Elisabetta ZENDRI
- Position
- Full Professor
- Telephone
- 041 234 6730
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Chimica dell'ambiente e dei beni culturali [CHEM-01/B]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/elizen (personal record)
- Office
Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.dais
Where: Campus scientifico via Torino
Room: office 117 (Epsilon building, 1st floor)
- Sicurezza
Preposto di Laboratorio
Responsabile dell’Attività di Didattica e Ricerca in Laboratorio (RDRL)
Professor of Chemistry for the conservation (degree programme in Technologies for Conservation and Restoration)
1988: Degree in Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, Cà Foscari University, Venice
Professor of Materials in Contemporary Art, National PhD In Heritage Science, curriculum “Contemporary Art"
. Since 2025 elected President of the Division of Environmental and Cultural Heritage Chemistry of SCI (Italian Society of Chemistry)
· From 2022 to 2024 Member of the PhD Board in Heritage Science, La Sapienza University (Rome)
· Since 2015 Member of the Research Committee of the Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics of the Ca’ Foscari University, Venice.
· Since 2017 Member of the Teaching Committee of the Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics of the Ca’ Foscari University, Venice.
· From 2017 to 2023 Coordinator of the Master’s Degree Programme in Conservation Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage and in Conservation and Restoration Chemistry (Ca’ Foscari University, Venice).
· From 2015 to 2017 Coordinator of the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Conservation and Restoration Technologies (Ca’ Foscari University, Venice)
· Scientific coordinator of a research line in the project "Tangible Cultural Heritage vs sustainable Tourism”, PE5 CHANGES, SPOKE 9 – CULTURAL RESOURCES FOR SUSTAINABLE TOURISM, National Recovery and Resilience Plan NRRP 2022-2025
· Scientific coordinator of a Research Unit of the ADRION- APPRODI and APPRODI PLUS projects 2018-2022
· Scientific coordinator of the Project MUR FISR –Covid19, “Impacts of anti-Covid-19 sanitation in museums and ecclesiastical environments"- ISMEE 2019-2021
· Scientific coordinator of a Research Unit of the CORILA - Venezia 2021 project, a scientific research programme for a “regulated” lagoon 2019-2021
· Scientific coordinator of a Research unit of the EU-JPI Emerisda project ("Effectiveness of methods against rising damp in buildings: European practice and perspective") 2014-2017
· Scientific coordinator of a Research Unit of the INTERREG IT-SLO "Shared Culture" Project 2013-2014
· Scientific coordinator of the “Torcello” Project, financed by the Ca’ Foscari University.
· Scientific coordinator of a Research Unit of the FIRB Project on “New technologies for the knowledge, the conservation and the valorization of ceramic, glasses and mosaic materials in Mediterranean area”.
· Scientific coordinator of a Research Unit of the PRIN Project on “Materials and technologies for the conservation of the modern mural painting”.
· Scientific coordinator of a Research Unit of the PRIN Project on “Behaviour of polymeric pictorial films and methods for the conservation”.
· Participant in the project JPI-CH ATLAS "Studying symbiotic scenarios linking Heritage assets and green areas to prepare Historic Cities to face Climate Changes" (2024-27); UE EU- ELAICH-Educational Linkage Approach In Cultural Heritage” project and in the “Systematization, Valorisation and Dissemination of e-Learning Courses in Conservation Science (LLP EAC 61/2006, ERASMUS MP/VC)” project.
· Member of the Consultation And Coordination Group Of The Higher Training And Research Department For The New National Research Plan (Nrp), For The National Proposals And Strategies And For Horizon Europe 2021-27 (DPFSR Group for NRP & HE ‘21-27), in representation of the INSTM Consortium.
· Since 2018 Coordinator of the Technical and Scientific Team for drafting the Trajectory 3 Action Plan, as part of the national technological cluster TICHE.
· Since 2016, she serves as the University contact for the national cluster TICHE-Technological Innovation in Cultural Heritage.
· 2014 External reviewer of the National Strategy Document on Adaptation to climate change, "Cultural Heritage" chapter, of the Ministry of the Environment and the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (CMCC).
· Scientific Director of the Research Activities in collaboration with Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.
· From 2007 to 2013 member of the PhD Board in Chemistry, Ca’ Fosacri University of Venice
· Scientific Director of the Research Activities in collaboration with the Civic Museums Foundation of Venice (Ca’ Pesaro International Gallery of Modern Art).
· Scientific Director of the Research Activities in collaboration with the Superintendence of Fine Arts and Landscape for Venice and its Lagoon
· Scientific Director of the Research Activities in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Technologies (IIT – Genoa).
2024: member of the ICOMOS CIF International workshop “Peace and war: Educating for preservation or reconstruction?”
2024: member of the Scientific Committee International Workshop “The veil of time. Conservation of historical-artistic assets in the Mediterranean area. Experiences and collaborations between Italy, North Africa and the Near East”
2023, 2024: member of the Scientific Committee International Conference on World Heritage and Contemporary Architecture (ICWHCA)
2023: member of the International Steering Committee International Conference TMM-CH Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modelling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage
2022: member of the Scientific Committee XIX Congress of Environmental and Cultural Heritage Chemistry (Italian Chemical Society)
2022: member of the Scientific Committee International Symposium CONSOLIDATION
2022: member of the Scientific Committee, International Workshop “Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage”
2021- : member of the International Steering Committee International Conference TMM-CH Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modelling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage
2019: member of the Scientific Committee, International Congress “TechnoHeritage 2019”
2018: member of the Scientific Committee, International Conference “Colour and Conservation”
2018: member of the steering committee, Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modelling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage
2011-: member of the Scientific Committee, International Conference "Scienza e Beni Culturali"
2015-: member of the Scientific Committee, International Workshop “Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage”
2012-2016: member of the Advisory committee, international journal “Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage”.
Since 2022: member of the Editorial Board of the international journal “Heritage” (MDPI)
2023: Guest Editor per lo Special Issue "Preservation of Cultural Heritage: The Nexus of Diagnosis-Prevention-Sustainability" in Heritage (MDPI)
2021: Guest Editor for Special Issue "Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modelling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage" in Heritage (MDPI)
2018: Guest Editor for the Special Issue "Sustainability, Management, and Conservation of Built and Archaeological Heritage" in Heritage
2018: Guest Editor for Special Issue "Scanning in Diagnostics and Novel Solutions for the Protection of Built Heritage" in Scanning
November 2024: Invited speaker ICOMOS CIF International workshop “Peace and war: Educating for preservation or reconstruction?”
March 2023: Invited speaker at the 3rd International Conference TMM-CH 2023
December 2022: Invited speaker at the Capacity Building Workshop on Conservation strategy and Management Plans, Armenia
November 2018: Invited speaker at the International Meeting “Cherishing heritage: developing quality standards for intervention on cultural heritage”, organised by the European Commission, in partnership with ICOMOS, UNESCO, ICCROM, ICOM, Europa Nostra, EYCH, CEN and European Heritage Heads Legal Forum
November 2016: invited speaker at the Heritage365 Meetings, Italian Embassy in New Delhi (India)
July 2015: professor at the IV National School of Chemistry for the Environment and for Cultural Heritage (University of Salerno)
June 2015: Invited speaker at the 2nd Summer School ITN-ICH, Initial Training Network for Digital Cultural Heritage (Rhodes, GR)
April 2013: invited speaker at UNSAM, University of Buenos Aires (seminars on “Conservation of Contemporary mural paintings”)
June-July 2011, 2012 and 2014: invited speaker at the 27th, 28th and 30th International Conference “Scienza e Beni Culturali”
September 2011: invited speaker at the Accademia dei Lincei (Rome) on “Diagnostics in Contemporary Art vs conservation. Questions and answers”
June 2011: professor at the II National School of Chemistry for the Environment and for Cultural Heritage (University of Venice)
2009: invited professor at the “Indo-Italian Workshop on Mural paintings”, INTACH Indian Council of Conservation Institutes, New Delhi (India).
Member of the Consultation And Coordination Group Of The Higher Training And Research Department For The New National Research Plan (Nrp), For The National Proposals And Strategies And For Horizon Europe 2021-27 (DPFSR Group for NRP & HE ‘21-27), in representation of the INSTM Consortium.
· Since 2018 Coordinator of the Technical and Scientific Team for drafting the Trajectory 3 Action Plan, as part of the national technological cluster TICHE.
· Since 2016, she serves as the University contact for the national cluster TICHE-Technological Innovation in Cultural Heritage.
· 2014 External reviewer of the National Strategy Document on Adaptation to climate change, "Cultural Heritage" chapter, of the Ministry of the Environment and the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (CMCC).
2017: promoter and organiser of the workshop “Promoting scientific research in cultural heritage field in Venice”
2014: promoter and organiser of the teaching and research workshop “The Cibiana Wall-Murals: Art and Science”, in partnership with the municipality of Cibiana, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the artist Vico Calabrò.
May 2013: organiser of the national Workshop on “Durability of materials and the market in the Contemporary Art field”.
Alongside her scientific activities, she has collaborated, as an expert, in conservation and restoration projects. She has been serving on boards and committees responsible for investigating and researching heritage assets of particular historical and architectural interest, in Italy (restoration project of the city walls of Ferrara; research on the state of conservation of the Tromba Tower and the Fountain of Neptune (Trento); study of the shipbuilding hangars of the Venice Arsenale; diagnostic and restoration project of Marciana Area and Procuratie Nuove in Venice; diagnostic project and intervention on Ca’ Corner della Ca’ Granda in Venice; restoration project for the Loggia del Capitaniato in Vicenza; preliminary studies for the conservation intervention on the Cathedral of Udine; study of the materials constituting the Main Gate of the Basilica of S. Andrea in Mantuaand) an abroad (study of the archaeological area of Knossos in Crete (Greece); restoration project of the Medieval city of Rhodes; study of the wall paintings at the site of Hierapolis (Turkey)). In 2023 she participated in scientific projects on two UNESCO sites: Geghard Monastery in Armenia and the archeological area of Hegra (Saudi Arabia).
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