Full Professor
041 234 6247
Scientific sector (SSD)
Storia dell'arte moderna [ARTE-01/B]
Website (personal record)
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Where: Malcanton Marcorà
Centro Studi sull'Arte Russa (CSAR)
Where: Malcanton Marcorà

Giuseppe Barbieri is from 2005 full professor of Modern Art History at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, where he was the head of the Department of Art History and Cultural Heritage Conservation “G. Mazzariol” (2008-2011) and of Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage (2016-2023). He has directed the inter-university doctoral school (Ca' Foscari-IUAV-Verona-Moscow) in Arts History. In the past, he taught courses in History of Classical Tradition in European Art and History of Art Literature at the University of Udine.
He is co-director of CSAR (Centre for Studies in Russian Art), at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
He was a member of the Academic Senate (2009-2012; 2016-2023). From 2009 to 2014, he was the rector’s delegate for the Venice University Pole and for University Exhibition Activities. He is a member of the scientific committee of the International Centre for Contemporary Art of Punta della Dogana. He authored and curated more than fifty books and organised numerous exhibitions in Venice, Vicenza, Milan, Madrid, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Gorizia, Florence.
His expertise in art history is confirmed by numerous monographs, over one hundred essays and hundreds of articles, mostly on Renaissance treatises, the history of architecture and urbanism in the modern age (buildings and architecture from the thirteenth to the twenty-first century, particularly early modern villas and gardens), some important issues of Renaissance iconography, as well as on the enhancement of the artistic and cultural heritage. He also worked on more contemporary figures and contexts, as testified by his long collaboration with the William Congdon Foundation (Milan-Washington), dedicated to one of the most fascinating American painters of the 20th century, Russian art, from tradition of ancient icons to contemporary scenarios. He coordinated several initiatives and collaborations between Ca’ Foscari and the main Venetian institutions in the field of contemporary art: Palazzo Grassi, Punta della Dogana, Fondazione Guggenheim, Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Fondazione Prada and Fondazione Biennale di Venezia.
Over the two last decades, he has become a reference in the field of multimedia and ICT approaches to art and the cultural heritage. In 2007 and 2009, he sat in the Programming Committee of the National Conference of the GARR Consortium ("Network Humanitatis”: Rome 2007, Naples 2009) and organised several international conferences (Udine, Trieste, Venice, Pordenone) on the relationship between artistic culture, multimedia and innovative fruition. He also promoted a number of innovative devices in the exhibitions he curated.