
17 Mag 2023 09:30

Second Inter-PHD seminar @ DAIS

Room C, ZETA Building - Unive Scientific Campus

On May 17th, the second inter-PHD seminar will be organized at the DAIS. This event offers a chance for Ph.D. students of different Ph.D. degrees to share knowledge and foster interdisciplinarity, and it is the second of a series we hope to organize. 
Ph.D. students will present their field of work in a tutorial way considering the mix of competences of the audience. All Ph.D. students are invited to participate


  • Giacomo Trapasso, Ph.D. student in Environmental Sciences
    Title: Green solvents in membrane production


  • Fatima Tehreem, Ph.D student in Computer Science
    Title: Polarization Filter Array camera and its Applications


  • Francesco De Rovere, PhD student in Polar Sciences
    Title: Transition of Kongsfjorden’s climate from Arctic to Atlantic: water mass variability and atmospheric drivers 


  • Matteo Mastropierro, Ph.D student in Science and Management of Climate Change
    Title: On the response of Amazon basin vegetation to El Niño and mean-state changes in CMIP6 models under the SSP5-8.5 scenario


For further information, see the attached file.


L'evento si terrà in inglese


Coordinators of the 4 PhD courses at DAIS Dept.


Seminar presentation 644 KB

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