
05 Dic 2019 09:30

1919-1949: The Birth of Modern China

Aula Silvio Trentin, Ca' Dolfin, Calle de la Saoneria, 3829, Venezia

International Workshop
Ca' Foscari University of Venice
December 5th, 2019

1919-1949: The Birth of Modern China

Scientific committee: Chen Hongmin, Laura De Giorgi, Guido Samarani
Secretary: Federica Cicci

Organized thanks to the financial support of Dr. Moses Li

Chen Hongmin  (Zhejiang University) 
Aglaia De Angeli (University of Belfast)  
Laura De Giorgi (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia) 
Federica Ferlanti (Università di Cardiff) 
Elisa Giunipero (Università Cattolica di Milano)  
Sofia Graziani (Università di Trento) 
Jiang Pei (Nankai University) 
Li Moses 
Lü Jing (Nanjing University)
Qi Chunfeng (Nanjing Normal University) 
Guido Samarani (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia)
Xiao Ruping (Zhejiang University) 
Zhao Xingsheng (Shandong University) 
Zhong Sheng  (Hunan Normal University) 

Conference Program

9.30  Welcome Greetings 
Prof. Marco Ceresa , Head of the Department of Asian and North-African Studies and
Prof. Guido Samarani, Director of the Marco Polo Centre for Global Europe-Asia Connections 

Official ceremony  for Dr. Moses Li's book donation and the  agreement between Dr. Moses Li and the Department of Asian and North African Studies

Dr. Moses Li  
Preserving the Originals

10.00  Keynote speech 
Prof. Chen Hongmin  (Zhejiang University)
Approached to the Center: China’s Step to the International Stage

10.30-11.00  Coffee Break 

11.00-12.10 First session 
Federica Ferlanti  (chair)

Jiang Pei (Nankai University)
The convergence of media technology and politics and the movement of resistance in the May Fourth
Sofia Graziani (University of Trento) 
Youth in modern Chinese politics: discursive practices and political organizing in the early twentieth century (1915-1924)
Qi Chunfeng (Nanjing Normal University)  Outside the Nationalists and the Communists: An investigation of the autonomy of the mass movements in modern China

12.15-14.00 Lunch 

14.00 - 15.30  Second session 
Elisa Giunipero (chair)

Zhong Sheng (Hunan University)
The Zunyi Conference and the construction of the image of Mao Zedong's Leadership
Federica Ferlanti (Cardiff University) 
What is 'modern China'? Desperately seeking for A birthday'
Lü Jing (Nanjing University)
The bacteriological war " in conceptual history
Aglaia De Angeli (University of Belfast) 
Discovering a Republican Archive: The Wright Collection and the Glass slides at Queen’s University Belfast

15.30-15.45  Coffee Break 

15.45-17.15  Third session 
Aglaia De Angeli  (chair)

Guido Samarani (Ca' Foscari University of Venice) 
Italy's changing relations with China (late Thirties-early Forties) 
Xiao Ruping (Zhejiang University) 
A political choice in a critical context: Gu Weijun and 1949 Elisa Giunipero (Catholic University of Milan) 
Chinese Catholics in Shanghai (1919-1939)
Zhao Xingsheng (Shandong University) 
Poverty and the premodern era: the basic dimensions of economic history of the republican era

17.15.-17.30 Concluding remarks ​
Laura De Giorgi (Ca' Foscari University of Venice)


L'evento si terrà in italiano


Dipartimento di Studi sull’Asia e sull’Africa Mediterranea (Laura De Giorgi), Centre for Chiang Kai-shek and Modern Chinese History - Zhejiang University


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