Research Grant Holder
www.unive.it/people/elisa.girotto (personal record)
Department of Humanities
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.humanities



-1/12/2014-30/11/2015: post-doc grant at the Department of Humanities, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice: digital catalogue and analysis of the glyptic finds from Tell Beydar (Syria) of the 3rd mill. BCE.

-14/3/2014: PhD degree in Ancient History, Archaeology and History of Art at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, with a thesis on the representation of war in Mesopotamian iconographic and textual sources.

-8/7/2009: MA in Archaeology and Conservation of Archaeological Heritage at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice with a thesis on the representation of the enemy in Mesopotamia (vote: 110 cum laude/110).

-4/7/2006: BA in Conservation of Cultural Heritage at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice with a thesis on the gods mentioned in prebend contracts from Seleucid Uruk (vote: 110/110).

-15/4/2003-23/3/2004: professional training course “Expert in methods and technologies of archaeological research”, linked to the Regional Operative Program of the European Social Fund, at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

-6/7/2001: High School leaving qualification in Classical Studies (vote 87/100) at Liceo Classico Primo Levi of Montebelluna (TV).





Umma (Iraq): 8/4-22/4/2022; 3-14/12/2022: Umma Survey Project

Archaeological missions in the Umma region, under the direction of Dr. Stephanie Rost (City University of New York). Drawing of pottery and finds. Finds registrar. 


2017-2023: Tello Project & British Museum Iraq Emergency Heritage Management Training Scheme

21/3-23/5/2017 (Tello/London); 5/10-20/11/2017 (Tello);

1/10-6/12/2018 (Tello);

6/2-15/3/2019; 15/10-30/11/2019 (Tello);

1/1-31/1/2020; 14/2-15/3/2020; 25/6-23/7/2020; 2/11-13/12/2020;

28/12/2020-1/2/2021; 1/3-28/3/2021; 1/4-28/4/2021;

16/10-9/12/2021 (Tello);

8/3/-8/4/2022 (Tello);


15/10-2/12/2022 (Tello)


Seven archaeological campaigns, directed by S. Rey, British Museum, at Tello/ancient Girsu (Iraq) and post-excavations contracts. Small finds registrar. Analysis of glyptic and terracotta finds. Illustrator of pottery and glyptic finds. Digital editing of plans and sections. Training in the archaeological drawing of pottery for Iraqi participants. Study and illustrations of objects from past French excavations in preparation for the monograph on the excavations.


2015-2016, 2018-2022: Land of Nineveh Archaeological Project

-Duhok, Gir-e Gomel, Faida, Maltai, Gali Zerdak (Iraqi Kurdistan)

18/1-8/3/2015; 5/8-15/10/2016; 8/8-24/9/2018; 15/8-12/10/2019; 16/8-15/10/2021; 15/8-14/10/2022.

Six archaeological campaigns, directed by Professor Daniele Morandi Bonacossi, Udine University. Analysis of glyptic. Illustrator of pottery and objects.

2020-2022: drawings of Faida and Maltai Neo-Assyrian rock reliefs and reconstruction of their original scenes. Drawing of Gali Zerdak rock relief.


2012-2017: Italian-Georgian Shida-Kartli Archaeological Project

-Natsargora (Georgia): 15/6-6/8/2012.

-Aradetis Orgora (Georgia): 15/6-3/8/2014; 17/6-4/8/2015; 17/6-1/8/2016; 17/6-31/7/2017.

Participation in the archaeological campaigns directed by Professor Elena Rova, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Illustrator of pottery and objects.


1/4-20/5/2009; 24/9-28/10/2010: Syro-European Archaeological Mission at Tell Beydar (Syria)

Participation in the archaeological campaigns directed by Marc Lebeau and Antoine Suleiman.

Analysis and drawing of Early Bronze Age clay sealings.

January-February 2013: ink drawing of the archaeological finds from the 2010 season for the European Centre for Upper Mesopotamian Studies.


18/4-1/7/2008: Tell Sabi Abyad (Syria), Project of Leiden University in The Netherlands

Participation in the archaeological campaign directed by Professor Peter Akkermans, Leiden University.

Analysis and drawing of the Late Neolithic pottery. Supervisor: dr. O. Nieuwenhuyse.



-Daniele Morandi Bonacossi, Hasan Ahmad Qasim, Costanza Coppini, Katia Gavagnin, Elisa Girotto, Marco Iamoni, Cristina Tonghini, “The Italian-Kurdish Excavations at Gir-e Gomel in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Preliminary Report on the 2017 and 2018 field seasons”, Mesopotamia 53 (2018), 67-162. ISSN:0076-6615.

-Elena Rova, Katia Gavagnin, Elisa Girotto, Monica Tonussi, “Archeologia del Vicino Oriente antico a Ca’ Foscari: dalla Mesopotamia al Caucaso” in L. Sperti (ed.), Atti della “Giornata dellʼArcheologia”, Venice, 07/04/2016, Studi e ricerche 11, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari – Digital Publishing 2017. ISBN 978-88-6969-189-8

-Girotto E., “The Symbolism of Fire in War in Ancient Mesopotamia”, in P. Bielinski et alii (eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, vol. 3, Wiesbaden 2014, 73-91. ISBN 978-3-447-10175-2

-Girotto E., “La glittica come espressione d’identità culturale? Il caso dei sigilli cilindrici mesopotamici all’inizio del III millennio a.C.”, in G. Baldacci, E. M. Ciampini, E. Girotto, G. Masaro (a cura di), Percorsi identitari tra Mediterraneo e Vicino Oriente Antico. Contributi del Dottorato in Storia Antica e Archeologia, Padova 2013, 123-157. + editing of the volume.

ISBN: 9788895672311

Girotto E., “Immagini in potenza, immagini di potenza: la battaglia di Til Tuba e la narrazione continua…”, in C. Antonetti et alii (a cura di), Comunicazione e linguaggi. Contributi della Scuola di Dottorato in Scienze Umanistiche. Indirizzo in Storia antica e Archeologia, Padova 2011, 67-93.

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWF9WLSuJo4) ISBN: 978-88-95672199



-Venice, 7/4/2016, “Giornata dell’Archeologia”, Department of Humanities at Ca’ Foscari University, paper: “Tell Beydar: catalogue and preliminary analysis of the glyptic of the 3rd millennium BC”.

-Warsaw, 30/4-4/5 2012, “International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East”, paper: “The Symbolism of Fire in War in Ancient Mesopotamia”.

-Rome, 4-8/7/2011, “Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale”, paper: “Rope and Yoke in Ancient Mesopotamia: Variations on a long-lasting Image”.

-25/5/2011, Venice, Department of Humanities at Caʼ Foscari University, Seminary “Identity Paths between Mediterranean Sea and Near East”, paper: “Glyptic as Cultural Identity Expression? The Case of the Mesopotamian Cylinder Seals at the beginning of the 3rd Millennium BC”.

-4/11/2010, Venice, Department of Humanities at Caʼ Foscari University, Seminary “Communication and Languages”, paper: “Potential and Potent Images: The Battle of Till Tuba and the Continuing Narrative” and the video “The Battle of Til Tuba and the Triumph of Ashurbanipal” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWF9WLSuJo4)