limited to the linguistic aspect but also including aspects of cultural, historical, geographic-regional and social context; will devepe his/her ability to make translational choices (in oral and written form); will learn to draw on information from appropriate written, oral and online sources.

The student will know how to use critically the suggested bibliography in order to apply the knowledge acquired to solve problems in his / her field of study; will know how to collect and interpret the data necessary to determine autonomous judgments on the specific communicative and ideological function of the Greek language; will know how to communicate information, ideas, problems to interlocutors of the same field of study but also to people outside the scope of specilism (both in Italian and in elementary form in Greek); will be able to carry out Italian translations from Greek texts, refining the use of written Italian and exploring the specifics of the translation from the Greek syntactic system to the Italian.
A strong motivation to learn a language spoken by about fifteen million people, but with an unbroken history of three thousand years, is required.
It is not necessary to have prior knowledge of ancient Greek. The students coming from the Classical Lyceum are "false beginners" and possess a basic passive knowledge that allows them to reach the B1 level from the end of the first year of the course.
Language in Greece after 1976: the end of a trouble?

Poetry and music in the Greek tradition.
The course will focus on the development of linguistic knowledge through a theoretical examination of the function between orality and writing in the history of the Greek language; each lesson will be divided into two sections. The first will examine elements of a historical, linguistic, literary and cultural nature; in the second, through the analysis of sung texts (Greek folk songs, translations of ancient poetry, national anthem, rebetika, songs of the resistance, song of the second half of the twentieth century), grammatical, lexical, syntactic, morphological investigations will be carried out.
A didactic experimentation will be carried out using the material set up as part of the "Archaeoschool for the future" project (on-line lessons, moodle, MOOC); teaching materials will be used from tools for learning the Greek language as L2.

Basic elements of the language will be the subject of specific language courses (with the support of a native teacher).
An integral part of the course are the integrative teaching activities (lessons with foreign and Italian teachers, exercises in other contexts, tandem with Greek students in Erasmus ...).
Basic knowledge of the language is supported by information on the geographic and physical nature of Greece; on the phases of Greek history; on the function of the Greek Orthodox religion in the linguistic and socio-cultural sphere; on the dichotomy orality / writing.
Basic knowledge of history, geography, culture and historical-literary development of Greece is required.
Educational materials available online will be included in the moodle platform.

on line output "Anche le pietre parlano"
eduopen: Archaeoschool for the future,16725/

- D. Holton, P. Mackridge, I. Philippaki Warburton, Greek, an essential grammar of the modern language, Routledge, New York 2016 (II ed.)
- P. Mackridge, The modern Greek language: a descriptive analysis of standard modern Greek. Oxford: Clarendon press 1987.
A. Georgakopoulou-M. Silk (eds), Standard Languages and Language Standards: Greek, Past and Present, Centre for Hellenic Studies, King's College London,Ashgate, 2009,
- V. Rotolo, Scritti sulla lingua greca antica e moderna, Palermo 2009.
- C. Carpinato-O. Tribulato (eds.), Storia e storie della lingua greca, ECF, Venezia 2014
- R. Clogg, Grecia. Dall'indipendenza a oggi, BIET-STORIA, Trieste 2015
Γ. Κεχαγιογλου, Από τον ύστερο Μεσαίωνα ως τον 18 αιώνα. Εισαγωγή στα παλιότερα κείμενα της νεοελληνικής λογοτεχνίας, ΙΝΣ, Θεσσαλονίκη 2009
- C. Carpinato (et alii), Anche le pietre parlano. Manuale didattico ARCHAEOSCHOOL FOR THE FUTURE, Kalamata 2016

We recommend the Dictionary: Modern-Italian Greek, Italian-Modern Greek, Second Edition, Zanichelli, Bologna 2013, the manual Κανελλοπούλου, Παθιάκη, Παυλοπούλου, Σιμόπουλος, Ελληνικά Α ', Πατάκης, Αθήνα 2010, (Ελληνικά A-B); C. Candotti, A. Kolonia, Parliano greco, Dialoghi, esercizi e vocabolario del greco moderno, nuova edizione, Hoepli, Milano 2010; M. Tsouroula, A. Cernigliaro, Eucharistò, Ellada! language course. Vol. 1, vol. 2, Hoepli, Milan 2017; Ch. Bintoudis, La questione della lingua greca, traduzione di F. Zaccone, Rome, 2008; C. C. Carpinato, O. Tribulato (eds), Storia e storie della lingua greca, ECF, Venezia 2014; P. Mackridge, Language and National Identity in Greece, 1766-1976, Oxford University Press 2009; M. Vitti, Storia della letteratura neogreca, Cafoscarina Venezia 2016; E. J. Bakker (ed.), A Companion to the Ancient Greek Language, Blackwell 2010; G. Horrocks, Greek: A History of the Language and its Speakers, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.

Κλικ στα ελληνικά, ΚΕΓ, Α1, Α2, Β1, Β2, ΚΕΓ, Θεσσαλονίκη 2018

D. Tessore, Grammatica di greco moderno. Lingua parlata, letteraria, arcaizzante. Teoria ed esercizi, Hoepli, Milano 2018
The verification of the level of learning achieved is obtained through a written test and an oral test. In particular, the student will present the acquired theoretical knowledge in oral form. The level of language learning acquired through practical and oral tests will be evaluated.

Read: the student will show that he is able to read a short text correctly.
Writing: the student will demonstrate to be able to write orthographically correct, under dictation, a text containing vocabulary already acquired thanks to the linguistic exercises. He will compile simple grammatical exercises in the neo-Greek and formulate a short written text (a letter, a summary, a description ...).
Understanding oral discourse: the student will summarize in Italian a short text pronounced in the Greek language containing lexicon, grammatical and syntactic forms of medium-high level.
Formulate an oral discourse: the student will answer in Italian to simple questions asked by the commission on topics dealt with in class, using the acquired linguistic knowledge.
Evaluation: grammar, morphology and syntax = evaluation of assimilation and precision in use; lexicon: consideration of the appropriate use of words; ability to manage speech (oral and written); ability to interact with the written text, in a conversation; fluent use of written and oral speech (correctly written and pronounced). Ability to organize a critical speech in Italian using theoretical and cultural knowledge (ie the theoretical and historical contents of the discipline).
Evaluation scheme: insufficient; sufficient (18-22); mediocre (23-25); good (26-27); very good (28-29); excellent (30, 30 cum laude).
written and oral
The language course takes place throughout the entire academic year and is organized as follows: face to face lessons in the first semester, linguistic lessons (Dr. Liosatou) during the entire academic year.
The lectures of the teacher are divided into two sections: during the first hour, elements of the history of the Greek language are presented, focusing on the orality and the popular song (from folk songs to poetry in twentieth century music); the second hour is dedicated to reading, analyzing, translating and listening to Greek poetic texts in musical versions.
The student will also use online learning material for self-learning.

In itinere tests will be assigned, which will be corrected and discussed in class and will form part of the final evaluation.

Each teaching unit follows the same didactic criteria:

1. preparatory phase (problem solving): the topic is presented through a reference grid (what, where, when, who and how; proposed theme, history, environment, linguistic specificity).

2. operational phase (learning by doing) provides educational activities (reading and analysis, translations, use of the LIM board) to develop skills starting from hidden, inherent and previous knowledge: starting from the guided discovery of the basic vocabulary to identify words within the proposed texts.

3. reconstructive phase: (reflective learning), in order to activate the dynamic collaboration of those who are learning the method, the language and the contents.

4. evaluation phase (evalutation): before passing to the final phase of the exams (written and oral) students are invited during the course to take simple tests for the evaluation and self-assessment of what they have learned.
It is necessary to attend the linguistic lessons held by dr. Liosatou.

The course is annual: lectures by prof. Carpinato take place in the first semester but to take the exam you have to follow the entire cycle of language exercises.

ERASMUS exchanges are active (Athens, Corfu, Komotini, Patras, Ioannina, Crete).

Students are required to follow the integrative educational seminars that are organized for the development of their linguistic and historical-cultural skills.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 18/04/2019