- Position
- Full Professor
- Roles
Member of the technical-scientific Committee of the Ca' Foscari Challenge School (VSM)
- Telephone
- 041 234 8741
imalab@unive.it - Laboratorio International Management to Asia
- Fax
- 041 234 8701
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Economia e gestione delle imprese [ECON-07/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/vescovi (personal record)
- Office
Venice School of Management
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.management
Where: San Giobbe
Current occupation - 2023
Full Professor of Business Economics and Management; teaching Cross-Cultural Marketing (English), Brand management (English), Marketing (English), International Marketing to China (English), Venice School of Management, Ca 'Foscari University, Venice.
Co-Director of the International Management to Asia Research Laboratory, IMA Lab.
Member of the scientific committee of Ca' Foscari Challenge School (executive education)
Coordinator of the Master in Luxury Client Advisor and Store Management, LVMH-Ca' Foscari
Scientific director of the Italian School of Booksellers.
Member of the editorial board of “Micro & Macro Marketing” Journal, ed. Il Mulino.
Member of the scientific committee of the journal “Sinergie, Italian Journal of Management”
Member of the scientific committee of the journal Marketing Trends, ESCP Europe Paris
2015-2017 Member of the Steering Committee of the Italian Society of Management, SIMA, in chair of internationalization.
2006-2017 Director of the Master course in Sports Marketing and Communication, Euroleague Basketball - Ca' Foscari.
2007-2009 Coordinator of the Master of Science in Marketing and Communication
2009-2011 Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics.
2006-2011 Scientific Director of the Master in International Marketing and Communication, UPA-Ca' Foscari.
Curriculum Studii
1987 ITP Certificate (International Teachers Program) of the International Schools of Business Management, at the HEC (Haute Études Commerciales) University of Jouy-en-Josas, Paris.
1981 Degree in Business Economics from the Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
1975 Scientific Bachelor at the "P. Lioy" State Scientific High School in Vicenza.
Other academic activities and main training activities
From 2022 to 2023 Director of the School of Management
Since 2015 responsible for the marketing course at the SIEMENS EMBA of the University of Nuremberg.
Since 2014 responsible for the luxury marketing course at Ca 'Foscari of the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
From 2009 to 2014 member of Board of Directors of the University Studies Foundation of Vicenza.
From 2010 to 2015 in charge of the organizing committee for Italian editions (biennials) and a permanent member of the International Congress Marketing Trends - ESCP Europe Paris, Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
From 2010 to 2015 Italian Editor of the international journal “Journal of Marketing Trends”, Paris.
Since 2005 scientific director of the Marketing Area of the Master in Strategies for the Sport Business of the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice.
From 1987 to 2006 Professor of Marketing in the Master Course in Integrated Management of the CUOA Foundation, of Altavilla Vicentina.
From 1989 to 2007 Professor of Marketing in the Master course in Corporate Communication UPA - Ca 'Foscari of Venice, from 2008 to 2011 he was the Director. From 1989 to 1995 he held the position of teaching tutor at the same Master course.
From 1992 to 2006 Professor of Marketing and Corporate Communication at the MIB course - Master in International Business - of the University of Trieste.
From 2001 to 2006 Professor of Marketing and Corporate Communication in the Master Course in Marketing Management of the University of Parma
From 1995 to 2000 he was in charge of the specialization in Marketing of the Master in Integrated Business Management, CUOA Foundation, Altavilla Vicentina (VI).
From a.y. 1997-98 to the academic year 1999-00 Substitute Professor of Business Economics and Management II, Ca' Foscari University, Venice.
In the academic year. 1998-99 Professor of Strategic Marketing in the WWW, Venice International University.
From a.y. 1995-96 to the academic year 1999-00 Substitute Professor of Industrial and Commercial Techniques, Degree in Economics and Commerce, Ca 'Foscari University, Venice.
From 1995 to 1997 Director of Marketing Area at CUOA (University Consortium for Business Organization Studies), Altavilla Vicentina (VI).
From July 1995 to May 2000 lecturer with tenure (Economics and Business Management) at the Department of Economics and Business Management of the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice.
In 1993 Professor of Marketing for Public Services, in the post-graduate course in Public Communication of the University of Trento - Center for Permanent Education.
Since 1992 lecturer in marketing at the Booksellers School UEM, Milan.
From 1992 to 1997 Professor of Marketing during the MBA - Master in Business Administration at the LUISS, International University of Social Studies "Guido Carli" in Rome.
From November 1991 to 1994 lecturer with tenure (Economics and Business Management) at the Department of Economics and Business Management of the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice.
From 1990 to 1996 Professor of Marketing in the Postgraduate Course in International Commerce at the University of Padua, Faculty of Political Science, Department of International Studies.
From 1987 to 1995 he taught Strategic Marketing in the Specialization Course for Corporate Jurists at the University of Bologna.
International Activities
2023 Visiting Distinguish Scholar at University of Strathclyde Glasgow
2019 Visiting professor at Ben Gurion University (Israel)
2014 Visiting Professor at Rollins College, Orlando (USA)
2011-2019 Visiting Professor of Branding Strategy at Zhejiang University (China)
From 2009 to 2012 he is a visiting professor of Web Marketing at ESCP Europe Paris.
In 2005 consultant for the Swiss Federal Parliament - Economic and Tax Commission - for the regulation law on the price of books
In 2005-07 he is professor of retail marketing in booksellers' courses at the Mexico City Economic Economics Fund, the Book Fair of Buenos Aires, the book fair in Guadalajara (Mexico), the Bogotà Book Fair.
From 2000 to 2004 he was visiting professor of Internet Marketing and Communication at University College Dublin (Ireland)
In 2001-02 she is an e-learning consultant for the United Nations - UNCTAD, project Empretec 2 - Redes
In 2001 he was visiting professor of marketing and communication at the Management School of the University of Antwerp (Belgium)
In 2001 he was visiting professor of marketing and communication at the Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School (Belgium).
From 1998 to 2000 he was responsible for the project for the development of distance learning activities via the Internet. 'Basic characteristics and methodologies in distance learning, e-learning' CUOA-Institutul National de Formare si Management pentru Turism - Bucharest
Since 1997 he has been the Italian manager of the transnational European Union project 'Libra', research on the development of equal opportunities in the field of occupations with a strong innovative and technological content. Partners: CUOA (Italy), Lan Ekinza (Spain), Dekra Academie (Germany), Teesside University (UK).
From 1996 to 1999 he was a visiting professor in the General Management of European Companies course at the Institut Universitaire de Technologie II of the Univerisité Pierre Mendès France in Grenoble (France).
In 1996 he was a visiting professor of International Communication in the Master course in International Marketing (IMA) at the Limburgs Universitair Centrum of Diepenbeek (Belgium).
Since 1993 he is a member of the EMAC - European Marketing Academy
Main research activities
1994-1995 Research "Customer satisfaction, tools and prospects". Member of the research group. Participants: Ca 'Foscari University, Bocconi University, La Sapienza University, University of Parma.
1995-1996 Research "Communication in Europe". International Research Coordination. Participants: Ca 'Foscari University, University of Valladolid (Spain), ESCP (France), Limburg Universitair Center (Belgium), University of Berlin (Germany)
1998-2000 Research "Diana - online marketing", development of Internet Marketing in companies. National and international research coordination. Participants: CUOA, Teeside University (UK), LanEkinza Bilbao (Spain), Dekra Academies (Germany).
1998-2000 Research "Global Fair, development of e-commerce in SMEs in Europe". Scientific director of the Italian part. Participants: Verona Fair, Liverpool John Moores University (UK), Amiedu Business School (Finland), VDAB (Belgium)
1999-2000 Research "Development of new products". Member of the research group. Participants: Ca 'Foscari University, Federico II University of Naples
1999-2003 Research "Distribution structures in European regions". Research coordinator. Customer: Veneto Region
2000-2002 Research "The e-business strategies of SMEs in the clothing sector". Member of the research group. Participants Ca 'Foscari University of Venice, University of Modena.
2002-2004 Research "The e-business strategies in furniture companies". Scientific research manager. Participants: CUOA, Federlegno, CIVEC (Portugal).
2003-2004 Research "Internet communication policies of car manufacturers". Member of the research group. Participants: Ca 'Foscari University of Venice, Fachhoschule Dortmund (Germany), Missouri State University (USA), University of Canberra (Australia), International University of Japan (Japan), National University of Singapore (Singapore), East China University of Science and Technology (China), University of Oulu (Finland), Educatis University (Switzerland), University of Pècs (Hungary).
2003-2005 Research "Commercial tourism and marketing of distribution". Research coordinator. Participants: Ca 'Foscari University of Venice, Ister-Confcommercio Vicenza.
2007-2009 National Research Coordinator PRIN (Programs of Relevant National Interest) "Business models and market strategies for the entry into the Chinese market by Italian companies". Participants: Ca 'Foscari University of Venice, University of Florence, University of Macerata, University of Trieste.
2009-2011 Head of Research Unit PRIN "Internationalization and role of distribution in brand strategies: made in Italy products with high symbolic value in different socio-cultural contexts. The Chinese market"
2011-2013 Scientific Director of the research project "Il Mercante e il Dragone", on the access of Italian SMEs in the Chinese market, funded by the Venice Chamber of Commerce and the Veneto Region
2018-2020 Scientific coordinator of the inter-university research project on the internationalization of Italian companies in China in collaboration with the Soochow University of Suzhou (China)
2023-2025 Research unit PRIN Ca' Foscari University "Communicating Sustainable Sourcing in a Digital Consumer Environment". in collaboration with University of Florence, Università of Trieste, Università of Macerata, Università of Perugia.
2024-2026 PNRR - Italy–East Asia Cooperation: from Local Expertise to a Global Outlook (LEGO) to strengthen cooperation in the field of international mobility and education between HEIs in Italy and East Asia, maximizing each partner’s educational and scientific excellences and synergizing them to enhance their impact both internationally and on local communities and territories.
Main professional and consulting activities
From 1983 to 2000 a marketing and management consultant for numerous industrial and service companies in Italy.
From 2002 to 2004 the Scientific Referent in the Equal project "Adaptation of skills for e-business and international development", for the development of e-business in the furniture and furnishing sector.
From 2000 to 2003 president of Marknetting srl, a strategic marketing and e-learning consulting company.
From 1997 to 2003 member of the Boards of Directors of Veneto Innovazione S.p.A., nominated by the University Ca 'Foscari, Venice.
From 1997 to 2000 the Project Manager of the European Union NOW 'Diana - Marketing Online' project for the development of Internet Marketing skills and e-learning methodologies.
Since 1995 partner of MKG Consulenti Associati, a management consulting and strategic marketing company.
From 1994 to 1995 Member of Board of Directors of CUOA (University Consortium for Studies in Business Organization) of Altavilla Vicentina (VI).
From 1987 to 1989 he collaborated with the Formez of Naples as a professor of Marketing and in the research project BIC (Business Innovation Center) of Taranto and in the research, training and consulting project lasting two years, for the entrepreneurs of Molise, in Campobasso .
From November 1981 to January 1983 Consultant Partner at the consulting company Cofidam S.p.A. of Vicenza in the Business Organization sector.
In the period March-October 1981 Official in the Trade Union-Social Security Service at the Employeers Association of the Province of Vicenza
From 1979 to 1981 junior consultant in Studio Centro Veneto, a consultancy firm in Vicenza, in the Training and Business Organization sector.
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