- Position
- Full Professor
- Roles
Member of the technical-scientific Committee of the Ca' Foscari Challenge School (DAIS)
President of the Senatorial commission for institutional relations with non-European countries
Deputy-Rector delegate for Relations with territory
- Telephone
- 041 234 8548 / 041 234 8627
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Chimica dell'ambiente e dei beni culturali [CHEM-01/B]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/marcom (personal record)
- Office
Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.dais
Where: Campus scientifico via Torino
Room: office 326 (Epsilon bulding, 3rd floor)
- Sicurezza
Preposto di Laboratorio
Responsabile dell’Attività di Didattica e Ricerca in Laboratorio (RDRL)
Antonio Marcomini is full professor of Environmental Chemistry at the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice since 2000. Graduated from the University of Padua, he was post-doctoral fellow at the University of Toronto, Lash Miller Chemical Institute, Canada (1982-83), and then research associate at the Polytechnic of Zurich, ETH-EAWAG, Switzerland (1985-86). Coordinator/partner of several international and national research projects (see CV), he is author/coauthor of over 300 papers published in international peer reviewed journals, editor and coauthor of two books. According to SCOPUS and Google Scholar, his H-index over the 1986-2020 period are 64 and 78, respectively. Member of national (e.g. Ministry of the Environment, Venice Water Authority) and international (e.g. European Science Foundation, European Environmental Agency) advisory/expert committees on chemical environmental quality, environmental risk assessment, definition and implementation of environmental quality standards, master plan of contaminated megasites, etc., he is currently past-president of the Division of Environmental and Cultural Heritage Chemistry of SCI (Italian Society of Chemistry), national delegate in the Division of Chemistry and the Environment (DCE) of EuchemS (European Chemical Societies), dean of CoRiLa (Coordination of Research on the Lagoon of Venice), director of the masters in Environmental rehabilitation and recovery of contaminated sites and Science and techniques for the prevention and environmental safety (STEPS-HSE). In the years 2014-2020 he was director of the Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics and a member of the Academic Senate; since 2020, he is vice-rector of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
Awards: Ca' Foscari Research award (2012), Medal Arnaldo Liberti (2014), Medal Meadows&Feller (2022).
Curriculum Vitae
Main research projects developed/under development over the last 10 years:
SUNRISE – Safe and sUstainable by desigN: IntegRated approaches for Impact aSsesment of advanced matErials (2024-2028 project ID: 101137324) funded by the Horizon Europe programme CL 4-2023 Resilience - 01-22 and coordinated by Ca’ Foscari University – Prof. Marcomini.
PHOTOPLAST – PHOTOtransformation of PLASTic particles in the environment, PRIN2022 (2023).
SUNSHINE – Safe and sUstainable by desigN Strategies for HIgh performance multi-component NanomatErials (2020-2024 project ID: 952924) funded by the European Horizon 2020 programme and coordinated by Ca’ Foscari University – Prof. Marcomini.
EMERGE – Evaluation, control and Mitigation of the EnviRonmental impacts of shippinG Emissions (2020-2024 project ID: 874990) funded by the European Horizon 2020 programme.
RiskGONE – Risk Governance of Nanotechnology (2019-2023 project ID: 814425) funded by the European Horizon 2020 programme.
APACHE – Active & intelligent PAckaging materials and display cases as a tool for preventive conservation of Cultural Heritage (2019-2022 project ID: 814496) funded by the European Horizon 2020 programme.
BIORIMA – BIOmaterial RIsk Management (2017-2021 project ID: 760928) funded by the European Horizon 2020 programme.
caLIBRAte – Performance testing, calibration and implementation of a next generation system-of-systems Risk Governance Framework for nanomaterials (2016-2019, project ID 686239) funded by the European Horizon 2020 programme.
NanoFASE – Nanomaterial FAte and Speciation in the Environment (2015–2019, project ID 646002) funded by the European Horizon 2020 programme.
NANORESTART – NANOmaterials for the REStoration of works of ART (2015–2019, project ID 646063) funded by the European Horizon 2020 programme.
SUN – Sustainable Nanotechnology, (2013–2017, contract number 604305) funded by the European 7th Framework Program and coordinated by Ca’ Foscari University – Prof. Marcomini.
4FUN – Demonstration and exploitation of most promising prototypes and tool derived from European research actitivities (2012-2015, contract number 308440) funded by the European 7th Framework Programme
ECONANOSORB – Ecological application of nanosorbents on the base of natural and synthetic ionites and carbons (2012-2016, contract number 295260) funded by the European 7th Framework Program.
ITS-NANO Intelligent Testing Strategies for nanomaterials impact and exposure - towards regulation and clustering of materials (2012-2013, contract number 290589) funded by the European 7th Framework Programme.
TIMBRE – Tailored Improvement of Brownfield Regeneration in Europe (2011-2014, contract number 265364) funded by the European 7th Framework Programme.
CLIMRUN – Climate Local Information in the Mediterranean region: Responding to User Needs (2011-2014, project ID 265192) funded by the European 7th Framework Programme.
AMORE – Multi-Criteria Analysis for the Development of a Decision Support Tool for the Environmental Risks Prevention (2009-2012) funded by the French National Research Academy.
KULTURISK – Knowledge-based approach to develop a cULTUre of Risk prevention, funded by the European 7th Framework Program (2011-2014 contract No 265280)
EPSEI – Evaluating Policies for Sustainable Energy Investments: towards an integrated approach on national and international stage, funded by the European 7th FP PEOPLE, Marie Curie IRSES (2011-2015).
GLOCOM – Global Partners in Contaminated Land Management, funded by the European 7th FP PEOPLE, Marie Curie IRSES (2011-2015, contract number 269233) and coordinated by Ca’ Foscari University – Prof. Marcomini.
NANOFORART – NANO-materials FOR the conservation and preservation of movable and immovable ARTworks (2011 – 2014) funded by the European 7th Framework Programme.
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