
05 Mar 2025 14:00

5th ECONOMIC SOCIOLOGY SEMINAR - Culture, Tourism, and Venice: challenges for a complex city

San Sebastiano (Room 3)

Seminars are part of the Economic Sociology course (@ PISE - Ca’ Foscari), however participation is free to non-students as well. 


10 february, 2025, 12.15 PM
Cinema Multisala Rossini (Room 1)
Anthony La Salandra (Cluster Manager – SMARTLAND, Regional innovation network)
Can data & technology support better tourism? Insights from the Venice and Veneto case

12 february 2025, 2025, 2.00 PM
San Sebastiano (Room 3)
Michele Casarin (President of Academy of fine arts)
Venice, city of culture

18 february 2025, 12.15 PM
Cinema Multisala Rossini (Room 2)
Dario Bertocchi (Researcher, University of Udine)
Tourism overcapacities in Venice. Unsustainabilities and impacts

26 february 2025, 2.00 PM
San Sebastiano (Room 3)
Valentina Lovato (Research Fellow, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
Connecting theory and fieldwork: practical steps from literature review to interview design

5 march 2025, 2.00 PM
San Sebastiano (Room 3)
Olga Tzatzadaki (Research Fellow, iNEST project, NextGeneration EU, Ca’ Foscari University)
Surfing the Overtourism Wave: Community-Led Initiatives as Social Innovations in Venice

Chair: Prof. Maurizio Busacca, Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice


L'evento si terrà in inglese


Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali


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