Francesco CASARIN
- Position
- Full Professor
- Telephone
- 041 234 8750
- Fax
- 041 234 8701
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Economia e gestione delle imprese [ECON-07/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/casarin (personal record)
- Office
Venice School of Management
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.management
Where: San Giobbe
Concise CV - English version
Born in Venice.
Academic Career:
November 2006 - current: Full Professor of Marketing, Department of Management, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy)
June 2005: winner of the competition for the Marketing Chair for the disciplinary group SECS-P/08 Economics and Business Management announced by the University of Verona (Italy)
November 2002 – October 2006: Associate Professor for the disciplinary group SECS-P/08 Economics and Business Management, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy)
November 1999 – October 2002: Associate Professor for the disciplinary group SECS-P/08 Economics and Business Management, University of Padua (Italy)
November 1991 – October 1999: Researcher for the disciplinary group SECS-P/08 Economics and Business Management, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy)
Teaching activities (current):
- Professor of Marketing, Department of Management, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
- Professor of Advanced Marketing for Arts & Culture, Department of Management, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
- Professor of International Marketing, Department of Management, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
- Professor of Retail & Channel Management, Department of Management, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
- Member of the Scientific Committee of The International Association of Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC) (2022 - current)
- Member of the International Association of Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC) (2015 - current)
- Member of the Managerial Board of the Società Italiana di Marketing (SIM) (2012 - 2018)
- Member of the Società Italiana di Marketing (SIM) (2005-current)
- Member of Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale (AIDEA) (current)
- Member of European Marketing Academy (EMAC) (1996-1999, 2005)
- Member of the Managerial Board of the European research group Consumer Behaviour Erasmus Network (COBEREN) (2009-current)
- Member of the Management of Arts and Culture Laboratory (maclab), Department of Management, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (2009-current)
Academic and institutional activities:
- Member of the Scientific Committee of The International Association of Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC), the largest international network of researchers in arts and cultural management (2022 - current).
- Director of the Management of Arts and Culture Laboratory (maclab) (April 2021 - current)
- Dean of the Board of Professors for the Masters’ programme “Economics and Management of Arts and Cultural Activities”, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (October 2017 – September 2020)
- Vice-Dean of the School of Production and Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Ca’ Foscari (2015-2017)
- Chair of Organizing Committee, AIMAC International Conference, Venice 23-26 June 2019
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale AIDEA National Congress (2015)
- Member of Scientific Committee of Ca’ Foscari EXPO 2015
- Dean of the Board of Professors for the Masters’ programme “Marketing & Comunicazione”, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (November 2009 – September 2014)
- Appointed External Examiner at Oxford Brookes University (United Kingdom) (May 2009 – March 2014).
- Co-editor of “Mercati & Competitività”, the official academic Journal of the Italian Marketing Society (2009 - 2015).
- Director of the International Masters’ programme in “Management of Cultural and Artistic Activities” Ca’Foscari-ESCP Europe (specialized masters’ programme after BAC + 5) (2007 - 2017; 2023- current). Scientific Director (2018 - 2022).
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the MS Arts and Cultural Management of the Burgundy School of Business (September 2017 – current)
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Master in Business Studies, Université de la Savoie – Annecy (France) (2009 - 2018).
- Module leader of the course “Tourism Marketing”, CISET Masters’ programme in Tourism Economics & Management (1993 - current).
- Teacher in courses of Inter-Universities Doctoral School in History of Arts (PhD)
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Congress Venice-Paris “Marketing Trends” (2000-2008).
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Congress Venice-Paris “Marketing Trends” (2000-2010).
- Member of the Board of Professors for the Degree programme Economia Aziendale – Economics and Management, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (2008 - 2015).
- Participant to the Scientific Committee of PhD Business Economics and Management Program, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (2004-2006).
- Participant to the Scientific Committee of PhD Business Economics and Management Program, University of Udine (Italy) (2000-2003).
- Teacher in the courses of PhD Business Economics and Management Program, University of Padua (2000-2003)
- Teacher in the ESCP-EAP European School of Management, then ESCP Europe, courses (since 1996).
- Participation to national research programs on Tourism System, CNR: Strategic project on “Tourism and Economic Development”.
- Member of the Managerial Board of the COBEREN (Consumer Behaviour Erasmus Network), ref. N. 156089-LLP-1-2009-1-ES-ERASMUS-ENWA, Lifelong Learning Programme supported by EU (October 2009 - December 2012).
- Elected as chief member for the Venice office of Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale AIDEA (April 2011 – November 2016).
Research interests:
Marketing perspectives and the philosophical current of the New Realism
The theoretical evolution of marketing guidelines: the Contemporary Marketing Practices approach
The marketing of cultural products
Communication of cultural products
The behavior of use of cultural products
Marketing networks
The specificities of marketing applied to the players operating in the tourism system, with particular reference to the sectors of hospitality products, organized trips, tourist attractions
Marketing and demographics: the issues of senior demand
The analysis of the relationship between marketing and new information technologies
The evolution of forms of distribution in the context of European trade.
His research activity concerns mainly services marketing theory, some applications of marketing to cultural products and tourism products, retail marketing. Now he focuses on Arts & Culture Marketing and Communication, Tourism Marketing, Contemporary Marketing Practices, Retail Marketing, Consumer Behaviour.
He is the author of 10 books and many international and national articles about marketing subjects.
Prof. Francesco Casarin
Dipartimento di Management, San Giobbe, Cannaregio 873, 30121 Venezia, Italy
tel. +39-041-2348750
email: casarin@unive.it
Venezia, Italy, February 2024
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