- Position
- Associate Professor
- Telephone
- 041 234 6340
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Lingua e letteratura greca [HELL-01/B]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/alcam (personal record)
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Department of Humanities
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.humanities
Where: Malcanton Marcorà
Alberto Camerotto teaches Greek Language and Literature at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice. He is mainly interested in Greek Epics (from orality to late antiquity) and in the strategies of myth narration. He also studies parody, comedy and ancient satire, the Batrachomyomachia, Aristophanes and in particular Lucian of Samosata. He collaborates with projects and research groups in Italy and abroad (Amsterdam, Barcelona, Paris, Rouen, Athens, Kalamata, Oxford, Santa Fe, Ljubljana).
He occasionally intervenes in the cultural pages of newspapers. He conceived and directed the Verità di Stampa project for the GEDI Group.
He is the creator, with Filippomaria Pontani, of the Classici Contro project which since 2010 has brought the voice of the ancient Classics in the theaters of Italy, in particular at the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza (Eris. Archeologia del conflitto, 2023). With a very broad national and international synergy between universities, high schools and civic and cultural institutions.
Since 2010 he has directed and created at the Ca' Foscari University the web page for the Classici Contro: http://virgo.unive.it/flgreca/ClassiciContro.htm.
It is a digital laboratory for research and a symbol of freedom of thought and expression for Classical Studies.
He directs with Filippomaria Pontani the Series Classici Contro/Mimesis Edizioni. He founded and directs the Paradoxa Series of De Bastiani Editore (with Valeria Melis and Alice Bonandini). He created and is the head of the Aletheia Ca' Foscari Venice Greek Literature Laboratory. He is president of the Italian Association of Classical Culture in Venice.
He conceived and coordinated with F. Pontani for the Classici Contro the project Oikos. Poets for the future: it collects the voices of one hundred and fifty poets from all over the world in two volumes (edited by Stefano Strazzabosco, Mimesis/Classici Contro 2020). In a series of actions between the network and the Olimpico the project opened the discussion around the themes of the environment and the civil meaning of the poetic word in our time – naturally with the thought (and the leaves) of Homer.
The Utopian Seminars and the Epic Seminars of Ca' Foscari were born in Venice from the work of the courses and lessons, as an ideal place for study and for discussion on research topics with the Aletheia Greek Literature Laboratory. Ilioupersis. Epic archetypes is a new experiment, outside the academic halls, which brings the research work about the Fall of Troy and the violence of war to the Archaeological Museums (2022-2023). With a special development at the Museo della Battaglia in Vittorio Veneto. After the first edition Ilioupersis. Il cielo è rosso (2022), now follows Ilioupersis. Inventare la pace (2023), in collaboration with Antonio Calò and the Fondazione Venezia per la Ricerca sulla Pace.
Recent Publications on these topics:
Troia brucia. Come e perché raccontare l’Ilioupersis (Mimesis/Classici Contro, 2022)
Il grido di Andromaca. Voci di Donne contro la guerra (De Bastiani/Paradoxa, 2022)
Ilioupersis. La caduta di Troia in quattro atti, con un prologo, un epilogo e qualche nota di commento (sulle tracce epiche di Trifiodoro) (De Bastiani Editore/Paradoxa 2023).
Among the last books Classici Contro:
Uomini contro. Tra l’Iliade e la Grande Guerra, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2017;
Xenia. Migranti, stranieri, cittadini tra i classici e il presente, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2018;
Utopia (Europa), ovvero del diventare cittadini europei, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2019;
Dike, ovvero della giustizia tra l’Olimpo e la terra, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2020
Anthropos. Pensieri, parole e virtù per restare uomini, Milano-Udine 2020
Abbracciare Dafne. L’uomo e l’ambiente tra Omero e il futuro prossimo, Milano-Udine 2023
In Greek edition
Κλασικοί Κατά (Εκδόσεις Γκόνη, Athinai 2017)
ΟΥΤΟΠΙΑ (ΕΥΡΩΠΗ) (Εκδόσεις Γκόνη, Athinai 2020).
Among the scientific publications:
Le metamorfosi della parola. Studi sulla parodia in Luciano di Samosata, Edizioni dell'Ateneo, Pisa-Roma 1998;
Fare gli eroi. Le storie, le imprese, le virtù: composizione e racconto nell’epica greca arcaica, Il Poligrafo, Padova 2009;
Luciano di Samosata. Icaromenippo, Edizioni dell’Orso, Alessandria 2009;
Gli occhi e la lingua della satira. Studi sull’eroe satirico in Luciano di Samosata, Mimesis, Milano 2014;
La satira del successo. La spettacolarizzazione della cultura nel mondo antico (tra retorica, filosofia, religione e potere), Mimesis, Milano 2017;
Luciano di Samosata. Menippo o la negromanzia, Mimesis, Milano 2020.
A particular contact between ancient and modern is the satirical writing experiment, according to the ancient rules, or rather according to the spoudogeloion of Lucian of Samosata (with a theoretical introduction): Vedere Venezia. Treni satirici quotidiani (De Bastiani Editore, 2020).
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