Francesca COCCETTA
- Position
- Associate Professor
- Telephone
- 041 234 7846 / 041 234 6680
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Lingua, traduzione e linguistica inglese [ANGL-01/C]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/francesca.coccetta (personal record)
Francesca Coccetta has been a tenured Assistant Professor since 2011 in English Language and Translation (L-LIN/12) in the Dept. of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice. Over the years, she has taught English language and linguistics, multimodal discourse analysis and translation at the following universities: Ca' Foscari, Pavia, and Padua in various BA and MA degree courses, including: Foreign Languages; Linguistic and Cultural Mediation; Comparative International Relations; Medicine; Nursing; Communication and Media Studies; International Economics; and Psychology. She holds a doctorate in English Linguistics from the University of Padua where she discussed a PhD thesis entitled Multimodal Text Analysis and English Language Teaching. She followed the postgraduate course in "Methodologies of Online Education and Online Tutoring" at Ca' Foscari University of Venice in 2006 and holds a postgraduate qualification (Master Universitario di II Livello) in "Multimediality for E-learning" from the Roma 3 University. In November 2020, she was awarded the habilitation required to become Associate Professor.
Her research interests lie in:
- video corpus construction and annotation;
- English language teaching and computer-assisted language learning;
- multimodal discourse analysis of domain-specific discourses, in particular in the scientific and medical field;
- multimodal communicative competence;
- corpus linguistics, in particular learner corpus linguistics.
She has published journal articles and book chapters on the use and development of multimodal corpora and related software tools for use in data-driven learning to enhance students' language skills, including: Enriching Language Learning through a Multimedia Corpus (2007); Multimodal Corpora with MCA (2008); First Steps towards Multimodal Functional Concordancing (2008); Multimodal Functional-notional Concordancing (2011); Multimodal Corpora and Concordancing in Data-driven Learning in The Routledge Handbook of Corpora in English Language Teaching and Learning (in press). This research has also been disseminated in international conferences, including: How to Do Things with Words and Gestures: Using a Multimodal Concordancing Tool to Explore a Multimedia Corpus (EUROCALL 2006, University of Granada); Multimodal Functional-Notional Concordancing (8th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference, Lisbon, 2008).
She has authored journal articles on the adaptation of corpus concordancing and search techniques to the requirements of multimodal texts and especially videos, including: Climate Change Websites and Web Film Annotation: Applying Web Tools and Techniques Developed in the Living Knowledge Project (2012); Old Wine in New Bottles. The Case of the Adjacency-pair Framework Revisited (2019). She has presented her research in this field at international conferences, including: Online Multimodal Annotation with McaWebBrowser (International Symposium: New Insights into the Study of Conversation. Applications to the Language Classroom, University of Granada, 2010), Multimodal Website Annotation and SFL (23rd ESFLCW, Bologna, 2012), Disseminating Knowledge. The Case of the Video Abstract (Specialised Discourse and Multimedia. Linguistic Features and Translation Issues, Università del Salento, 2019).
Her most recent research relates to improving understanding of a nascent academic genre, the video abstract genre, published in Class-A-rating journals and book chapters, including: Medical Video Abstracts: A Web Genre for Research Accessibility and Visibility (2020); A Corpus-based Approach to the Analysis of the Video Abstract Genre: A Phase-based Model (2020); Video Abstracts in EMP: A Corpus-based Approach to the Analysis of Multimodal Medical Genres currently in press in Analysing Multimodality in Specialized Discourse: Innovative Research Methods and Application edited by Veronica Bonsignori, Belinda Crawford Camiciottoli, and Denise Filmer (Vernon Press, Delaware); Medical Video Abstracts and their Subgenres: A Phase-based Approach to the Detection of Generic Structure Patterns, to be published in 2021 in the special issue of The European Journal of English Studies entitled Disseminating Knowledge: The Effects of Digitalized Academic Discourse on Language, Genre and Identity edited by Rosa Lorés Sanz and Giuliana Diani. This research has also been presented in Italian and international conferences, including: Medical Video Abstracts: A Web Genre for Research Accessibility and Visibility (Scholarly Pathways: Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Exchange in Academia, Bergamo, 2018); Video Abstracts: Dissecting the Values of a Nascent Scientific Community (Approaches to Multimodal Digital Environments: From Theories to Practices, University of Rome Tor Vergata, 2019); Analysing Video Abstracts in the Academic Field. A Methodological Proposal (22nd Conference on Languages for Specific Purposes 2019, Padua), How Video Abstracts are Constructed: A Corpus-based Approach (CLAVIER 2019, Pisa).
She has a keen interest in exploring how research into multimodality can be integrated into university courses to develop students' intersemiotic communicative competence and genre awareness; as well as her 2016 volume and coursebook Access to Discourse in English through Text Analysis. A Preparatory Guide for Undergraduate Students, her publications on this theme include: Medical CLIL (Part II): How the Body Works (2012); Multimodality for Non-language Specialists: Reconsidering the ESP Syllabus in a Multimodal Perspective (2015); Developing University Students' Multimodal Communicative Competence: Field Research into Multimodal Text Studies in English (2018).
She has also investigated learner language in a SFL perspective in Analysing the Language of Interpersonal Relations in Corpora of Elicited Learner and Native Speaker Interactions in English (2015), and has co-edited volumes on web genres (Web Genres and Web Tools. With Contributions from the Living Knowledge Project, 2012) and learner corpus research (Studies in Learner Corpus Linguistics. Research and Applications for Foreign Language Teaching and Assessment, 2015).
She has taken part in following financed Italian and international research projects relating to multimodal analysis of texts:
- 2005-2007: eColingua: e-corpora negli studi linguistici e multimodali, nella traduzione, nell'apprendimento e nelle verifiche online delle lingue. PRIN project (National Interest Research Project, n. 2005102425); total finance €230,000.00. Member of the Padua University research sub-unit.
- 2009-2011: Living Knowledge: Facts, Opinions and Bias in Time. 7th Framework EU project (n. 231126); total finance €4.5 million. Member of the Pavia University research sub-unit.
- 2011-2013: Oral Interactions in EFL: Teaching and Assessment in a University Context. Project financed by the Dept. of Linguistic and Literary Studies of Padua University; total finance €15,000.00.
She has also participated in the scientific and organizing committees of conferences and seminars (e.g. Compiling and Using Learner Corpora to Teach and Assess Productive Skills in Foreign Languages at University Level in 2013 at Padua University; 4th Learner Corpus Research Conference in 2017 at European Academy Bozen/Bolzano – EURAC Research; Towards an Intercultural and Socially-inclusive Mediation in 2018 at Ca' Foscari University; Approaches to Multimodal Digital Environments: From Theories to Practices in 2019 at University of Rome Tor Vergata; Learner Corpus Research Conference in 2019 at the University of Warsaw).
In 2018, she participated in her university's overseas exchange programme and attended the Department of Linguistics of the University of Sydney (Australia) where she organized a seminar on her research on video abstracts and gave lectures to students enrolled in BA and MA courses on cross-cultural academic communication. In 2020, she participated in the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignment and attended the Universidad Autonóma de Madrid (Spain) where she gave seminars and lectures about her research to students enrolled in BA courses in English as an international language and students enrolled in MA courses in teacher training. This visit to Spain included an invitation to speak at the closing conference (V Seminario Interacciones Socio-Cognitivas y Funcionales del Discurso of a Spanish national research project (Discursos Emergentes Y Periférico: Una Aproximación Critica y Socio-Cognitiva) funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO).
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