
01 Lug 2024 18:30

M^3 = Math Magic Mind (magic show)

Auditorium Santa Margherita – Emanuele Severino, Dorsoduro 3689 Venice

Presented by
Antonietta Mira

With the participation of
Vanni De Luca
Nikolas Albanese

There was a time when mathematics and memory danced together to amaze and create experiences that could be described as magical.

With the help of two superb performers and professional magicians, we will recreate this atmosphere by playing with your minds, surprising you with mathematical magic, and demonstrating how these three “Ms” can cooperate synergistically to stimulate curiosity and leave you speechless.

Let’s remember that, after all, laughing is a serious matter!

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Event included in the programme of the 2024 ISBA World Meeting (International Society for Bayesian Analysis)

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The show is free and open to all interested people, but for organizational reasons reservation is required:


L'evento si terrà in inglese


Department of Economics, Ca' Foscari University of Venice; ISBA World Meeting



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