Alberto URBANI

Full Professor
Member of the Department of Economics' Committee
Vice Director of the Department of Economics
041 234 7675
Scientific sector (SSD)
Diritto dell'economia [GIUR-03/A]
Website (personal record)
Department of Economics
Where: San Giobbe

Full Professor in Economic Law, Financial and agri-food markets Law, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (CFUV), Department of Economics.

Chairs in Banking Law, Banking Regulation, Company and Business Law.

(1990) Jurisprudence Degree, University Tor Vergata Rome, grade 110/110 cum laude.

Scholarship of “Residenza Universitaria Lamaro-Pozzani of Rome”, Federazione Nazionale dei Cavalieri del Lavoro.

Visiting Student: (1985) Israel, Univ. of Jerusalem, Bethlehem Univ.; (1987) China, Univ. of Pechino, Univ. of Shanghai, Univ. of Hong Kong; (1988) Egypt, Cairo University.

(1992) Scholarship of Bank of Italy.

(1997-2010) Assistant Professor in Company Law, CFUV.

(2009) Associate professorship in Economic Law – Faculty of Economics, University of Naple Parthenope.

(2010-2017) Associate Professor in Economic Law, CFUV.

(2014) National qualification as Full Professor in Economic Law.

(2017-Present) Full Professor in Economic Law, CFUV.

Dean of Teaching Board of Master's Degree in Economics and Finance, CFUV.

Member of the Professors Board of PhD Degree in Law, Market and Person, CFUV.

(a.y. 2015/16) Member of the Professors Board of Master in Analysis and evaluation of public policies, organized by CFUV and by Senate of Italian Republic.

(2011-2014) Member of Academic Senate, CFUV.

Member of Discipline Board, CFUV.

Director of Ricerche giuridiche.

Member of the Editorial Staff or of the Scientific committee for the evaluation of: Banca Borsa Titoli di Credito; Rivista trimestrale di diritto dell’economia; Giurisprudenza commerciale; series: Strumenti e modelli di diritto dell’economia, Cacucci, Bari; Studi di diritto dell’economia, Utet, Torino.

(1987-Present) Free Lance Journalist.

(1992-1997) Bank of Italy employee, Venice Office (Supervision Office).

(1997-Present) Italian Qualified Lawyer.

(2012) “Commendatore” to the Merit of the Italian Republic.