Associate Professor
041 234 8577 / Lab. 8665
Scientific sector (SSD)
Chimica industriale [CHEM-04/A]
Website (personal record)
Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems
Where: Campus scientifico via Torino
Room: office 511 (Alfa building, 5th floor) / research lab 8 (Beta building, 2nd floor)
Preposto di Laboratorio
Responsabile dell’Attività di Didattica e Ricerca in Laboratorio (RDRL)


Year Type Publication
Year Type Publication
2024 Journal Article Rampazzo R.; Vavasori A.; Ronchin L.; Riello P.; Marchiori M.; Saorin G.; Beghetto V. Enhanced Antibacterial Activity of Vancomycin Loaded on Functionalized Polyketones in POLYMERS, vol. 16 (ISSN 2073-4360)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5065802
2024 Journal Article Andrea Vavasori, Beatrice Fantinel, Lucio Ronchin, Francesco Zanrosso, Marat Bulybayev, Nurbolat Kudaibergenov, Kairzhan Shalmagambetov, Gulbanu Zhaksylykova New Sustainable Pd(II)/Fe(III) Catalytic System Very Efficient in the Hydromethoxycarbonylation of 1-octene in PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 68, pp. 16-22 (ISSN 1587-3765)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5054640
2024 Journal Article Pietrobon, Luca; Ronchin, Lucio; Vavasori, Andrea The [PdCl2(Xantphos)] Complex Efficiently Catalyzed the Methoxycarbonylation of Iodobenzene to Methyl Benzoate in CATALYSTS, vol. 14, pp. 660-673 (ISSN 2073-4344)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5077401
2024 Abstract in Atti di convegno Neva Maria Elisabetta Stucchi, Cristina De Nardi, Giulia Franceschin, Lucio Ronchin, Andrea Vavasori, Arianna Traviglia Characterisation of Innovative Mortar Formulations for the Restoration of Roman Mosaics in Spezi Emiliano, Bray Michaela, Proceedings of the Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023, Cardiff University Press, pp. 58-61, Convegno: Cardiff University Engineering Research Conference 2023, 12-07-2023 - 14-07-2023 (ISBN 9781911653493)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5060781
2024 Abstract in Atti di convegno Neva Maria Elisabetta Stucchi, Giulia Franceschin, Cristina De Nardi, Andrea Vavasori, Arianna Traviglia Learning from romans: when Vitruvian recipes became the inspiration for new technology in Angeliki Zisi, Lavinia de Ferri, Book of Abstracts 6th International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology – InART2024 – in Oslo 4–7 June 2024., Archaeopress Archaeology, Convegno: 6th International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology – InART2024 – in Oslo 4–7 June 2024. (ISBN 978-1-80327-742-4)
- ARCA card: 10278/5082287
2023 Journal Article Andrea Vavasori, Marco Capponi, Lucio Ronchin A New Pd-Based Catalytic System for the Reductive Carbonylation of Nitrobenzene to Form N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetamide Selectively in One Pot in REACTIONS, vol. 4, pp. 725-736 (ISSN 2624-781X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5044061
2023 Journal Article De Nardi, Cristina; Gardner, Diane; Cristofori, Davide; Ronchin, Lucio; Vavasori, Andrea; Jefferson, Tony Advanced 3D printed mini-vascular network for self-healing concrete in MATERIALS & DESIGN, vol. 230, pp. 111939 (ISSN 0264-1275)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5019981
2023 Journal Article Kairzhan Shalmagambetov, Andrea Vavasori, Gulbanu Zhaksylykova, Fatima Kanapiyeva, Meruyert Zykay, Nurbolat Kudaibergenov. Lewis acids as co-catalysts in Pd-based catalyzed systems of the octene-1 hydroethoxycarbonylation reaction in OPEN CHEMISTRY, vol. 21, pp. 20230156-20230164 (ISSN 2391-5420)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5044060
2023 Journal Article Ferraro, Valentina; Genesin, Leonardo; Castro, Jesús; Pietrobon, Luca; Vavasori, Andrea; Bortoluzzi, Marco Organometallic palladium(II) complexes with N-((pyridin-2-yl)methylene)-4-amino-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole: synthesis, characterization and reactivity in JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, vol. 993, pp. 122711 (ISSN 0022-328X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5018241
2023 Abstract in Atti di convegno Neva Stucchi, Giulia Franceschin, Chiara Coletti, Andrea Vavasori , Claudio Mazzoli , Arianna Traviglia Minero-petrographic characterisation of roman mosaic tiles from Aquileia in Marta Manso, Vanessa Antunes, Maria Luísa Carvalho PUBLISHER, TECHNART2023 Non-destructive and Microanalytical Techniques in Art and Cultural Heritage. Book of Abstracts, Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Lisboa, 7th › 12th May 2023, LISBON, Portugal, Convegno: TECHNART2023 International conference on analytical techniques in art and cultural heritage LISBON | 07›12 MAY (ISBN 978-989-9164-08-6)
- ARCA card: 10278/5082292
2023 Abstract in Atti di convegno Stucchi N.M.E., Lamuraglia R., Coletti C., Franceschin G., Vavasori A., Mazzoli C., Traviglia A. The Geoscience paradigm: Resources, Risks and future perspectives , Abstract book The geoscience paradigm: resources, risks and future perspectives. Potenza,19-21 September 2023, Società Geologica Italiana, Convegno: The geoscience paradigm: resources, risks and future perspectives. Potenza,19-21 September 2023
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/5082290
2022 Journal Article Cazzador, G; Manzato, L; Ronchin, L; Sadraoui, C; Vavasori, A; Zanella, M A New Sustainable Multistep Catalytic Process from Benzene to Caprolactam: Amination, Hydroximation and Beckmann Rearrangement Promoted and Catalyzed by Trifluoroacetic Acid in CATALYSIS LETTERS, vol. 153 (ISSN 1011-372X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/5008859
2021 Journal Article De Nardi C.; Gardner D.; Cazzador G.; Cristofori D.; Ronchin L.; Vavasori A.; Jefferson T. Experimental Investigation of a Novel Formulation of a Cyanoacrylate-Based Adhesive for Self-Healing Concrete Technologies in FRONTIERS IN BUILT ENVIRONMENT, vol. 7 (ISSN 2297-3362)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3745390
2021 Journal Article Carlo Beltrame, Alesandra Forti, Michele Maritan, Antonella Miola, Paolo Mozzi, Rucco, Andrea Vavasori The Fifth-Century AD Riverine Barge of Santa Maria in Padovetere (Ferrara, Italy): A Multidisciplinary Approach to its Environment and Shipbuilding Techniques in ENVIRONMENTAL ARCHAEOLOGY, vol. 26, pp. 29-50 (ISSN 1461-4103)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3710056
2021 Journal Article Kudaibergenov N.Zh.; Shalmagambetov K.M.; Vavasori A.; Zhaksylykova G.Zh.; Kanapiyeva F.M.; Almatkyzy P.; Mamyrkhan D.B.; Bulybayev M. The use of Lewis acid AlCl3 as a promoter in the Pd-complex catalytic system of the cyclohexene hydroethoxycarbonylation reaction in KARAGANDY UNIVERSITETININ̦ HABARSYSY. HIMIA SERIASY, vol. 101, pp. 8-17 (ISSN 2518-718X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3745391
2021 Journal Article Manente F.; Pietrobon L.; Ronchin L.; Vavasori A. Trifluoroacetic Acid Hydroxylamine System as Organocatalyst Reagent in a One-Pot Salt Free Process for the Synthesis of Caprolactam and Amides of Industrial Interest in CATALYSIS LETTERS, vol. 151, pp. 3543-3549 (ISSN 1011-372X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3745389
2020 Journal Article Pietrobon L.; Ronchin L.; Sadraoui C.; Pontello R.; Tosetto C.; Vavasori A. Pd/C Catalyzed selective hydrogenation of nitrobenzene to cyclohexanone oxime in the presence of NH2OH·HCl: Influence of the operative variables and insights on the reaction mechanism in APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL, vol. 598, pp. 117570 (ISSN 0926-860X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3728413
2019 Journal Article Vavasori A.; Bravo S.; Pasinato F.; Kudaibergenov N.; Pietrobon L.; Ronchin L. Supported palladium metal as heterogeneous catalyst precursor for the methoxycarbonylation of cyclohexene in MOLECULAR CATALYSIS, vol. in press, pp. 110742 (ISSN 2468-8231)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3721779
2019 Journal Article Bianchini E.; Pietrobon L.; Ronchin L.; Tortato C.; Vavasori A. Trifluoroacetic acid promoted hydration of styrene catalyzed by sulfonic resins: Comparison of the reactivity of styrene, n-hexene and cyclohexene in APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL, vol. 570, pp. 130-138 (ISSN 0926-860X)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3718765
2018 Journal Article Ronchin, Lucio; Tortato, Claudio; Pavanetto, Alessio; Miolo, Mattia; Demenev, Evgeny; Vavasori, Andrea Formates for green catalytic reductions via CO2hydrogenation, mediated by magnetically recoverable catalysts in PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY, vol. 90, pp. 337-351 (ISSN 0033-4545)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3696700
2018 Journal Article Vavasori, Andrea; Calgaro, Loris; Pietrobon, Luca; Ronchin, Lucio The coupling of carbon dioxide with ethene to produce acrylic acid sodium salt in one pot by using Ni(II) and Pd(II)-phosphine complexes as precatalysts in PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY, vol. 90, pp. 315-326 (ISSN 1365-3075)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3696558
2018 Article in Conference Proceedings Luca Pietrobon, Andrea Vavasori, Claudio Tortato, Lucio Ronchin New Green Polymers for Applications in Cleaning Graffiti Vandalism on Cultural Heritage Stones , Intervenire sulle superfici dell'architettura tra bilanci e prospettive, Venezia, Arcadia Ricerche srl, pp. 203-212, Convegno: 34° convegno internazionale Scienza e Beni Culturali, 3-6 luglio 2018 (ISBN 9788895409221)
- ARCA card: 10278/3703164
2018 Abstract in Atti di convegno Carlo Beltrame; Alessandra Forti; Michele Maritan; Antonella Miola; Paolo Mozzi; Alessandro Alessio Rucco; Andrea Vavasori Multidisciplinary research in naval archaeology: the shipwreck of Santa Maria in Padovetere (Ferrara, N Italy) , Humans and environmental sustainability: Lessons from the past ecosystems of Europe and Northern Africa. CEA2018 Abstracts book, Laboratorio di Palinologia e Paleobotanica, Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, pp. 81-82, Convegno: 14th Conference of Environmental Archaeology 2018, 26-28/02/2018 (ISBN 978-88-943442-0-2)
- URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3699476
2017 Journal Article De Nardi, Cristina; Bullo, Sandra; Ferrara, Liberato; Ronchin, Lucio; Vavasori, Andrea Effectiveness of crystalline admixtures and lime/cement coated granules in engineered self-healing capacity of lime mortars in MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, vol. 50 (ISSN 1359-5997)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3690361
2017 Journal Article Suerbaev, Kh. A; Kudaibergenov, N. Zh.; Vavasori, A. Hydroethoxycarbonylation of α-Olefins at Low Pressure of Carbon(II) Oxide in the Presence of the PdCl2(PPh3)2–PPh3–AlCl3 System in RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF GENERAL CHEMISTRY, vol. 87, pp. 707-712 (ISSN 1070-3632)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3690363
2017 Entry in dictionary/encyclopedia Vavasori, Andrea; Ronchin, Lucio Polyketones: Synthesis and Applications in Andrea Vavasori, Lucio Ronchin, Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 1-41 (ISBN 9780471440260)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3694314
2017 Poster in Atti di convegno Vavasori, Andrea; Bettini, Giacomo; Pietrobon, Luca; Lorenzon, Matteo; Tortato, Claudio; Ronchin, Lucio A green selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde by using H2O2 and a Pd(II)-catalyst , Book of Abstracts of 7th International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry, Mosca, Organazing Committee, pp. 128-129, Convegno: 7th International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry, 2-5 Ottobre 2017
- ARCA card: 10278/3694318
2017 Poster in Atti di convegno Andrea, Vavasori; Luca, Pietrobon; Lucio, Ronchin Synthesis of phenyl isocyanate and derivates via oxidative carbonylation of aniline catalyzed by Pd(II)-based redox systems in Organizing Committee, Sustainability & Diversity through Chemistry, San Paolo, Organizing Committee, pp. 129-129, Convegno: IUPAC 46th World Chemistry Congress, 9-14 luglio 2017
- ARCA card: 10278/3690362
2016 Journal Article De Fonzo, Nicola; Quartarone, Giuseppe; Ronchin, Lucio; Tortato, Claudio; Vavasori, Andrea Kinetics and mechanistic study of the Bamberger rearrangement of N-phenylhydroxylamine to 4-aminophenol in acetonitrile-trifluoroacetic acid: A substrate acid complex as para selectivity driver in APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL, vol. 516, pp. 58-69 (ISSN 0926-860X)
DOI - URL correlato - ARCA card: 10278/3674131
2016 Journal Article Vavasori, Andrea; Calgaro, Loris; Quartarone, Giuseppe; Ronchin, Lucio; Tortato, Claudio New magnetically recoverable palladium-based catalysts active in the alkoxycarbonylation of iodobenzene in PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY, vol. 88, pp. 445-455 (ISSN 1365-3075)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3677219
2016 Prefazione/Postfazione Tundo, Pietro; Liang Nian He, ; Claudio, Mota; Ekaterina, Lokteva; Arico', Fabio; Vavasori, Andrea Introduction on the design of a chemistry beyond chlorine , Chemistry Beyond Chlorine, Switzerland, Springer International Publishing, pp. xi-xxvi (ISBN 9783319300719)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3684820
2016 Poster in Atti di convegno Calgaro, L.; Vavasori, A.; Tortato, C.; Ronchin, L. Catalitic chemical fixation of CO2 through syntehsis of acrylic monomers in F.Aricò, P. Tundo, A. Vavasori, L. Ronchin, R. Dallocchio, E. Pasta, Sustainability through Green Chemistry, Venezia, Organizing Committee of 6th IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry, pp. 271-271, Convegno: 6th IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry, 4th-8th September
- ARCA card: 10278/3679185
2015 Journal Article Rancan, Elia; Arico, Fabio; Quartarone, Giuseppe; Ronchin, Lucio; Vavasori, Andrea Acid Catalyzed Direct-Amidation-Dehydrocyclization of 2-Hydroxy-acetophenones to Benzoxazoles by a One-Pot Sustainable Synthesis in CATALYSIS LETTERS, 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, NY 10013 USA, SPRINGER, vol. 145, pp. 939-946 (ISSN 1011-372X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/3661759
2015 Abstract in Atti di convegno Cecchi, Antonella; Demenev, Evgeny; De Nardi, Cristina; Quartarone, Giuseppe; Ronchin, Lucio; Sartor, Federica; Vavasori, Andrea Nuovi materiali self-healing per l'edilizia in Associazione Italiana di Chimica per l'Ingegneria, Molecules and Materials: Chemistry for Engineering, EdiSES, pp. 88-88, Convegno: VI Workshop Nazionale AICIng, 22-23 giugno 2015 (ISBN 9788879598774)
- ARCA card: 10278/3661796
2015 Abstract in Atti di convegno Vavasori, Andrea; Pezzella, Chiara; Ronchin, Lucio; Quartarone, Giuseppe; Tortato, Claudio; Demenev, Evgeny . Synthesis of Light-Emitting Polymers via Heck coupling reactions in Associazione Italiana di Chimica per l'Ingegneria, Molecules and Materials: Chemistry for Engineering, Edises, pp. 99-100, Convegno: VI Workshop Nazionale AICIng, 22-23 giugno 2015 (ISBN 9788879598774)
- ARCA card: 10278/3661644
2014 Journal Article Giuseppe Quartarone; Elia Rancan; Lucio Ronchin; Andrea Vavasori Beckmann rearrangement of acetophenone oximes to the corresponding amides organo-catalyzed by trifluoroaceticacid for sustainable NSAIDs synthesis in APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL, vol. 472, pp. 167-177 (ISSN 0926-860X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/39589
2014 Journal Article Giuseppe Quartarone; Lucio Ronchin; Alice Tosetto; Andrea Vavasori New insight on the mechanism of the catalytic hydrogenation of nitrobenzene to 4-aminophenol in CH3CN–H2O–CF3COOH as a reusable solvent system. Hydrogenation of nitrobenzene catalyzed by precious metals supported on carbon in APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL, vol. 475, pp. 169-178 (ISSN 0926-860X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/39500
2014 Journal Article Fabio Aricò; Giuseppe Quartarone; Elia Rancan; Lucio Ronchin; Pietro Tundo; Andrea Vavasori One-pot oximation–Beckmann rearrangement of ketones and aldehydes to amides of industrial interest: Acetanilide, caprolactam and acetaminophen in CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 49, pp. 47-51 (ISSN 1566-7367)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/39526
2014 Journal Article Elia Rancan; Fabio Aricò; Giuseppe Quartarone; Lucio Ronchin; Pietro Tundo; Andrea Vavasori Self-catalyzed direct amidation of ketones: A sustainable procedure for acetaminophen synthesis in CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 54, pp. 11-16 (ISSN 1566-7367)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/40804
2014 Journal Article Giuseppe Quartarone; Andrea Pietropolli Charmet; Lucio Ronchin; Claudio Tortato; Andrea Vavasori Thermodynamics and kinetics of indole oligomerization in 0.5 mol L-1 aqueous sulfuric acid: evaluation of some temperature dependant parameters in JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, vol. 27, pp. 680-689 (ISSN 0894-3230)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/41662
2014 Abstract in Atti di convegno Andrea Vavasori; Loris Calgaro; Sara Bravo; Lucio Ronchin; Claudio Tortato New magnetically recoverable heterogeneous Pd-catalyst active in the alcoxycarbonylation of iodobenzene , Book of Abstracts, Durban, University of Kwazulu-Natal, pp. 71-71, Convegno: 5th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, 17 – 21 August 2014
- ARCA card: 10278/40870
2014 Abstract in Atti di convegno A. Vavasori; L. Ronchin; F. Stefani; G. Quartarone; C. Tortato Surfactants aided dissolution in water of hydrophobic Pd(II)- diphosphino complexes to efficiently catalyze the CO-ethene copolymerization , Book of Abstracts, Durban, University of Kwazulu-Natal, pp. 74-74, Convegno: 5th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry, 17 – 21 August 2014
- ARCA card: 10278/40868
- ARCA card: 10278/40547
2013 Journal Article A. PIETROPOLLI CHARMET; G. QUARTARONE; L. RONCHIN; C. TORTATO; A. VAVASORI Quantum Chemical Investigation on Indole: Vibrational Force Field and Theoretical Determination of Its Aqueous pKa Value in JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. A, MOLECULES, SPECTROSCOPY, KINETICS, ENVIRONMENT, & GENERAL THEORY, vol. 117, pp. 6846-6858 (ISSN 1089-5639)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/37871
2013 Journal Article A. Vavasori; L. Ronchin; G. Quartarone; C. Tortato The catalytic copolymerization of ethene with carbon monoxide efficiently carried out in water/dichloromethane/sodium dodecylsulfate emulsion in MODERN RESEARCH IN CATALYSIS, vol. 2, pp. 93-99 (ISSN 2168-4499)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/37970
2013 Abstract in Atti di convegno E. Rancan; L. Ronchin; C. Tortato; A. Vavasori; G. Quartarone Kinetics of Beckmann rearrangement of 4-hydroxyacetophenone oxime and acetophenone oxime catalyzed by TFA: a clean and reusable organocatalyst for industrial synthesis , Book of abstracts: 44th World Chemistry Congress, IUPAC, pp. 1261-1261, Convegno: 44th World Chemistry Congress IUPAC, 11-16 Agosto 2013
- ARCA card: 10278/38126
2013 Abstract in Atti di convegno A. Vavasori; L. Ceccardi; C. Tortato; G. Quartarone; L. Ronchin New Magnetically Recoverable Palladium Metal Catalyst Supported on Poly(1-oxo-trimethylene)-Magnetite , 44th World Chemistry Congress, IUPAC, pp. 1260-1260, Convegno: 44th World Chemistry Congress, 11-16 Agosto 2013
- ARCA card: 10278/38090
2013 Abstract in Atti di convegno L. Pietrobon; S. Bravo; A. Vavasori; C. Tortato; L. Ronchin Phosgene Free Synthesis of N, N’ Diphenylurea via Oxidative Carbonylation of Aniline by using a Multistep Electron Transfer Catalytic System , Book of Abstract: 44 th World Chemistry Congress, IUPAC, pp. 1578-1578, Convegno: 44th World Chemistry Congress, 11.16 Agosto 2013
- ARCA card: 10278/38059
2012 Journal Article L. Ronchin; A. Vavasori; L. Toniolo Acid catalyzed alkylation of phenols with cyclohexene: Comparison between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, influence of cyclohexyl phenyl ether equilibrium and of the substituent on reaction rate and selectivity in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 355, pp. 134-141 (ISSN 1381-1169)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/30058
2012 Journal Article Vavasori A.; Ronchin L.; Toniolo L. Carbon monoxide-ethene alternating copolymerization catalyzed by [PdCl2(dppf)] in H2O-HCOOH [dppf = 1,1′-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene] in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 363-364, pp. 398-403 (ISSN 1381-1169)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/36533
2012 Journal Article A. Vavasori; L. Ronchin; L. Toniolo Influence of formic acid and water on the [Pd(OAc)2(dppp)] catalyzed ethene–carbon monoxide copolymerization carried out in aprotic organic solvents in APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL, vol. 449, pp. 198-202 (ISSN 0926-860X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/34101
2012 Journal Article G. QUARTARONE; L. RONCHIN; A. VAVASORI; C. TORTATO; L. BONALDO Inhibitive action of gramine towards corrosion of mild steel in deaerated 1.0 M hydrochloric acid solutions in CORROSION SCIENCE, vol. 64, pp. 82-89 (ISSN 0010-938X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/35426
2012 Journal Article L. Ronchin; G. Quartarone; A. Vavasori Kinetics and mechanism of acid catalyzed alkylation of phenol with cyclohexene in the presence of styrene divinylbenzene sulfonic resins in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 353-354, pp. 192-203 (ISSN 1381-1169)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/27523
2012 Journal Article Vavasori A.; Capponi M.; Ronchin L. One-pot synthesis of paracetamol via the catalytic reductive carbonylation of nitrobenzene in acetic acid-water as a solvent in CHEMICKÉ LISTY, vol. 106, pp. 1191-1191 (ISSN 1213-7103)
- ARCA card: 10278/33912
2012 Journal Article Vavasori A.; Ronchin L. Phosgene-free synthesis of 1,3-diphenylurea via catalyzed reductive carbonylation of nitrobenzene in PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY, vol. 84, pp. 473-484 (ISSN 0033-4545)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/29643
2012 Review in magazine F. Aricò; A. Vavasori; Z. Liu; T. Jiang Chlorine-free Synthesis for Green Chemistry in CHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL, vol. July-August, pp. 24-24 (ISSN 0193-6484)
- ARCA card: 10278/36509
2012 Article in Conference Proceedings N. de Fonzo; G. Quartarone; L. Ronchin; C. Tortato; A. Vavasori. Kinetics of Bamberger rearrangement of N-phenylhydroxylamine in a reusable homogeneous system: CH3CN-H2O-CF3COOH in Andrea Undri, Andrea Pedna, Guido Giachi, Giulia Giuntoli, Le Sfide della Chimica Industriale per una Innovazione Sostenibile, Andrea Undri, Andrea Pedna, Guido Giachi, Giulia Giuntoli, Convegno: XVIII Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Industriale della Società Chimica Italiana
- ARCA card: 10278/33985
2012 Article in Conference Proceedings Vavasori A.; Capponi M.; Ronchin L. One-pot synthesis of paracetamol via the reductive carbonylation of nitrobenzene in acetic acid-water as a solvent in -, Book of abstract, Praga, -, vol. -, pp. 77-77, Convegno: 4th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, 26-30 agosto
- ARCA card: 10278/36096
2012 Article in Conference Proceedings Vavasori A.; Ronchin L.; Quartarone G.; Tortato C.; Campagnaro L. Surfactant Aided Reductive Carbonylation of Nitrobenzene inWater Catalyzed by Pd Complexes in Società Chimica Italiana, Le Sfide della chimica industriale per una innovazione sostenibile, Firenze, SCI, vol. -, pp. PO 17-PO 17, Convegno: XVIII Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Industriale della Società Chimica Italiana, 11-14 Giugno 2012
- ARCA card: 10278/30869
2012 Curatorship (a cura di) Tundo P.; Aricò F.; Vavasori A. Chlorine-free Synthesis for Green Chemistry , Wurzbacher C.
- ARCA card: 10278/32494
2012 Curatorship (a cura di) Vavasori A.; Aricò F. Recommendation for future actions in research and developments , Venezia, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
- ARCA card: 10278/33251
2011 Article in Conference Proceedings QUARTARONE G.;RONCHIN L.; VAVASORI A.; TORTATO C.; BONALDO L. Environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitor of the copper in 0.5 M sulphuric acid solution. in Università del Salento, XXIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Lecce, SCI - Società Chimica Italiana, pp. 321-321, Convegno: XXIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, 11-16/09/2011 (ISBN 9788883050855)
- ARCA card: 10278/24909
2011 Article in Conference Proceedings A. Vavasori; L. Ronchin High molecular weight poly(1-oxo-trimethylene) solution obtained by the catalytic copolymerization of CO with ethene in phenol-H2O as a solvent in -, Chemistry Bridging Innovation Among the Americas and the World, San Juan, IUPAC, vol. -, pp. 107-107, Convegno: 43rdbIUPAC World Chemistry Congress, 30 luglio-5 agosto
- ARCA card: 10278/28436
2011 Article in Conference Proceedings L. Ronchin; A. Tosetto; A. Vavasori; G. Quartarone; C. Tortato Hydrogenation of nitrobenzene to 4-aminophenol in a fully reusable solvent system, by using Pt, Rh, Pd supported on carbon-CF3COOH catalytic system in University of Glasgow, EuropaCat X, Glasgow, University of Glasgow, vol. -, pp. IO 34-IO 34, Convegno: EuropaCat X, 28 Agosto- 2 settembre 2011
- ARCA card: 10278/39895
2011 Article in Conference Proceedings A. Vavasori; L. Ronchin; G. Quartarone; C. Tortato Pd(II)-catalyzed emulsion copolymerization of carbon monoxide with ethene in CH2Cl2/water as a solvent in University of Glasgow, EuropaCat X, Glasgow, -, vol. -, pp. PTh201-PTh201, Convegno: EuropaCat X, 2011
- ARCA card: 10278/39620
2011 Article in Conference Proceedings A. Vavasori; L. Ronchin; A. Minto Surfactant-aided catalytic copolymerization of carbon monoxide with ethene in water as a solvent in University of Glasgow, EuropaCat X, Glasgow, -, vol. -, pp. PTh202-PTh202, Convegno: EuropaCat X, 28 agosto-2 settembre
- ARCA card: 10278/39684
2011 Brevetto BENCINI E.; RONCHIN L.; TONIOLO L.; VAVASORI A. Ruthenium-based catalyst and use thereof in the selective hydrogenation of aromatic or polyunsaturated compounds BREVETTO NUM. EP2446963 (A1)
- ARCA card: 10278/36251
2011 Brevetto E. Bencini; L. Ronchin; L. Toniolo; A. Vavasori Ruthenium-based catalyst and used thereof in the selective Hydrogenation of aronatic polyunsaturated compounds BREVETTO NUM. 11186625.7-2104
- ARCA card: 10278/30059
2010 Journal Article A. Vavasori; F. Dall’Acqua; G. Cavinato; L. Toniolo Influence of the operating conditions on the catalytic activity of [PdCl2(dapp)] in the CO–ethene copolymerization in the H2O–CH3COOH as a solvent (dapp = 1,3-bis(di(2-methoxyphenyl) phosphino)propane) in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 332, pp. 158-164 (ISSN 1381-1169)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/27128
2010 Journal Article A. Vavasori; L. Ronchin; L. Toniolo Terpolymerization of propene and ethene with carbon monoxide catalyzed by[PdCl2(dppf)] in HCOOH–H2O as a solvent [dppf =1,1'-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene] in APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL, vol. 389, pp. 108-113 (ISSN 0926-860X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/27129
2010 Article in Conference Proceedings Quartarone G.; Bonaldo L.; Tortato T.; Ronchin L.; Vavasori A.. Investigation on inhibiting effect of indole and its oligomers on the corrosion of carbon steel in deaerated 0.5 M H2SO4. in DIVISIONE DI ELETTROCHIMICA SOCIETA' CHIMICA ITALIANA, Giornate dell'Elettrochimica Italiana Elettrochimica per il Recupero Ambientale, Modena, DIVISIONE DI ELETTROCHIMICA SOCIETA' CHIMICA ITALIANA, vol. -, pp. P2-P2, Convegno: GEI.ERA, 5-10 SETTEMBRE 2010
- ARCA card: 10278/39575
2009 Journal Article AMADIO E; CAVINATO G; DOLMELLA A; RONCHIN L; TONIOLO L; VAVASORI A. New carboalkoxybis(triphenylphosphine)palladium(II) cationic complexes: Synthesis, characterization, reactivity and role in the catalytic hydrocarboalkoxylation of ethene. X-ray structure of trans-[Pd(COOMe)(TsO)(PPh3)2]·2CHCl3 in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 298, pp. 103-110 (ISSN 1381-1169)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/18836
2009 Journal Article RONCHIN L.; VAVASORI A On the mechanism of the organocatalyzed Beckmann rearrangement of cyclohexanone oxime by trifluoroacetic acid in aprotic solvent in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 313, pp. 22-30 (ISSN 1381-1169)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/21860
2009 Journal Article RONCHIN L; VAVASORI A.; AMADIO E; CAVINATO G; TONIOLO L Oxidative carbonylation of phenols catalyzed by homogeneous and heterogeneous Pd precursors in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 298, pp. 23-30 (ISSN 1381-1169)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/31790
2009 Journal Article RONCHIN L; VAVASORI A.; BERNARDI D; CAVINATO G; TONIOLO L Selective hydrogenation of ethyl-benzoylacetate to 3-hydroxy-3-phenyl-propionate catalyzed by Pd/C in EtOH as a solvent in the presence of KOH: The role of the enolate ion on the reaction mechanism in APPLIED CATALYSIS A: GENERAL, vol. 355, pp. 50-60 (ISSN 0926-860X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/19826
2009 Journal Article M. BORTOLUZZI; G. PAOLUCCI; PITTERI B.; A. VAVASORI; V. BERTOLASI Synthesis and Reactivity of Mixed-Ligand Palladium(II) Organometallic Complexes with Phosphites and Bis(pyrazol-1-yl)methane in ORGANOMETALLICS, vol. 28, pp. 3247-3255 (ISSN 0276-7333)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/31626
2009 Journal Article VAVASORI A.; RONCHIN L; AMADIO E; TONIOLO L; CAVINATO G Terpolymerisation of 1-olefin and ethene with CO catalysed by the [PdCl2(dppp)] complex in methanol as a solvent [dppp = 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane] in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 299, pp. 5-11 (ISSN 1381-1169)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/18835
2009 Journal Article QUARTARONE G.; RONCHIN L; TORTATO C; VAVASORI A Thermodynamics and kinetics of indole oligomerization: Preliminary results in aqueous sulfuric acid in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL KINETICS, vol. 41, pp. 107-112 (ISSN 0538-8066)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/29924
2008 Journal Article RONCHIN L.; BORTOLUZZI M; VAVASORI A A DFT study on secondary reaction pathways in the acid-catalysed Beckmann rearrangement of cyclohexanone oxime in aprotic solvent in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE. THEOCHEM, vol. 858, pp. 46-51 (ISSN 0166-1280)
- ARCA card: 10278/16640
2008 Journal Article MARZIANO N.C; RONCHIN L.; TORTATO C; VAVASORI A; BORTOLUZZI M Catalyzed Beckmann rearrangement of cyclohexanone oxime in heterogeneous liquid/solid system part 2: influence of acid catalysts and organic promoters in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 290, pp. 79-87 (ISSN 1381-1169)
- ARCA card: 10278/31766
2008 Journal Article RONCHIN L.; VAVASORI A; BORTOLUZZI M Organocatalyzed Beckmann rearrangement of cyclohexanone oxime by trifluoroacetic acid in aprotic solvent in CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 10, pp. 251-256 (ISSN 1566-7367)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/20169
- ARCA card: 10278/20849
2008 Article in Conference Proceedings AMADIO E; CAVINATO G; RONCHIN L; TONIOLO L; VAVASORI A. Oxidative Carbonylation of Alkanols Catalyzed by Pd(II)-phosphine Complexes. Sinthesis, Characterization, and Reactivity of new Carboalkoxy Complexes as Model Intermediate , Atti del XVII Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Industriale (SCI), pp. CAT-C03, Convegno: XVII Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Industriale (SCI), 30 giugno-3 luglio
- ARCA card: 10278/17372
2008 Article in Conference Proceedings AMADIO E; CAVINATO G; RONCHIN L.; TONIOLO L; VAVASORI A Pd(II)-Phosphine Catalysts for the Oxidative Carbonylation of Alkanols. Synthsis, Characterization, and Reactivity ofnew Carboalkoxy Complexes as Model Intermediates. International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis , Atti del ISHC-XVI, pp. P472, Convegno: ISHC-XVI., 6-11 luglio.
- ARCA card: 10278/20171
2008 Article in Conference Proceedings BORTOLUZZI M.; RONCHIN L; PITTERI B; VAVASORI A Synthesis and characterisation of the new Pd(II)-bis(pyrazol-1-yl)methane aqua complex and its catalytic activity in the olefins poymerisation , pp. CAT-P26, Convegno: XVII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Industriale
- ARCA card: 10278/17817
2008 Article in Conference Proceedings VAVASORI A.; AMADIO E; CAVINATO G; RONCHIN L; TONIOLO L THE PROMOTING EFFECT OF WATER IN THE CARBON MONOXIDE ETHENE COPOLYMERISATION IN POLAR APROTIC SOLVENTS PROMOTED BY THE PRECURSOR [Pd(AcO)2(dppp)] (dppp = 1,3-BIS(DIPHENYLPHOSPHINO)PROPANE) , Atti del XVII Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Industriale (SCI), pp. POL-P07, Convegno: XVII Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Industriale (SCI), 30 giugno-3 luglio
- ARCA card: 10278/20850
2008 Article in Conference Proceedings QUARTARONE G; RONCHIN L.; TORTATO C; VAVASORI A; BONALDO L THERMODYNAMIC AND KINETICS OF INDOLE POLYMERIZATION IN AQUEOUS SULFURIC ACID , Energia, materiali e prodotti da tecnologie e processi eco-sostenibili, Genova, Aldo BottinoAntonio ComiteSilvia Vicini, pp. POL-P05, Convegno: XVII Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Industriale (SCI)., 30 giugno-3 luglio 2008
- ARCA card: 10278/20172
2008 Article in Conference Proceedings BORTOLUZZI M.; ANNIBALE G; PAOLUCCI G; PITTERI B; VAVASORI A The role of the cis ligand in the synthesis of new Pd(II)-bis(pyrazol-1-yl)methane aqua- and hydroxo-complexes , pp. O2, Convegno: VIII Co.G.I.C.O.
- ARCA card: 10278/16691
2008 Brevetto JANG J-Y; CHOI J-I; CHO H-S; SHIM J-Y; YOON S-K; KIM H-S; TONIOLO L; VAVASORI A. Manufacturing Process of Polyketone BREVETTO NUM. JP2008163291 A
- ARCA card: 10278/18842
2008 Brevetto TONIOLO L; VAVASORI A. Process For Preparing Polyketone BREVETTO NUM. CN101210070
- ARCA card: 10278/18806
2008 Brevetto JANG J-Y; CHOI J-I; CHO H-S; SHIM J-Y; YOON S-K; KIM H-S; TONIOLO L; VAVASORI A. Process For Preparing Polyketone BREVETTO NUM. US 2008161531
- ARCA card: 10278/18843
2008 Brevetto JANG J-Y; CHOI J-I; CHO H-S; SHIM J-Y; YOON S-K; KIM H-S; TONIOLO L; VAVASORI A.; DALL; ACQUA F Process For Preparing Polyketone BREVETTO NUM. EP 1942127 A1
- ARCA card: 10278/18841
2007 Journal Article CAVINATO G; VAVASORI A.; AMADIO E; TONIOLO L CO–ethene copolymerisation catalysed by [PdCl2(PPh3)2]/PPh3/HCl in MeOH in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 278, pp. 251-257 (ISSN 1381-1169)
- ARCA card: 10278/18109
2007 Journal Article MARZIANO N.C.; RONCHIN L.; TORTATO C; VAVASORI A; BADETTI C Catalyzed Beckmann rearrangement of cyclohexanone oxime in heterogeneous liquid/solid system: Part 1: Batch and continuous operation with supported acid catalysts in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 277, pp. 221-232 (ISSN 1381-1169)
- ARCA card: 10278/30133
2007 Journal Article FABRELLO A; VAVASORI A; DALL'ACQUA F; TONIOLO L. Influence of the reaction conditions on the productivity and on the molecular weight of the polyketone obtained by the CO–ethene copolymerisation catalysed by [Pd(TsO)(H2O)(dppp)](TsO) in MeOH in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 276, pp. 211-218 (ISSN 1381-1169)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/31759
2007 Journal Article AGOSTINELLI E; BELLI F; TEMPERA G; MURA A; FLORIS G; TONIOLO L; VAVASORI A; FABRIS S; MOMO F; STEVANATO R. Polyketone polymer: a new support for direct enzyme immobilization. in JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, vol. 127, pp. 670-678 (ISSN 0168-1656)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/19435
2007 Journal Article VAVASORI A.; BELLIENI A; RONCHIN L; DALL'ACQUA F; TONIOLO L; CAVINATO G Selective alternating copolymerisation of carbon monoxide and ethene catalysed by [PdCl2(dppf)] in acetic acid–water as a solvent [dppf = 1,1′-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene] in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 263, pp. 9-14 (ISSN 1381-1169)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/28720
2007 Article in Conference Proceedings RONCHIN L.; VAVASORI A; TORTATO C; BORTOLUZZI M; PITTERI B Beckmann rearrangement of ketoximes catalyzed by Pd(II)-CH3SO3H system in aprotic solvent , Ati del XV Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi GIC 2007, Società Chimica Italiana, Convegno: XV Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi GIC 2007, 10-14 Giugno
- ARCA card: 10278/18376
2007 Article in Conference Proceedings VAVASORI A.; RONCHIN L; DALL'ACQUA F; AMADIO E; TONIOLO L CO-Ethene-Styrene (CO-E-S) terpolymerisation catalysed by [PdCl2(dppf)] in CH3COOH-H2O as a solvent [dppf = 1,1’-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene] , Atti del XV Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi GIC 2007, pp. P11, Convegno: XV Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi GIC 2007, 10-14 Giugno 2007
- ARCA card: 10278/25074
2007 Article in Conference Proceedings VAVASORI A.; RONCHIN L; DALL'ACQUA F; AMADIO E; TONIOLO L; CAVINATO G Carbonylation of Ethene Catalysed by [PdCl2(dppf)] [dppf = 1,1’-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene] , Abstracts of the Europacat-VIII, pp. P1-15, Convegno: Europacat-VIII, 26-31 Agosto 2007
- ARCA card: 10278/18322
2007 Article in Conference Proceedings G. PAOLUCCI; M. BORTOLUZZI; PITTERI B.; A. VAVASORI NMR and Computational Characterization of Pd(II) Derivatives containing the 1-diphenylphosphanyl-3,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrazole(PzP) Ligand. Catalytic activity studies towards CO -olefins mixtures , Atti del XV Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, pp. P1-P1, Convegno: XV Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, 10-14.6.2007
- ARCA card: 10278/15571
2007 Article in Conference Proceedings AMADIO E; CAVINATO G; VAVASORI A; HARTER P; TONIOLO L. On the mechanism of the hydromethoxycarbonylation of ethene catalysed by cationic Pd(II)-PPh3 complexes , Atti del XV Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi GIC 2007, pp. P10, Convegno: XV Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi GIC 2007, 10-14 Giugno 2007
- ARCA card: 10278/18359
2007 Article in Conference Proceedings RONCHIN L; VAVASORI A.; DALL'ACQUA F; AMADIO E; TONIOLO L Oxidative Carbonylation of Phenols Catalysed by Pd-Co-TBAB System , Atti del XV Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi GIC 2007, pp. P9, Convegno: XV Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi GIC 2007, 10-14 Giugno 2007
- ARCA card: 10278/18321
2007 Brevetto JANG J. Y; KIM J. H; TONIOLO L; VAVASORI A.; DALL ACQUA F Process for producing polyketone BREVETTO NUM. KR100789141B
- ARCA card: 10278/18805
2006 Journal Article CAVINATO G.; TONIOLO L.; VAVASORI A. Carbonylation of Ethene in Methanol Catalysed by Cationic Phosphine Complexes of Pd(II): from Polyketones to Monocarbonylated Products in TOPICS IN ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, vol. 18, pp. 125-164 (ISSN 1436-6002)
- ARCA card: 10278/13820
2006 Journal Article M. BORTOLUZZI; G. PAOLUCCI; PITTERI B.; A. VAVASORI Metal-assisted syntheses and NMR characterization of square-planar Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes with tridentate nitrogen-donor chelate ligands in INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 9, pp. 1301-1303 (ISSN 1387-7003)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/14093
2006 Article in Conference Proceedings RONCHIN L; TORTATO C; VESCOVO R; VAVASORI A. Riarrangiamento di Beckmann della cicloesanonossima a craprolattame catalizzata da H2SO4/SiO2 promosso da metalli di transizione , Atti del XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, pp. 284, Convegno: XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, 10-15 Settembre
- ARCA card: 10278/8075
2006 Article in Conference Proceedings BORTOLUZZI M; PAOLUCCI G.; PITTERI B; VAVASORI A Sintesi, caratterizzazione e studio della reattività di nuovi complessi di Pd(II) stabilizzati da leganti ancillari azotati , vol. INO-P-53, pp. 322-322, Convegno: XXII Congresso Nazionale della S.C.I., 10-15 SETTEMBRE 2006
- ARCA card: 10278/8040
2006 Article in Conference Proceedings VAVASORI A; MILITELLO E; RONCHIN L; DALL'ACQUA F; TONIOLO L.; CAVINATO G. Terpolimerizzazione CO-etene-a-olefine catalizzata da[PdCl2(dppp)] in CH3COOH-H2O [dppp = 1,3-bis(difenilfosfino)propano] , Atti del XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, pp. 287, Convegno: XXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, 10-15 Settembre
- ARCA card: 10278/7984
2006 Brevetto CHO H. S; KIM J.H; KWON I. H; TONIOLO L.; VAVASORI A; DALL'ACQUA F Method for producting polyketone BREVETTO NUM. KR100652086B
- ARCA card: 10278/21628
2006 Brevetto H. S. CHO; J. H. KIM; I. H. KWON; L. TONIOLO; VAVASORI A. Process for producing polyketone BREVETTO NUM. KR100652074B
- ARCA card: 10278/15688
2006 Brevetto H. S. CHO; J. H. KIM; I. H. KWON; L. TONIOLO; VAVASORI A. Process for producing polyketone BREVETTO NUM. KR100652076B
- ARCA card: 10278/15690
2006 Brevetto H. S. CHO; J. H. KIM; I. H. KWON; L. TONIOLO; VAVASORI A. Process for producing polyketone BREVETTO NUM. KR100652073B
- ARCA card: 10278/15689
2005 Journal Article AGOSTINELLI E; BELLI F; DALLA VEDOVA L; LONGU S; MURA A; FLORIS G; TONIOLO L; VAVASORI A; FABRIS S; MOMO F; STEVANATO R. Direct immobilization of amine oxidases on ethylene-carbon monooxide copolymer in AMINO ACIDS, vol. 29/1, pp. 35-35 (ISSN 0939-4451)
- ARCA card: 10278/13396
2005 Journal Article RONCHIN L.; VAVASORI A; TONIOLO L Preparation, characterization, activity and selectivity of Highly loaded oxide promoted Ruthenium catalysts for selective hydrogenation of benzene to cyclohexene in REACTION KINETICS AND CATALYSIS LETTERS, vol. 86, pp. 331-337 (ISSN 0133-1736)
- ARCA card: 10278/13131
2005 Journal Article MARZIANO N.C; RONCHIN L.; TORTATO C; RONCHIN S; VAVASORI A Selective oxidations by nitrosating agents: Part 2: Oxidations of alcohols and ketones over solid acid catalysts in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 235, pp. 26-34 (ISSN 1381-1169)
- ARCA card: 10278/13130
2005 Journal Article CAVINATO G; VAVASORI A.; TONIOLO L; RONCHIN L; DALL' ACQUA F; DOLMELLA A Synthesis, characterization and X-ray structure of [Pd(SO4)(dppp)] · H2O, a catalyst for the CO-ethene copolymerization [dppp = 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane] in INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA, vol. 358, pp. 4555-4562 (ISSN 0020-1693)
- ARCA card: 10278/13766
- ARCA card: 10278/7951
- ARCA card: 10278/7950
2005 Article in Conference Proceedings AGOSTINELLI E; BELLI F; DALLA VEDOVA F; LONGU S; MURA A; FLORIS G; TONIOLO L.; VAVASORI A; FABRIS S; MOMO F; STEVANATO R Direct immobilization of amine oxidases on ethylene-carbon monoxide copolymer , Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche per uno Sviluppo Sostenibile, Convegno: 9th International Congress on Amino Acids and Proteins, 8-12 AGOSTO
- ARCA card: 10278/7949
2005 Article in Conference Proceedings DALL'ACQUA F; VAVASORI A; CAVINATO G; TONIOLO L; RONCHIN L.; DOLMELLA A Synthesis, Characterization and X-ray Structure of Pd(dppp)(SO4), a Catalyst for the CO-Ethene Copolymerization [dppp = 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphine)propane] , Atti del V SIGMA ALDRICH YOUNG CHEMISTS SYMPOSIUM, pp. P27, Convegno: V SIGMA ALDRICH YOUNG CHEMISTS SYMPOSIUM
- ARCA card: 10278/7349
2004 Journal Article VAVASORI A.; TONIOLO L; CAVINATO G Carbon monoxide–ethylene copolymerisation catalysed by [PdCl2(dppp)] in methanol–water or in acetic acid–water as solvents (dppp = 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphine)propane) in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 215, pp. 63-72 (ISSN 1381-1169)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/32297
2004 Journal Article CAVINATO G; TONIOLO L.; VAVASORI A Characterization and catalytic activity of trans-[Pd(COCH2CH3)(TsO)(PPh3)2], isolated from the hydro-methoxycarbonylation of ethene catalyzed by [Pd(TsO)2(PPh3)2] in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 219, pp. 233-240 (ISSN 1381-1169)
- ARCA card: 10278/13760
2004 Journal Article CAVINATO G; VAVASORI A; TONIOLO L.; DOLMELLA A Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity in the carbonylation of ethene of cis-[Pd(H2O)2(PPh3)2]X2 · nH2O (X=p-CH3C6H4SO3, n=2; X=CH3SO3, n=0). X-ray structure of cis-[Pd(H2O)2(PPh3)2](p-CH3C6H4SO3)2 · 2H2O and of cis-[Pd(H2O)2(PPh3)2](CH3SO3)2 · 2CH2Cl2 in INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA, vol. 357, pp. 2737-2747 (ISSN 0020-1693)
- ARCA card: 10278/13812
2004 Article in Conference Proceedings TONIOLO L.; VAVASORI A; CAVINATO G CHARACTERIZATION AND CATALYTIC ACTIVITY OF TRANS-[PD(COCH2CH3)(TSO)(PPh3)2], ISOLATED FROM THE METHOXYCARBONYLATION OF ETHENE CATALYZED BY [PD(TSO)2(PPh3)2] , pp. 306, Convegno: 14th International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis, 5-9 luglio
- ARCA card: 10278/7948
- ARCA card: 10278/7947
2003 Journal Article VAVASORI A; CAVINATO G; TONIOLO L. Carbon monoxide–ethylene copolymerization catalyzed by a Pd(OAc)2/dppp/formic acid system [dppp=1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane] in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 191, pp. 209-215 (ISSN 1381-1169)
- ARCA card: 10278/13761
2003 Journal Article VAVASORI A.; TONIOLO L; CAVINATO G; VISENTIN F Highly active [Pd(AcO)2(dppp)] catalyst for the CO-C2H4 copolymerization in H2O-CH3COOH solvent [dppp = 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane] in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 204, pp. 295-303 (ISSN 1381-1169)
- ARCA card: 10278/13895
2003 Journal Article VAVASORI A.; TONIOLO L.; CAVINATO G. Hydroesterification of cyclohexene using the complex Pd(PPh3)2(TsO)2 as catalyst precursor: Effect of a hydrogen source (TsOH, H2O) on the TOF and a kinetic study (TsOH: p-toluenesulfonic acid) in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 191, pp. 9-21 (ISSN 1381-1169)
- ARCA card: 10278/13836
2003 Journal Article CAVINATO G; VAVASORI A.; TONIOLO L; BENETOLLO F Synthesis, characterization and X-ray structure of trans-[Pd(COOCH3)(H2O)(PPh3)2](TsO), a possible intermediate in the catalytic hydroesterification of olefins (TsO=p-toluenesulfonate) in INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA, vol. 343, pp. 183-188 (ISSN 0020-1693)
- ARCA card: 10278/13837
2003 Article in Conference Proceedings VAVASORI A.; TONIOLO L; CAVINATO G; VISENTIN F Highly Active [Pd(OAc)2(dppp)] Catalyst for the CO-C2H4 Copolymerization in H2O-CH3COOH Solvent , REP 04 18TH NORTH AMERICAN CATALYSIS SOCIETY MEETING, pp. P-414, Convegno: 18TH NORTH AMERICAN CATALYSIS SOCIETY MEETING
- ARCA card: 10278/8227
2003 Article in Conference Proceedings VAVASORI A.; TONIOLO L; CAVINATO G Highly Efficient [PdX2(dppp)] Catalyst for the Perfectly Alternated CO-C2H4 Copolymerization to Polyketone in H2O-CH3COOH Solvent [X = Cl, OAc; dppp = 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane] , Atti del XXI CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SCI, pp. ID-CO-024, Convegno: XXI CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SCI
- ARCA card: 10278/8226
2003 Article in Conference Proceedings VAVASORI A.; CAVINATO G; TONIOLO L The promoting effect of water on the CO-C2H4 copolymerization catalyzed by [PdX2(dppp)] (X = AcO, Cl) [dppp = 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane] , Abstracts of EUROPACAT VI, pp. B3.057, Convegno: EUROPACAT VI
- ARCA card: 10278/8077
2002 Article in Conference Proceedings TONIOLO L; VAVASORI A.; CAVINATO G Promoting effect of a hydrogen donor (water or an acid) on the Pd-catalyzed carbonylation of olefins , Convegno: SFC Eurochem
- ARCA card: 10278/8225
2002 Article in Conference Proceedings CAVINATO G; VAVASORI A.; TONIOLO L; BENETOLLO F Synthesis, characterization and reactivity of trans-[Pd(COOCH3)(H2O)(PPh3)2](TsO) [TsO =p-toluenesulfonate]: its role in the catalytic hydroesterification of olefins , Atti di Co.G.I.C.O. 2002, vol. P22, pp. 106, Convegno: Co.G.I.C.O.
- ARCA card: 10278/32752
2001 Journal Article VAVASORI A; CAVINATO G; TONIOLO L. Effect of a Hydride Source (Water, Hydrogen, p-Toluenesulfonic Acid) on the Hydroesterification of Ethylene to Methyl Propionate Using a Pd(PPh3)2(TsO)2 (TsO = p-toluenesulfonate anion) Catalyst Precursor in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 176, pp. 11-18 (ISSN 1381-1169)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/13811
2001 Article in Conference Proceedings VAVASORI A.; TONIOLO L Carbon Monoxide-Ethylene Copolymerization Catalyzed by a Pd(OAc)2/dppp/formic acid System [dppp = 1,3 bis-(diphenylphosphino)propane] , Book 7 of EUROPACAT V, vol. 7, pp. 15-P-11, Convegno: EUROPACAT V, 2-7 September
- ARCA card: 10278/8071
2001 Article in Conference Proceedings VAVASORI A.; CAVINATO G.; TONIOLO L Kinetics of Hydroesterification of Cyclohexene Using the Complex Pd(PPh3)2(TsO)2 as Catalyst Precursor (TsO = p-toluenesulfonate) , Atti del XIV Congresso Nazionale SCI Divisione di Chimica Industriale, pp. 165, Convegno: XIV Congresso Nazionale SCI Divisione di Chimica Industriale, 2-4 Ottobre
- ARCA card: 10278/8070
2001 Article in Conference Proceedings CAVINATO G; TONIOLO L; VAVASORI A. Olefin Hydroesterification Catalyzed by a Pd(OAc)2/PPh3/TsOH System. On the Mechanism , vol. 7, pp. 15-P-10, Convegno: EUROPACAT V, 2-7 Settembre
- ARCA card: 10278/8228
2001 Article in Conference Proceedings VAVASORI A.; TONIOLO L Solvent Effect on the CO-Ethylene Copolymerization Catalyzed by the System Pd(acetate)2/1,3-bis(diphenylphosphine)propane/Formic acid , Atti del XIV Congresso Nazionale SCI Divisione di Chimica Industriale, pp. 167, Convegno: XIV Congresso Nazionale SCI Divisione di Chimica Industriale, 2-4 OTTOBRE
- ARCA card: 10278/8072
2001 Article in Conference Proceedings CAVINATO G; VAVASORI A.; TONIOLO L Synthesis of new Pd(COOR)(PPh3)2(TsO) Complex (where R is Me, Et, n-Pr, iso-Pr, n-Bu, iso-Bu, sec-Bu) , Atti del XIV Congresso Nazionale SCI Divisione di Chimica Industriale, pp. 163, Convegno: XIV Congresso Nazionale SCI Divisione di Chimica Industriale, 2-4 ottobre
- ARCA card: 10278/8076
2000 Journal Article VAVASORI A; TONIOLO L. The promoting effect of chelating ligands in the oxidative carbonylation of phenol to diphenyl carbonate catalyzed by Pd-Co-Benzoquinone system in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 151, pp. 37-45 (ISSN 1381-1169)
- ARCA card: 10278/13763
2000 Article in Conference Proceedings VAVASORI A.; CAVINATO G; RINALDO A; FABRIS S; TONIOLO L Effetto promotore di idrogeno nell'idroesterificazione di cicloesene catalizzata da palladio , Atti del XX Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, Convegno: XX Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana, 4-9 giugno
- ARCA card: 10278/8074
2000 Article in Conference Proceedings VAVASORI A.; DONAGGIO M; TONIOLO L Hydroxylation of benzene to phenol using a CO/O2 mixture as oxidant catalyzed by a Pd(OAc)2/CuCl2 system , Atti del XXII Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, Convegno: XXII Congresso Nazionale di Catalisi, 1-5 ottobre
- ARCA card: 10278/8073
1999 Journal Article VAVASORI A.; TONIOLO L. Multistep Electron Transfer Catalytic System for the Oxidative Carbonylation of Phenol to Diphenyl Carbonate in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 139, pp. 109-119 (ISSN 1381-1169)
- ARCA card: 10278/13762
1996 Journal Article VAVASORI A.; TONIOLO L. Carbon monoxide-ethylene copolymerization catalyzed by a Pd(OAc)2/dppp/TsOH system: the promoting effect of water and of the acid in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL, vol. 110, pp. 13-23 (ISSN 1381-1169)
- ARCA card: 10278/13014
1994 Journal Article BERTANI R; CAVINATO G; FACCHIN G; TONIOLO L; VAVASORI A. New aspects of the carbonylation of allylpalladium complexes in JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, vol. 466, pp. 273-276 (ISSN 0022-328X)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/13768
1994 Journal Article CAVINATO G; TONIOLO L; VAVASORI A. Synthesis of γ-ketocarboxylic acids via reduction of γ-keto-α-hydroxycarboxylic acids with carbon monoxide catalyzed by a PdHCl system in JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS, vol. 89, pp. 93-100 (ISSN 0304-5102)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/13767
1994 Article in Conference Proceedings CAVINATO G; RONCHIN L.; TONIOLO L; VAVASORI A Highly selective palladium catalyzed hydrogen transfer from H2O-CO to the C=C double bonds or in hydrodealogenation reactions , Atti del X CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DI CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE, IX CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DI CATALISI, Convegno: X CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DI CHIMICA INDUSTRIALE, IX CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DI CATALISI, 25-29 SETTEMBRE 1994
- ARCA card: 10278/7192
1994 Article in Conference Proceedings CAVINATO G; RONCHIN L.; TONIOLO L; VAVASORI A Highly selective palladium catalyzed hydrogen transfer from H2O-CO to the C=C double bonds or in hydrodealogenation reactions , Proceedings of the Nineth International symposium on homogeneous catalysis, Convegno: Nineth International symposium on homogeneous catalysis, August 21-26
- ARCA card: 10278/7193
1991 Journal Article CHESSA G; MARANGONI G; PITTERI B; STEVANATO N; VAVASORI A. Sorption and separation of palladium, platinum and gold chlorocomplexes by means of a dipicolinic acid polystyrene-based chelating resin in REACTIVE POLYMERS, vol. 14, pp. 143-150 (ISSN 0923-1137)
DOI - ARCA card: 10278/13769