- Position
- Full Professor
- Roles
President of the Disciplinary Committee
- Telephone
- 041 234 7677
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Diritto privato [GIUR-01/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/robseni (personal record)
- Office
Department of Economics
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.economics
Where: San Giobbe
- Degree in Law obtained with full marks at University of Padua
- PhD in European Civil and Commercial Contracts Law at Ca' Foscari University of Venice
- 2004-2011: researcher in Private Law (S.S.D. IUS/01) at the Faculty of Economics of Ca' Foscari University
- 2010: he was qualified as Associate Professor of Private Law, obtained in the Faculty of Law of the University of Macerata
- 2011-2017: Associate Professor of Private Law at Ca' Foscari University
- 2013: he presented the application for the National Scientific Habilitation (ASN) as full professor in Private Law
- 2016: he obtained the ASN as full professor in Private Law
- 2017 to date: Full Professor of Private Law at the Department of Economics of Ca' Foscari University
Teaching activities
- At Ca' Foscari University he holds the position of a teaching fellow of Private Law; Juvenile Civil Law; Privacy and Fundamental rights; in the past years also Family Law
- He holds lectures and seminars for professional masters, lifelong learning programmes, PhD courses, training events for lawyers and other professionals
Research activities
- His scientific works are focused on issues in the areas of personal and family law and law of obligations/contracts. In particular, the research focuses on the impact of fundamental rights in private relationships; parent-child relationships; juvenile law and legal capacity; consumer law. Constant attention is given to the evolutionary phenomena of domestic law, inaugurated also by the European International Courts decisions. Particular focus is shown for the general theory of private law, especially the theory of method, sources and interpretation.
- He conducted research periods at Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris II; at Public University of Navarra (Pamplona); at University of Oxford, Faculty of Law
- He was a member of the research unit of Ca' Foscari University (local supervisor: Prof. Carmela Camardi) in PRIN 2001-2002 on "Contracts, enterprises and society: telematic tools and evolution of civil and commercial law in the internet age" (principal investigator: Prof. Nadia Zorzi)
- He was a member of the research group of Ca' Foscari University in the project “Interlink II04COE9FM”, funded by MIUR (2005-2009), on "Strategies of market governance and protection of competition in European law and Latin America experience". The project also included University of Messina, University of Sassari, University of Puerto Rico, Externado University of Colombia and Public University of Navarra (Pamplona)
- He was a member of the research group of the University project (2016-2017) entitled "The legal regulation of the ownership of research and university teaching products", coordinated by Prof. Carmela Camardi, funded by Ca' Foscari University
- 2021-to date: appointed as a data protection advisor (WP8) for the EU Horizon 2020 project "CITIES (Co-creating resIlient and susTaInable food systEms towards FOOD2030)" – P.I. prof. Nicola Camatti
- 2017-2019: Scientific supervisor and tutor of the research fellow on "Poverty and inequality: analysis of exclusion phenomena in the context of private law relationships” at Ca' Foscari University
- 2019-2020: Scientific supervisor and tutor of the research fellow on "Inheritance law. Critical aspects between familiar protection and solidariety”
- 2019-2021: Scientific supervisor and tutor of the research fellow on "Techniques and models of personal data processing and protection in the design, implementation and dissemination of scientific research. Legal-empirical analysis between the theory of fundamental rights, situations of belonging and criteria for balancing conflicting public and private interests", funded by Ca' Foscari University
Conference speeches and event organisation
He organizes and participates, also as a speaker, in national and international conferences
Honours and awards
- Year 2000: he has participated in the selection of research projects by young researchers at Ca' Foscari University, established by Ministerial Decree 21/6/1999 concerning the planning of the university system for the three-year period 1998-2000. His research project on "Transparency of the company in the market" was approved and awarded with a scholarship
- Year 2006: he was awarded for the quality of teaching, being among the top ten teachers of the Faculty of Economics with highest evaluations
- In 2015 he received the award for the quality of research (area 12) from the Department of Economics of Ca' Foscari University
- 2015-2019 he has been the recipient of departmental research incentive funds for having published in A-class academic journals
Editorial board participation and fellowship
- From 2012: Member of the Editorial and Editorial Board of the scientific journal "Ricerche giuridiche", published by “Edizioni Ca' Foscari” Digital Publishing
- From 2013: He is a member of the Scientific Direction of the scientific journal “Ephemerides Iuris Canonici” (A-class), published by Marcianum Press
- From 2016: Member of the Scientific Committee of the series "Esperienze filosofiche", section entitled "Human rights and social philosophy", directed by Luigi Vero Tarca, published by MIMESIS ed.
- From 2016: Member of the Referee Committee of the scientific journal “FAMILIA. Il diritto della famiglia e delle successioni in Europa” (A-class), published by Pacini Giuridica
- From 2016: editor of the column "Observatory of Foreign Law - Spanish Law" in the scientific journal “Jus civile” (A-class), published by Giappichelli
- From 2017: editor of the column "Monografie" of the scientific journal “Jus civile”
- From 2018: Member of the Referee Committee of the scientific journal “Jus civile”
- From 2018: Member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal "Giurisprudenza italiana" (A-class), published by UTET
- From 2018: Member of the Committee of referee of the scientific journal “Rivista Archivio Storico e Giuridico Sardo di Sassari”, published by Inschibboleth
- From 2018: Member of the Referee Committee of the scientific journal "Le nuove leggi civili commentate" (A-class) published by Cedam
- From 2018: Member of the Referee Committee of the scientific journal “Contratto e impresa” (A-class), CEDAM
- From 2019: Member of the Editorial Committee of the “Series of the Law Department of the University of Brescia”, published by Giappichelli
- From 2020: Member of the Committee of referee of the scientific journal “Revista Iustitia (University of Pavia, Universidad de Belgrano), IJ Editores
- From 2020: Member of the Committee of referee of the scientific journal “Persona e Mercato” (A-class)
- From 2021: Member of the National Scientific Committee of the scientific journal “Rassegna di Diritto civile” (A-class), E.S.I.
- From 2021: Member of the Scientific Committee of the academic journal “Il Diritto di famiglia e delle persone” (A-class), Giuffré
- From 2021: Member of the External Evaluation Committee of the academic journal “Diritto delle successioni e della famiglia” (A-class), E.S.I.
- From 2021: Member of the Committee of referee of the scientific journal “Jus. Rivista di scienze giuridiche”, edited by Vita e Pensiero
- From 2011: Member of the association "Unione dei Privatisti"
- From 2012: Member of the Society of European Contract Law (SECOLA)
- From 2018: Member of the “Associazione Civilisti Italiani”
- From 2020: Member of the “Società italiana degli studiosi di Diritto civile”
Academic positions
- 2013-2014: Deputy Coordinator of the PhD in Law, Market and Person at Ca' Foscari University
- 2014 to date: Member of the Research Committee at the Department of Economics of the Ca' Foscari University
- 2015-2018 he was a member of the Scientific Committee of the Ca' Foscari Challenge School
- 2015-2021 he was a member of the Data Monitoring Board established at Ca' Foscari University
- 2010 to date: Member of the Teaching board of the PhD in Law, Market and Person at Ca' Foscari University
- 2015 to date: Member of the Teaching board of the bachelor’s degree programme in "Social sciences and social work" and of the master’s degree programme in “Work, Social Citizenship, Interculturality” at Ca' Foscari University
- 2011- 2013 and from 2015 to 2016: Director, upon appointment by the Rector, of the Library of Economics (BEC) of Ca' Foscari University
- 2011-2015: member of the Council of the Library of Economics (BEC) of the University Ca' Foscari
- 2019-2022: coordinator of the Lifelong Learning course Valore PA INPS “Il processo di innovazione tecnologica, digitalizzazione ed eGovernment delle P.A.”
- From 2020 to date: Substitute Member of the Disciplinary Committee of the Ca' Foscari University
- From 2020 to date: Vice Director of the Department of Economics of the Ca' Foscari University
Other assignments
- He is included in the list of aspiring commissioners for the National Scientific Habilitation (ASN) in the 12/A1 A.R.F. (Private Law)
- He is Member of the National Scientific Habilitation (ASN) – 2018-2020 in the 12/A1 A.R.F. (Private Law) for the execution of judicial measures (D.D. 1052/2018)
- He was referee for the PRIN2012 at the request of CINECA
- He was referee for the VQR 2011-2014 and for the VQR 2015-2019 (12/A1 A.R.F.)
- 2011-2012: Member of the Examination Commission for obtaining the qualification to practice as a professional lawyer under the Court of Appeal of Venice
- 2017-2018: Member of Examination Commission for obtaining the qualification to practice as a professional accountant and fiscal expert at Ca' Foscari University
- Member of the Board of Directors of the “Studium Generale Marcianum” Foundation, Venice
- Member of the General Council and Executive Committee of the “Giorgio Cini” Foundation, Venice
- Member of the Disciplinary Board of the University of Sassari (2021/2024)
Professional activities
- He is a lawyer, registered in the special list of full-time university professors, associates and researchers.
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