
18 Mag 2023 15:00

Management Lectures | Effectiveness and Emergence of Organizational Controls

San Giobbe - Room Volpato

Management Lectures is a series of seminars given by top scholars from international universities and institutions, who are invited to present their research, related results and impact on societal issues. These Lectures are a part of our PhD programme.

Effectiveness and Emergence of Organizational Controls: An Agent-based Perspective by Prof. Friederike Wall, Professor for Management Control and Strategic Management, University of Klagenfurt.

San Giobbe Economic Campus - Room Volpato
Also on Zoom Meeting
(Meeting ID: 837 9703 3983 - Passcode: 3l822y)

Organizational control aims to conform organizational members; behavior to the organization's goals. To this aim, organizations employ a multitude of control mechanisms
– from performance measurements and incentive schemes to group norms and shared beliefs. The presentation focuses on the potential of agent-based modeling and simulation
for theory-building in organizational control. A starting point is that the agent-based paradigm structurally corresponds to key aspects of organizational control and thus may
contribute to the understanding of control mechanisms and the design of management control systems.
Two types of agent-based models in organizational control are discussed: The first group of modeling efforts focuses on the (desired or undesired) effects of control mechanisms on
organizational performance and beyond. This refers to the particular strength of the agent-based paradigm to capture complex economic and social interactions. In the second group
of modeling efforts, an organization's control mechanisms and control systems emerge endogenously. These models refer to the very core of the agent-based paradigm, namely to
allow for studying how macro-patterns evolve from micro behavior.



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Venice School of Management/ Department of Management

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