- Position
- Full Professor
- Telephone
- 041 234 7742 / 041 234 7746
- Fax
- 041 528 1494
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Ecologia [BIOS-05/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/voghi (personal record)
- Office
Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.dais
Where: Campus scientifico via Torino
Room: office Z.C28 (Zeta C building)
- Sicurezza
Preposto di Laboratorio
Responsabile dell’Attività di Didattica e Ricerca in Laboratorio (RDRL)
Born in Gorizia, February 13th 1960, Resid. in Isola di Mazzorbo 7/d, 30142 Venezia (Italy). Nationality Italian.
Associate Professor, Cà Foscari University (UniVe) (full-time position) and Head of the Research Laboratory of Ecotoxicology. Member of Res. Institutes for Green and Blue Growth and for Complexity of UniVe http://www.unive.it/data/persone/5592348, ORCID 0000-0002-8834-2595
1985 – Graduated in Biological Sciences, Univ. of Modena, 110 cum laude
1987-1990 - Grant holder at Env. Science Depart, UniVe (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei)
2018 - Abilitation to full professor, competitive sector 05/C1 – Ecology (Bando 2016, D.D. 1532/2016)
2014 - Abilitation to full professor, competitive sector 05/C1 – Ecology (Bando 2012, D.D. n. 222/2012).
2003-today - Associate Professor, UniVe. Part-time position for maternity (2010-2012).
2001- She qualified to Associate Professor (Ecology, SSD BIO/07) (Univ. of Tuscia, VT).
1993-2003 - Research scientist in Ecology, Faculty of Science, UniVe and Lecturer of Applied Ecology.
1991-1992 - Contract Researcher at Env. Science Depart, Faculty of Science, UniVe.
Main research interests: Marine/Estuarine Ecotoxicology, Bioindication, Ecology of Transition Environments, Biotechnologies for pollutants control.
Period 2015–today. Experim. Research activity address Marine/Estuarine Ecotoxicology to focus both on the study of subchronic/chronic effects for planctonic and benthic crustacean key species and on bioaccum. of emerging pollutants (neonicotinoids, pharmaceuticals, rare earth elements) with particular attention to sea birds as organisms, located in the apical position of the food web, as the best indicators to be used to detect possible pollut. biomagnification. Research has been directed also towards more technol/practical objectives of Ecotoxicology developing approaches to assess the environ. impacts of nano-remediation technologies, of nano-based products used in the restoration of works of art and cultural heritage and, more recently to assess the environ. compatibility of wood protection technologies used in the aquatic environments and of technologies used for reducing environ. impacts of shipping emissions.
Period 1995-2015 Scient. activity was focused on Marine/Estuarine Ecotoxicology and Bioindication with extensive experiences in the development/standardization of ecotoxicol. methods and integrated tools of assessment (battery of bioassays, toxicity scores and multimetric indexes) employed in the study of pollutants ecotoxicity, sediment quality assessment, wastewater control, impact of materials used in maritime works and nanomaterials. Focus of the research was the development, standardization and transfer at the national within UNICHIM and internat. level of “Early Life Stages” toxicity testing with echinoids and bivalves developed for marine/lagoonal environments. Particular attention was paid to the development of methods for sediment sampling/preparation of test matrices. She was also working on trace metals and POPs micropollutants’ bioaccumulation in marine benthic organisms and on Biotecnologies for pollution control (behavior of heavy metals in biol. WWT plants, microfauna pop. dynamics, ecotoxicology applied to BATs efficiency evaluation). In collaboration with CNR-ISMAR she has also provided scientific contributions to the classification of the types lagoon for the WFD 2000/60/EC.
Scientific production: Author/coauthor of 155 publications, 80 of them in peer-review international journals and more than 150 platform/posters present. at Congresses. Scient. production is distributed in 30 ISI journals (90% of publications are Q1 or Q2). H-index: 28 according to SCOPUS; 32 according to Google Scholar. Citations: 2202 (SCOPUS); 3005 (Google Scholar).
Coordin/Scient. Responsibility/Participation in internat. res. projects: 1) Interreg Ita-Slovenia DURASOFT (Coord. for UniVe, 2020-22); 2) Project H2020 “Evaluation, control and Mitigation of the EnviRonmental impacts of shippinG Emissions - EMERGE (2021-23); 3) Project NANORESTART, H2020-NMP-2014-two-stage (2017-18); 4) PB.PP02.001 RITMARE Flag Project-Shipworm Project (2014-15), MIUR; 5) ESSEM COST Action ES1403 NEREUS (Coord. for UniVE, 2014-18), EU; 6) ESSEM COST Action ES1205 ENTER (2013-17), EU; 7) Res. Project Univ. de Nice-Sophia Antipolis (2008-09); 8) ECOGOVERNANCE, Interreg Adriatic Cross-border Project (Coord. for UniVE, 2007-09); 9) EU-FP6 (SPICOSA)”(2008-09); 10) Interreg IIIA Slovenia-Italy PORT.PUL project (2006-08).
Coordin/Scient. Responsibility/Participation in nation. res. projects: 1) Res. program "Venice 2021", Line 2.3: Emerging contaminants in the lagoon, exposure and effects (2019-22); 2) Res. program "Venice 2021", Line 2.1: Quality of lagoon sediment to support its sustainable management (2019-22); 3) UniVe project SPIN -AWExPHARMA. Assessing Wild-birds Exposure to active PHARMAceutical ingredients (2019-20); 4) UniVe Project “Added-value chemical products and energy from bio-waste: integrated processes for a circular econ. approach” (2017-18); 5) Project Tresse est (2015-16), APV; 6) TA.P05.015, CNR-ISMAR; 7) Only Energy (2009-11), Veneto Region; 8) Venice Lagoon morphological plan (2007-09), Co.Ri.La; 9) Indicators &Indices for env. quality of L. of Venice (2004-08), Co.Ri.La.; 10) IZS SA 08/2000 (2002-04), Min. of Health; 11) SERtech (2002-04), MURST; 12) MURST “Prod. change and vulnerability of Adriatic trans. aquatic environ. (1999-2001); 13) Simulids Project in Friuli (1997-98), Friuli Region; 14) MURST “Biodiv. Cons. and sustain. manag. of the brackish biotopes of the Ital. coasts (1997-99); 15) Recov. P. Campalto Saltmarsh (1995-96), MAV-CVN; 16) MURST Venet. Lagoon System Project (1993-96).
Participation in editorial boards of journals: Guest editor of a special issue of Ecotox. Environ. Safety Vol. 156, (March 2018) (BECOME 2016) (2016-17); Guest editor of a special issue of Ecotox. Environ. Safety Vol. 123, (Jan. 2016) (BECOME 2014).
Courses at Bachelor's/Master's Degrees in Environ. Sciences, UniVe: Biomonit. and Environm. Biotecnologies, Ecology II and lab, Interd.Practical Activities in the Field (from AY 2017-18). Marine Ecotoxicology; Ecotoxicology; Biomon. and Bioindicators, Applied Ecology (From AY 1997-98 to 2016-17). Research assistant (Fund. of Ecological Systems Analysis, Ecology, Applied Ecology, Summer school in the field) (1993-03). Scient. Supervision/tutoring: Supervisor of 1 RtdA (SSD BIO/07), 9 res. grant holders (2001-today), 11 PhD Thesis and 9 Master students and Scholarships.
DAIS Delegate for Accessibility, Disability and Inclusion (2021-today), Member of the Res. Steering Committee of DAIS (2016-today); Member of PhD Council in Env. Science (2014-today); Member of the Steering Committees for the Master's Diploma (2nd level) in “Contaminated land assessment and remediation” (Ca’ Foscari Chall. School, eds. 2010-11, 2012-13, 2018-19) and for the Interun. Master's Diploma (2nd level) in “REACH (EC 1907/2006)” (Ca’ Foscari Chall. School, eds. 2010-11, 2011-12); Coordinator/Organizer, as delegate of the Rector of Univ. Cà Foscari, of the Intern. Interuniversity Master’s Diploma (1st level) in "Ecogovernance of lagoon ecosystems of the Adriatic Basin " (2008-09); Member of the Board of Professors for the Master's Degree in Environ. Science/coordinator of bio-ecological area (UNIVE) (2004-07).
Member of the steering committee of the Commission "Water quality-Biological Methods", WG "Saltwater/brackish water and sediments" and National Coordinator for the ad hoc group "Sampling, matrices and environments" (UNICHIM/ISPRA). Participation in commissions for Res. Positions, Res. Fellowships and PhD selection: 1) Italian Universities: RtDA position SSD BIO/07 (Uni Bologna, 2021); PhD Comm. in Ecology (Uni Parma, 2016); PhD Comm. in Ecology and Evolut. Biology (UniMoRe, 2009); PhD Comm. in Fundamental Ecology (Uni Salento, 2008); Researcher position SSD BIO/07 (UniMoRe,2002); Researcher position SSD BIO/07 (Uni Urbino, 2000); 2) CNR-ISMAR: President of Comm. for an Art.23 (modellistic, 2017); Member of Comm. for 2 res. fellowships (marine benthos/plankton, 2014); President of the Comm. for an Art.23 (Env.Chemistry, 2008); 3) Italian Research Institutes: Member of the Comm. for a Researcher position (ecotoxicology, III level) at A. Dorhn Zool. Station, Naples (2019); President of the Comm. for 2 fellowships at ICRAM, Rome (1998).
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