- Position
- Associate Professor
- Roles
Interim Rector's delgate to Public engagement
Vice-Rector for Communication and Research Knowledge Valorisation
- Telephone
- 041 234 7234
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Linguistica italiana [LIFI-01/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/alessio.cotugno (personal record)
- Office
Department of Humanities
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.humanities
Where: Malcanton Marcorà
ALESSIO COTUGNO is associate professor of Italian Linguistics at the Department of Humanities at Ca' Foscari University of Venice, where he is a member of the PhD Committee of Italian Studies. After graduating in Humanities (History of the Italian Language) from Ca’ Foscari, in 2007 he obtained a PhD in Philology, History of the Italian Language and Literature at the Scuola Superiore per l'Alta Formazione Universitaria of the University of Naples Federico II (as part of the consortium with Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane - SUM). He completed his training with a study period at the University of Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) and a research internship at LEI-Lessico Etimologico Italiano (Saarland University), of which he later became a collaborator.
His research interests mainly concern the history of intellectual vocabulary (16th-19th century); the history of literaty and philosophical translation (with special attention to 16th century translations from Greek [Aristotle] and Latin [Ovid]); the theory and history of rhetoric; the history of linguistic thought in Italy (16th-19th century); historical stylistics. He has published numerous scientific works on these topics, including two monographs, a critical edition, and a commentary. He organised (alone or in collaboration) two international study days and one international seminar. He has been invited as a speaker to more than twenty conferences, in Italy and abroad, and he has held lectures and seminars by invitation for BA/MA and PhD students at various universities.
He is on the scientific committee of Edizioni Studium and is part of the editorial board of five scientific journals. He also directs the series "Profili di parole" (Marcianum Press, Venice) and is a member of the scientific board of the series "La balestriglia" (University of Naples "Federico II") and "Warwick Studies in Renaissance thought and culture" (Brepols).
He held a Marie Curie research fellowship (IEF) at the University of Warwick (2014-16), where he was later a postdoctoral researcher (2017-18), and an annual fellowship at Villa I Tatti-the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies (2018-19). He was a research fellow in Italian Linguistics (and History of Philosophy) at Ca' Foscari (2008-11; 2012-13; 2016-17), where he also worked as a contract professor of Italian Linguistics (2002-03; 2007-08; 2010-15; 2017-18). He taught courses in the same subject at the Iuav University of Venice (2006-09) and the University of Udine (2007-09) and taught History of the Italian Language and Medieval Literature at the University of Warwick (2015-16).
He is part of the interuniversity research group Cinquecento plurale (Rome) and has collaborated in the following research groups and projects of national and international importance:
- PRIN 2006 Cultura materiale e intellettuale: intersezioni lingua-dialetto tra lessico e fraseologia (2007-09)
- Leverhulme International Network Renaissance Conflict and Rivalries (2012-15)
- The Early Modern Boundaries project, funded by the British Academy (2015-17)
- ERC Starting Grant 2013 Aristotle in the Italian Vernacular (2015-19).
In 2015 he won (together with D. Lines) the University of Warwick Impact Development Award.
In 2018 and in 2021 he obtained a 3 year honorary research fellowship at the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance, University of Warwick.
Sientific director of the Venice research unit of the PRIN 2022 MED.ITA - «Medieval Latin Documentation and Digital Italo-Romance Lexicography. Integrated Resources for the New Historical and Etymological Lexicography» (2023-2025, € 213.992).
He is a member of the Advisory board of the project Writing Bilingually, 1465-1700. Self-Translated Books in Italy and France, the Warburg Institute (PI: S. Miglietti, 2022-2025).
He holds the National Scientific Qualification as a first level professor 10/F3 (Italian Linguistics and Philology, 2021).
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