- Position
- Associate Professor
- Roles
Member of the Steering Committee of the "Observatory of International Relations and Politics (OPRI)"
Component of Interdepartmental Centre for Historical Studies on Christianity
Delegate for Research
- Telephone
- 041 234 7837
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Storia dell'Europa orientale [HIST-03/B]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/stefano.petrungaro (personal record)
Stefano Petrungaro, Ph.D., is currently Associate Professor at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice, Italy. Before joining Ca’ Foscari, he was Senior Researcher at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg, Germany (2012-2017). He graduated (2002) and earned his Ph.D. in European Social History at the University Ca´ Foscari in Venice (2006), after a research stay within the framework of the European Doctorate in the Social History of Europe and the Mediterranean at SSEES (School for Slavonic and East European Studies), UCL (University College of London) (2004). He was visiting research fellow at the GWZO (Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas) in Leipzig (2006, 2007), visiting lecturer at the University of Zagreb (2007-2011), and post-doc research fellow at the University of Padua (2008–2011). In 2021 he obtained a Habilitation, ie. the German academic qualification for teaching History of Southeast and Eastern Europe.
He has been member of the editorial board of the academic periodical “900. Per una storia del tempo presente”, of the editorial academic board of the “Labour History Studies Series” edited by SISLav (Italian Society of Labour History), and of the Scientific Committee of the Cost-Action "Who Cares in Europe?" (https://whocaresineurope.eu/ ). He is actually member of the editorial board of the academic journal “Passato e presente. Rivista di storia contemporanea“, and of the international advisory board of "Historijski zbornik" (Zagreb) and "Südost-Forschungen" (Regensburg).
He has been Coordinator of the Master's Degree Programme in "Comparative International Relations". He is actually Research Representative of his Department, and member of the Management Board of the Ph.D. Programme in Historical, Geographical and Anthropological Studies (University of Padova, Ca' Foscari University Venice).
Main research interests:
- social marginality and labour history in Eastern Europe
- cultural and social history of the late Habsburg Empire (with particular attention to popular protest)
- history of violence in South-Eastern Europe (19th-20th century)
- collective memories, historiography, public uses of the past
Main publications:
social marginality and labour history in Eastern Europe
- Michele Mioni, Stefano Petrungaro (eds), Caring for the Socially Marginalised in Interwar Europe, 1919-1939: The Mixed Economy of Welfare, Palgrave Macmillan, London-New York, 2024.
- Philipp Ther, Ulf Brunnbauer, Piotr Filipkowski, Andrew Hodges, Stefano Petrungaro, Peter Wegenschimmel, In den Stürmen der Transformation. Zwei Werften zwischen Sozialismus und EU, Suhrkamp, Berlin 2022 (English ed.: In the Storms of Transformation: Two Shipyards between Socialism and the EU, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 2024, in press).
- Stefano Petrungaro, Police and prostitution in Yugoslavia: a nuanced relationship, in “European Review of History”, vol. 29 (2022), nr. 2, pp. 170-193.
- Stefano Petrungaro, Soup Kitchens and the Yugoslav Poor Relief between the two World Wars, in: Fabio Giomi, Stefano Petrungaro (eds.), Voluntary Associations in Yugoslavia, 1918-1941, Special Issue, «European Review of History», 26 (2019), 1, pp. 141-162.
- Stefano Petrungaro, The Medical Debate about Prostitution and Venereal Diseases in Yugoslavia (1918-1941), «Social History of Medicine», 32 (2019), 1, pp. 121-142.
- Stefano Petrungaro, Mendiants et philanthropie dans la Yougoslavie de l’entre-deux-guerres, in «Revue d’histoire de la protection sociale», 11 (2018), 1, pp. 92-116.
- Stefano Petrungaro, Inter-war Yugoslavia Seen Through Corporatist Glasses, in Antonio Costa Pinto (ed.), Corporatism and Fascism. The Corporatist Wave in Europe, Routledge, London 2017, pp. 236-256.
- Stefano Petrungaro, Hostels for Jobless Workers in Interwar Yugoslavia (1921-1941), in «International Review of Social History», 59 (2014), 3, pp. 443–471.
- Stefano Petrungaro, The Fluid Boundaries of “Work”. Some Considerations about Concepts, Approaches, and South-Eastern Europe, in «Südost-Forschungen», 72 (2013), pp. 271-286.
- Laura Cerasi, Rolf Petri, Stefano Petrungaro, Porti di frontiera. Industria e commercio a Trieste, Fiume e Pola tra le guerre mondiali, Viella, Roma 2008.
on-going research project:
Strange Jobs. Social Marginalization and the Work in Yugoslavia (1918-1941) (book project, under review)
• cultural and social history of the late Habsburg Empire (with particular attention to popular protest)
- Stefano Petrungaro, Popular Protest Against Hungarian Symbols in Croatia (1883-1903). A Study in Visual History, in: «Cultural and Social History. The Journal of the Social History Society», 13 (2016), 4, pp. 503-520.
- Stefano Petrungaro, Fire and Honour. On the Comparability of Popular Protests in late 19th Century Croatia-Slavonia, in Sabine Rutar (a cura di), Beyond the Balkans. Towards an Inclusive History of Southeastern Europe, Lit, Wien, 2014, pp. 247-263.
- Stefano Petrungaro, Die Verteidiger der Eliten. Das Gericht als Arena der Elitenvergesellschaftung in Kroatien-Slawonien (zweite Hälfte des 19. Jhr.), in Karsten Holste, Dietlind Hüchtker, Michael G. Müller (Hrsg.), Aufsteigen und Obenbleiben in europäischen Gesellschaften des 19. Jahrhunderts. Akteure – Arenen – Aushandlungsprozesse, Akademieverlag, Berlin 2009, pp. 83-98.
- Stefano Petrungaro, Pietre e fucili. La protesta sociale nelle campagne croate di fine Ottocento, Viella, Roma 2009 (Croatian edition: Kamenje i puške. Društveni protest na hrvatskom selu krajem XIX. stoljeća, translated by Jasna Rešić Srednja Europa, Zagreb 2011)
- Stefano Petrungaro (ed.), Fratelli di chi. Libertà, uguaglianza e guerra nel Quarantotto asburgico, Edizioni Spartaco, Santa Maria Capua Vetere (CE) 2008.
• history of violence in South-Eastern Europe (19th-20th century)
- Stefano Petrungaro, Tra particolare e generale. Sulla violenza nei Balcani, in: Rolf Petri (a cura di), Balcani, Europa: violenza, politica, memoria, Giappichelli, Torino 2017, pp. 23-34.
- Stefano Petrungaro, Balcani. Una storia di violenza?, Carocci, Roma 2012.
- Stefano Petrungaro, Armate asburgiche. Sulla militanza armata femminile, in S. Petrungaro (ed.), Fratelli di chi. Libertà, uguaglianza e guerra nel Quarantotto asburgico, Edizioni Spartaco, Santa Maria Capua Vetere (CE) 2008, pp. 113-138.
• collective memories, historiography, public uses of the past
- Stefano Petrungaro, La ricerca sull´Europa orientale in Germania, «Passato e presente. Rivista di storia contemporanea», 33 (2015), 95, pp. 101-120.
- Stefano Petrungaro, Il nation-building in Croazia. Gli studi recenti, in «Memoria e ricerca», 30, 2009/2, pp. 129-146.
- Stefano Petrungaro, Gli istituti statali di storia contemporanea nei paesi successori della Jugoslavia. Uno sguardo d’insieme, in «Quaderni storici», a. XLIII (2008), f. 2, n. 128, pp. 433-453.
- Stefano Petrungaro, Riscrivere la storia. Il caso della manualistica croata (1918-2004), preface by Stuart J. Woolf, Stylos, Aosta 2006 (Croatian edition: Pisati povijest iznova. Hrvatski udžbenici povijesti 1918.-2004. godine, transl. by Franko Dota, Srednja Europa, Zagreb 2009.)
on-going research project:
Mass graves. For a history of necropolitics in Eastern Europe
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