- Position
- Full Professor
- Roles
Director of the Department of Humanistic Studies
Academic Senate
- Telephone
- 041 234 7205
italianoscritto@unive.it - ITALIANO SCRITTO
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Linguistica italiana [LIFI-01/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/daniele.baglioni (personal record)
- Office
Department of Humanities
(Department Director)
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.humanities
Where: Malcanton Marcorà
Born in Rome in 1977, Daniele Baglioni completed his university studies at the Sapienza University of Rome, where he obtained a degree in Literature (2000) and a doctorate in Historical Linguistics and Italian Linguistic History (2004). After having taught as a temporary lecturer at the Universities of Cassino (2004-2005), L'Aquila (2004-2005) and Sapienza University (2005-2006) and having received several grants for research periods abroad (Cyprus 2002-2003, Tunis 2005), he became a post-doctoral fellow at the Italian Institute of Human Sciences (SUM) in Florence (2006-2008) and research fellow at Sapienza University (2009-2011). From 2010 to 2013 he was the holder of a three-year project at the Swiss National Science Foundation (Ambizione Programme), developed at the University of Zurich. Since September 2011 he has worked at Ca' Foscari, first as a researcher (2011-2018), then as an associate professor (since March 2018) and as a full professor (since June 2020), holding courses in the History of the Italian Language, Italian Linguistics, Italian Dialectology and Stylistics and Metrics for Bachelor and Master’s degrees and following about 80 theses as supervisor as well as 12 doctoral theses (7 of which have been already completed). In the years 2019-2023 he has coordinated the Doctorate School in Italian Studies at Ca' Foscari. Since October 2023 he is the head of the Department of Humanities.
His research interests are directed towards:
1) history of the Italian language, in particular the etymology and historical phonetics of Italian and Italian dialects;
2) the history of the Italian language outside Italy, especially of the vernacular and Italian in the medieval and modern Mediterranean (Crusader states, Venetian possessions in the Levant, Ottoman Empire);
3) the contact between the Romance languages and the other languages of the Mediterranean, as regards both the lexical borrowings (the Romance element in the Greek of Cyprus and in Maltese, Arabic and Turkish loanwords in Italian, the lexicon of the lingua franca), code-switching in writing, and allographic traditions (i.e. the rendering of the Italian Romance varieties in Greek, Hebrew and Arabic in medieval and Renaissance texts);
4) the history of Italian linguistics, Italian dialectology and Romance linguistics (Cesarotti, Schuchardt);
5) invented languages and imaginary grammars in Italian literature (Buzzati, Maraini, Wainstein).
He is the author of about 90 scientific contributions, including 3 books and 4 edited books (2 forthcoming). He has organised 3 international conferences and participated in about 50 conferences in Italy and abroad (half of which by invitation). He has held lectures and seminars on invitation for university students and PhD students at universities and research institutions in Italy (Sapienza University of Rome, University for Foreigners of Siena, University Federico II of Naples, University of Padua, University of Bologna, University of Trento, Biblioteca Passerini-Landi of Piacenza, University Gabriele D'Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, Fondazione Besso of Rome, University for Foreigners of Perugia, Accademia della Crusca, Venice International University, University of Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, University of Parma) and abroad (University of Zurich, University of Lausanne, Center for Dialectology and Ethnography of Bellinzona, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, University of Stockholm, Humboldt-University of Berlin, Slezká Univerzita Opava, Karl-Franzens Univ. of Graz, Technische Universität Dresden). He was also visiting professor at the Universities of Regensburg ( 2013-2014) and Zurich (2018-2019), where he taught courses on linguistic contact for Bachelor and Master students.
He is a member of the scientific committee of "Studi linguistici italiani" (class A for area 10) and "Romanica Olomucensia". He collaborates with the Lessico Etimologico Italiano (from 2000 to 2016 as editor, from 2016 to the present as reviewer of entries). Since 2021 he is corresponding member of the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, where he coordinates the project "I Lincei per la scuola" (Veneto region), aimed at secondary school teachers of Italian, Mathematics and Sciences. Previously, he has collaborated with the Società Dante Alighieri (2004-2009) and RAI Storia (2011-2012).
Since his arrival at Ca' Foscari, he has held the following positions:
· coordinator of the courses of written Italian (2014-2022);
· member of the Doctorate School in Italian Studies (2014-);
· member of the Committee (Giunta) of the Department of Humanities (2015-2017; 2020-2023);
· member of the Teaching Committee of the degree course in Literature of the Department of Humanities (2015-2017);
· member of the Research Committee of the Department of Humanities (2017-2019);
· delegate for external communication of the Department of Humanities (2017-2019);
· supervisor of the Collaboratori esperti linguistici (CEL; Expert Language Collaborators) of the Ca’ Foscari School of International Education (2018-2022);
· representative of Ca’ Foscari at the ICoN – Italian Culture on the Net consortium (2019-2022);
· member of the University Quality Assurance Unity (2019-2022);
· head of the Doctorate School in Italian Studies (2019-2023);
· head of the Department of Human Studies (2023-);
· member of the University Senate (2023-).
He has been member of judging committees for PhD theses and competitions for Researcher (RtdB) and Associate Professor positions, both in Ca' Foscari and in other Universities. In the years 2021-2023 he has been a member of the committee for the Italian National Scientific Habilitation in the research area 10/F3 - Italian linguistics and philology (2021-2023).
He was awarded the 2004 Premio Promozione Ricerca (Research Promotion Prize) of the CNR (Italian National Research Council) for the financing funding of the publication of his doctoral thesis. He was recipient of the Fondo per il Finanziamento delle Attività Base della Ricerca (FFABR; Fund of the Financing of Basic Research Activities) in 2009.
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