Valentina DAL CIN
- Position
- Research Grant Holder
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www.unive.it/people/valentina.dalcin (personal record)
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Department of Humanities
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.humanities
Valentina Dal Cin is currently a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Humanities at Ca' Foscari and at the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (CESTA) at Stanford University. She is working on the project NapApps: "Napoleonic Job Applications: from Personal Pleas to Modern Curriculum Vitae in Early 19th-Century Europe".
After graduating in History from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Era at Ca' Foscari in 2011, she earned her Ph.D. in Historical and Anthropological Sciences at the University of Verona in 2015. The Ph.D. program of the School of Historical, Geographical and Anthropological Studies also included Ca' Foscari and the University of Padua. In the same year, she achieved her teaching qualification for the secondary school class of History and Philosophy (TFA - Tirocinio Formativo Attivo) and secured the top position in the Veneto region in the public competition (concorso ordinario) held in 2016. Following the completion of her Ph.D., Valentina served as a post-doctoral fellow at the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici in Naples from 2016 to 2017. She further enriched her research experience by conducting research at the Centre de Recherche en Histoire Européenne Comparée (CRHEC) of the Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC) through an ATLAS research grant funded by the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in Paris and the Fondazione Einaudi in Turin in 2017. Subsequently, she dedicated herself to teaching at the Liceo Classico ed Europeo Marco Foscarini in Venice. In 2020, Valentina served as an adjunct professor of "Contemporary History of Venice" at the School for International Education of Ca' Foscari.
Valentina was also trained in quantitative methods for historical research, particularly in network analysis, correlation statistics, and text-mining techniques. Her research interests focus on European social history during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic eras, with a specific emphasis on the ruling classes and their interactions with institutions and administration.
Napoleonic Job Applications (NapApps) project's scientific activities
- 25 giugno 2024: Organization of the conference "Dietro le quinte dell’Impero: biografie e prosopografie nell’Europa napoleonica" held at the Departement of Humanities at Ca' Foscari University of Venice
- 19-20 giu 2024: Participation in the conference entitled “Révolutions et reconversions sociales (II) en Europe au XIXe siècle” held at Maison des Sciences de l'Homme di Clermont-Ferrand, sponsored by Université Clermont Auvergne and Société d’histoire de la révolution de 1848 et des révolutions du XIXe siècle (paper: Chercher un emploi au-delà des ruptures politiques : candidats dans la préfectorale (1799-1815)
- 9-13 ott 2023: Participation in the Stanford University (CESTA) – VeDPH Joint-Week "Global Horizons of Digital and Public Humanities" held at Ca' Foscari and, in particular, in the roundtable entitled The City and the Archive: Data Extraction from Archival Records and Documents
- 26 May 2023: Participation in CESTA's Digital Humanities Research Showcase 2023 (paper: Applying for a Job in Early 19th-Century Europe, presented with the research intern Alessandra Rister Portinari Maranca)
- 11 May 2023: Organization of the workshop Rethinking the Long Eighteenth Century: Social, Literary, and Political History in Pre- and Post-Revolutionary France at CESTA, Stanford University (with Chloe Edmondson and support from the Stanford Europe Center); paper: Mobilizing Social Networks in Napoleonic France: Recommendations and Recruitment
- Dec 2022 - June 2023: Participation in CESTA's Digital Humanities Fellows Program (Stanford University)
- Feb 2023: Participation in the 53° Annual Conference of the Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, organized by University of North Texas in Forth Worth, within the panel "Work and Bureaucracy in the New Regime" (paper: Rhetorical Strategies As Seen through Quantitative Text Analysis)
- Jan 2023: Participation in the international congress "Entangled Histories of Revolution: Case Studies" held at Milano Bicocca University (paper: Mapping Job Seekers in Napoleonic Europe. Reconstructing life trajectories through prosopography and textual analysis)
- Dec 2022: Participation in the international congress "Sociabilities on the Move in the Long Eighteenth Century (1650-1850)" held at Université de Bretagne Occidentale (paper: Mobiliser les réseaux de sociabilité : recommandations et recherche d’emploi au début du XIXe siècle)
- Dec 2022: Participation in the seminar "Tradurre, pubblicare, governare: circolazione e costruzione della cultura di governo nell’Italia del primo Ottocento" held at the Univeristy of Turin (paper: Tradurre in pratica i princìpi. Le demandes de places tra manualistica e scrittura quotidiana)
- Oct 2022: Participation in the international congress "Models of data extraction and architecture in relational databases of early modern private political archives", held at Ca' Foscari and organized by Prof. Dorit Raines within 2017 PRIN - JMPYTA The Nuncio’s Secret Archives: Papal Diplomacy and European Multi-denominational Societies Before the Thirty Years War (paper: From archival records to structured historical data: Processing employment applications in the early nineteenth century)
- Oct 2022: Participation in the seminar "New Horizons in DH. Current Research Highlights" held at CESTA (Center for Spatial and Text Analysis), Stanford University, organized with Benedetta Bessi (MSCA fellow), presenting the project's quantitative approach
- June 2022: Presentation and general overview of the NapApps project at CESTA
- June 2022: Online presentation of the NapApps project at the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici (Presentazione progetti Marie Curie 2019-2020)
- Apr 2022: Presentation of the NapApps project on employment applications in the Napoleonic era within the course "The French Revolution and the Birth of Modern Politics" by Prof. Keith M. Baker at Stanford University
- Feb 2022: Participation in the 52nd Annual Conference of the Consortium on the Revolutionary Era held at Mississippi State University, Starkville, within the panel 'Bureaucratic Reforms in the 19th century' (paper: Sending a curriculum vitae to Napoleon)
- Jan 2022: VeDPH (Venetian Centre for Digital and Public Humanities) "slam presentation" online on NapApps Project
- Dec 2021: Presentation of the NapApps project within the series Early Modern History Seminars on Ongoing Research with a talk titled Sending a CV to Napoleon. Rhetoric and Strategies of Applications for Employment in the Early Nineteenth Century
- Sep 2021: Participation in the conference organized by the University of Rome Tor Vergata, UCLouvain, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, titled 'Police and territory in the Napoleonic world. From the local to the imperial scale' (paper: The importance of public order through the filter of job applications)
Participation in other conferences, seminars, and workshops
- 2021: Presentation of the monograph Il mondo nuovo. L'élite veneta fra rivoluzione e restaurazione (1797-1815), within the framework of the seminar Venice in Question, organised by the Deputazione di storia patria per le venezie, in collaboration with the main Venetian institutions
- 2020: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Archiv für Sozialgeschichte - Eliten und Elitenkritik vom 19. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert (paper: Italian Elites under Napoleonic Rule: A Turning Point)
- 2019: Ca' Foscari University - Dall'asilo della libertà al diritto d'asilo (sec. XIV-XIX) (paper: Gli émigrés francesi a Venezia: l’analisi di un gruppo sociale)
- 2018: SciencesPo (Centre d'histoire), The American University of Paris - Political transitions and federal projects (late 18th - early 21st centuries) (paper: Centralization and Federalism in Revolutionary Times: Northern Italy, 1797-1815)
- 2017: Université libre de Bruxelles - Administration territoriale et représentants de l'Etat au XIXe siècle: penser les circulations des savoirs, des modèles et des hommes (paper: Poser sa candidature à l’époque napoléonienne: pistes de recherche)
- 2017: Università di Milano, Gargnano - Nuovi cantieri di ricerca sull'Italia rivoluzionaria e napoleonica (paper: Le élite italiane di fronte all’amministrazione napoleonica: prospettive di ricerca)
- 2016: Maison méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme, Aix-en-Provence - Dénonciations et dénonciateurs de la corruption (paper: Dénoncer la corruption dans les transitions politiques: appels à la transparence et esprit de vengeance de Napoléon aux Habsbourg)
- 2016: Université de Rouen-Normandie - Centralisation et fédéralisme de la Révolution française à nos jours. Controverses et représentations, projets et réalisations (paper: Centralisation et fédéralisme entre modernité et héritage: Français et Autrichiens en Vénétie et à Venise, 1797-1815)
- 2015: University of Warwick - Popular Reaction and State Responses to the Hundred Days (paper: Venetian élite reactions to the 100 Days: news circulation and political commentaries between astonishment and fear)
- 2014: Université Grenoble Alpes - Emigration, exil politique et innovation 1780-1840 (paper: Une émigration composite? Les français dans la République de Venise : communauté, relations, opportunités)
- 2014: Istituto Storico Italiano per l'età Moderna e Contemporanea, Roma - Convegno SISEM Attraverso la storia: spazi, reti, linguaggi (paper: Presentarsi e auto-rappresentarsi di fronte a un potere che cambia: l'élite della Repubblica dopo la Repubblica)
- 2012: University College London - BASTA! Patterns of Protest in Modern Italy, ASMI Annual Meeting (paper: Forms of political dissent in Venice: opuscoli, fogli volanti and the role of censorship between 1797 and 1815)
- 2012: University of Vienna - GRACEH Graduate Conferences in European History: Transformation in European History
Teaching activities
- 2020: Course Contemporary History of Venice (30h) (School of International Education, Ca' Foscari)
- 2024: Lecture entitled "Applying for a Job in the Napoleonic Era: Sources and Methods of a Research Project", delivered within the "Laboratorio di Risorse Digitali per la Ricerca" of the Ph.D. Program in History, Anthropology, Religions, organized by Professor Federica Favino at Sapienza University of Rome
- 2024: Lecture entitled "Network Analysis and quantitative text analysis", delivered within the Ph.D. Program in Historical, Geographical, and Anthropological Studies at the Universities of Venice and Padua
- 2023: Lecture entitled "Careers and Social Mobility in the Post-Revolutionary Era" delivered as part of Professor Alfredo Viggiano's course History of Political Institutions (University of Padua)
- 2017: Lecture entitled "Les Français dans la République de Venise: problèmes, sources, méthodologie" delivered as part of Professor Catherine Brice's course on political exile (Université Paris-Est-Créteil)
- 2015: PhD thesis - "Achille and Laura Gorlato prize" given by "Ateneo Veneto"
- 2011: MA dissertation - special mention in the "Città di Verona prize" given by "Comune di Verona"
Post-graduate training
- July 2017: Summer School in Quantitative Methods for Social Sciences (course: Quantitative analysis and visualization of textual data), organized by CNRS and University of Lille 2
- June 2016: Summer School in Quantitative Methods for Social Sciences (course: Digital approaches to social sciences), organized by CNRS and University of Lille 2
- 2015-2016: master in Digital Humanities (Ca' Foscari University, with a visiting period at EPFL)
- 2014-2015: teaching qualification in History and Philosophy (Ca' Foscari University) 100/100
Other international experiences
- April 2014: LEADER: Learning Environments for the Advancement of Doctoral Excellence in European Research (University of Padua)
- October 2013: Digital Humanities Venice Fall School (Ca’ Foscari University – École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)
- September 2011: Summer School “Comparative and Trans-national History: Theories, Methodology and Case Studies” (European University Institute, Florence)
- July-August 2010: Summer School (École Normale Supérieure, Paris)
- July 2009: Graz University Summer School (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria)
- July-August 2006: Ca’ Foscari-Harvard Summer School (Ca’ Foscari University, with Harvard University)
- 2008-2011: MA in Modern History (Ca' Foscari University) 110 e lode
- 2007-2008: One academic year Erasmus scholarship (Université Paris Sorbonne)
- 2005-2008: BA in History (Ca' Foscari University) 110 e lode
Digital skills
In addition to commonly used software and the WordPress platform, good command of GEPHI (social network analysis), QGIS (georeferencing maps), R and RStudio (daframe manipulation, text-mining, correspondence analysis), IRAMUTEQ (text-mining), WORDSTAT (text-mining), VOYANT (text-mining), MALLET (topic modeling), Tableau (data visualization).
Italian: mother tongue
French: advanced (C1 certificate)
English: advanced
German: basic (B1 certificate)
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