- Position
- Associate Professor
- Telephone
- 041 234 6027
masterim@unive.it - MASTER SULL'IMMIGRAZIONE
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- 041 524 6793
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Sociologia generale [GSPS-05/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/fabio.perocco (personal record)
- Office
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.fbc
Where: Malcanton Marcorà
Fabio Perocco, ph.d. in sociology, is an associate professor of sociology at University of Venice, Department of Philosphy and Cultural Heritage. He is the coordinator of the Laboratory for Social Research (www.unive.it/laris) and director of Master on Migration Studies. Current teaching: Theories and analysis of inequalities; Sociology of racism; Sociology of migration; Sociological theories.
He is a member of the editorial board of the series “Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship” (Palgrave-Macmillan), “Migration politics” (Angeli), of the editorial board of the journals “Travail, Emploi, Formation”, “Hijra”, “Revue des Migrations Africaines et Diasporas”, co-director of the series “Society and social transformations” (Venice University Press), editor-in-chief of the journal “Inequalities”.
His research interests are inequalities, migration, racism, transformations of work. On these topics he has been conducting or partecipated in a number of research projects for international organizations, including: European Commission-DG Research (Framework Program V, Framework Program VI, Framework Program VII; Horizon 2020; Horizon Europe), European Commission-DG Employment (Program Industrial relations and social dialogue; EaSI Programme), European Commission-DG Home (Program Isec), International Organization for Migrations, European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia, Fundamental Rights Agency, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Italian Ministry of Health, Italian Ministry of University and Research.
He is the author of about 220 publications (monographs, chapters, articles, editorships) in various languages: Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic. List of all publications: https://www.unive.it/data/people/5592442/pubb_anno.
He is currently involved in the European projects "Posting.Stat 2.0" (on posted workers in Europe), "EXIT" (on territorial inequalities in Europe and on the so-called left behind places), "MORE" (on return and readmission policies of undocumented migrants).
- MORE. Motivations, experiences and consequences of returns and readmissions policy: revealing and developing effective alternatives, Horizon EC DG Reearch 2023-2025.
- EXIT. Exploring sustainable strategies to counteract territorial inequalities from an intersectional approach, Horizon EC DG Reearch 2022-2024.
- Info-Pow. Assessment of the channels of information and their use in the posting of workers, EC DG Employment 2022-2023.
- PowBridge. Bridging the gap between legislation and practice in the Posting of Workers, EC DG Employment, 2020-2022.
- Con3Post. Posting of Third Country Nationals. Mapping the Trend in the Construction Sector, EC DG Employment, 2019-2021.
-Poosh. Occupational Safety and Health of Posted Worker, EC DG Employment, 2016-2018.
-L’Hiv in carcere. Hiv in prison, Viiv, 2016-2017.
-Internstage. Internships, work placements, volunteering, EC DG Employment, 2014-2015.
-Citispyce. Combating inequalities through innovative social practices of and for young people in cities of Europe, EC DG Research 7th FP, 2013-2016.
-Cosa ne sai? La conoscenza dell’Hiv-Aids tra i gruppi vulnerabili, Ministero della Salute, 2013-2014.
-Facilitating corporate social responsibility in the field of human trafficking, EC DG Home, 2013-2014.
-Linkage. Labour market integration or vulnerable workers, EC DG Employment, 2012-2013.
-Application of National Roma Integration Strategy, Cospe - Fundamental Rights Agency, 2013.
-Social thematic study on the situation of Roma in the EU, Cospe - Fundamental Rights Agency, 2013.
-Craw. Challenging racism at work, EC DG Employment, 2012-2013.
-Le condizioni del riconoscimento. Genere, migrazioni, spazi sociali, Miur - Prin 2009.
-Precstude. Precarious work among students in Europe, EC DG Employment, 2011-2012.
-European responses to forced labour, LondonMet - Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2011.
-Team. Trade unions, economic change and active inclusion of migrant workers, EC DG Employment, 2010-2012.
-Assessing the impact of the Racial Equality Directive 43/2000 in the EU, Fundamental Rights Agency, 2009-2010.
-Forme e dinamiche del ricongiungimento familiare in provincia di Venezia, Fondazione Venezia, Prefettura di Venezia, 2009.
-UWT. Undocumented Workers Transitions, EC DG Research 6th FP, 2007-2009.
-Le condizioni sociali e le attività degli anziani a Cavallino-Treporti, Marcon e Quarto d’Altino, Regione Veneto, 2006-2007.
-Disagio psichico e classi sociali a Venezia, Ulss 12 veneziana, 2006-2008.
-Racism and Employment in Italy. Special Study 2000-2005, European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenofobia, 2006.
-Racism and Employment in Italy, European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenofobia, 2004-2007.
-Inclusione ed esclusione sociale delle donne immigrate in provincia di Bolzano, Provincia autonoma di Bolzano, 2005-2006.
-L’immigrazione straniera in provincia di Venezia. Inserimento lavorativo e accesso ai servizi per l’impiego, Provincia di Venezia, 2005.
-Ritu. Racism and Trade Unions, EC DG Research – 5th FP, 2003-2005.
-L’immigrazione maghrebina in Italia: inserimento lavorativo e integrazione sociale, Organizzazione Internazionale delle Migrazioni, 2003-2004.
-Tossicodipendenza e immigrazione, Comune di Padova - Regione Veneto, 2001-2002.
-L’immigrazione albanese in Italia: inserimento lavorativo e integrazione sociale, Organizzazione Internazionale delle Migrazioni, 2001.
-Alcol e immigrazione, Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche - Ulss 9 Treviso, 1998-1999
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