- Position
- Full Professor
- Roles
President, Rector's Delegate, of the Council of the University Library System
- Telephone
- 041 234 5721
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Filologia e linguistica germanica [GERM-01/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/mbuzzoni (personal record)
- Office
Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.dslcc
Where: Ca' Bembo
- Office
University Library Services
Website: https://www.unive.it/libraries
Office hours
Office Hours, 2nd semester (a.y. 2024-2025)
In-person office hours: Wednesday, 10.30 AM, Ca' Bembo - second floor (only by appointment).
You can also set an appointment for an online meeting (via GMeet) by sending an e-mail to mbuzzoni@unive.it.
STORIA E PRINCIPI DELLA CRITICA DEL TESTO - [LT7060] (288238): Progetti Fondazione Cini
Published on 06/02/2025
Care Studenti e Cari Studenti, vi annuncio con molto piacere che martedì 11 febbraio, all'inizio della lezione, interverrà il laureando in filologia germanica Marco Bozza che vi presenterà due Progetti della Fondazione Cini riguardanti la biblioteca e gli archivi digitali, in uno dei quali è coinvolto personalmente. Un esempio di applicazione concreta di quanto state apprendendo sul testo, nella sua versione analogica e digitale.
FILOLOGIA GERMANICA 2 MOD. 2 - [LM0360-2] (288250): Off we go!
Published on 03/02/2025
Dear Students,
I look forward to seeing many of you on Wednesday, February 5th, at 12:15 PM (Sala Audio 1 Palazzo Cosulich) to embark on a fantastic journey through the condition of women, children, and impaired people in Anglo-Saxon England, approached with the most modern methodological tools. Don't miss this opportunity! I remind those who haven't done so yet to enroll in the Moodle classroom: https://moodle.unive.it/user/index.php?id=21766. See you on Wednesday!
FILOLOGIA GERMANICA 1 MOD. 1 - [LM5550] (288244): Ready to start?
Published on 02/02/2025
Dear Students,
I look forward to seeing many of you on Tuesday, February 4th, at 3:45 PM (Aula Saoneria) to embark on a fantastic journey through Germanic languages and the texts produced in those languages, approached with the most modern methodological tools. Don't miss this opportunity! I remind those who haven't done so yet to enroll in the Moodle classroom: https://moodle.unive.it/user/index.php?id=21821
Published on 02/02/2025
Care/i Studenti,
vi aspetto numerose/i martedì 4 febbraio in aula Rio Novo alle ore 14.00 per iniziare un sorprendente viaggio nella testualità attraverso epoche, aree geografiche e metodologie differenti. Ricordo a chi non lo avesse ancora fatto di iscriversi all'aula Moodle del corso: https://moodle.unive.it/course/view.php?id=22248. A martedì!
FILOLOGIA GERMANICA 2 MOD. 2 - [LM0360-2] (288250): Please enroll in the Moodle classroom
Published on 28/01/2025
Dear Students,
this module will offer you an engaging journey through real-life themes of the medieval world: the condition of women, childhood and play, and disability. These topics will be explored with reference to sources in their original language. Furthermore, tools for the virtual reconstruction of texts, places, and cultural heritage assets will be presented, with significant attention given to the use of AI in philological studies. To optimize practical activities, I invite students planning to attend the course to enroll in the Moodle classroom as soon as possible (https://moodle.unive.it/course/view.php?id=21766#section-1). Note that the classroom is still under construction.
I look forward to seeing many of you, motivated and eager!
Marina Buzzoni