- Position
- Full Professor
- Roles
Variable member of the Commission for Knowledge Valorisation (DAIS)
President of the University's Center for Scientific Instrumentation Services (CSA)
President of the Interdepartmental service center for experimental disciplines (CIS)
- Telephone
- 041 234 8953
- Fax
- 0422 326 498
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Impianti chimici [ICHI-02/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/pavan (personal record)
- Office
Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.dais
Where: Campus scientifico via Torino
Room: office 714 (Alfa building, 7th floor)
- Office
Interdepartmental School of Economics, Languages and Entrepreneurship
Website: https://www.unive.it/sele
Where: Treviso - Palazzo San Paolo
- Office
Interdepartmental Centre of Services for Experimental Disciplines
(Centre President)
Where: Campus scientifico via Torino
Room: office 714 (Alfa building, 7th floor)
- Sicurezza
Responsabile dell’Attività di Didattica e Ricerca in Laboratorio (RDRL)
Disciplinary grouping: ING-IND 25 - Chemical plants
Reference year: 2022
1989 Degree in Industrial Chemistry, Ca'Foscari University of Venice - Faculty of Sciences MM.FF.NN.
Score 109/110
Thesis: Study and experimentation on a pilot plant of the anaerobic digestion process applied to the organic fraction of municipal solid waste
1989 State examination for the qualification to the profession of Chemist
1990 Scholarship at the University of Venice - Department of Environmental Sciences with the assignment of Snamprogetti SpA for the development of the anaerobic digestion process of municipal solid waste in the semi-dry regime (1989-1990), patented in 1991 by the same company.
1991 Started up as Technical Collaborator - VII level at the University of Venice, Department of Environmental Sciences
1996 Winner of competition and consequent hiring as researcher of Chemical Plants (I15C) at the University of Venice Department of Environmental Sciences
1998 Confirmation in role in the I15C sector as researcher
2000 Eligible for the comparative assessment for 2nd level university professor in January 2000 for the scientific disciplinary sector I15 F.
2002 Started up as Associate Professor of 2nd level at the Department of Environmental Sciences of the Faculty of Sciences MM.FF. NN. of the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice, scientific disciplinary sector ING-IND 27.
2005 Confirmation in role in the disciplinary sector ING-IND 27
2007 Graduation in the scientific disciplinary sector ING-IND 25 through transfer for internal mobility
2013 Qualified as full professor (ASN) in the scientific disciplinary sector ING-IND / 25
2015 Started up as Full Professor in the scientific disciplinary sector ING-IND / 25 at the Department of Environmental Sciences, Computer Science and Statistics of the Ca Foscari University of Venice.
Initial experiences
He was teacher of the course in Sanitary Engineering 'Recent trends in waste water purification' organized by the Hydraulic Engineering Department of the Politecnico di Milano in 1996.
He led lectures in the post-graduate master's degree organized by the University of Venice and the Consortium for the University of Rovigo in 'Environment' in the course of 'Sewage treatment plants and processes'.
He has collaborated in several degree courses in Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Sciences, 'Analysis and simulation of Biotechnological Processes' at the University of Verona in the A.Y. 1995/96,
'Applied Ecology 3' at the University of Architecture of Venice in the A.Y. 1995/96, Chemical II Industrial Processes and Plants, Depollution Techniques and Applied Ecology Laboratory at the University of Venice.
As a researcher, he collaborated in the courses of
- Chemical industrial processes and plants II
- Decontamination techniques
at the Faculty of Sciences MM.FF.NN. of the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice, undergraduate degree course in Industrial Chemistry of the old system.
Currently, he teaches the following courses as part of the Master's Degree in Environmental Sciences of the Ca Foscari University of Venice:
- Waste, effluent and gaseous emissions treatment processes;
- Chemical and Biochemical Plants
Since 2020 he coordinate the master's degree in Biotechnology for the environment and soustainable development and holder of two fundamental engineering courses:
- Unit operations for environmental processes
- Purification processes on solid and liquid matrices
He is currently President of the University Services Center.
He is currently President of the University Instrumentation Center
Prof. Pavan has followed the development and the preparation of various undergraduates and doctoral students engaged in experimental theses related to processes and plants of environmental interest, regarding the construction and analysis of the behavior of pilot plants in the field of solid and liquid waste treatment processes.
As a result of this activity, Prof. Pavan is supervisor or co-supervisor of over 80 degree and doctoral theses concerning the study of biotechnological processes, both at the faculty he belongs to and at other faculties.
From 2002 to 2013, Prof. Pavan was a member of the scientific committee of the II level inter-university master 'School of environmental chemical engineering: management and industrial treatments of water and biotechnology of renewable resources and contact person within the Master for the University. of Ca 'Foscari. Within the Master, he was the holder of the teachings relating to the water characterization modules and the design of sludge disposal systems. It also participated in the development phase of pilot plants, on-line data acquisition systems and laboratories. He has also held various teaching positions in other 1st level masters in the field of environmental sciences and high specialization schools (ARPAV).
During the 2008-2010 academic years he was coordinator of the 2nd level Master in Environmental Prevention and Control, headed by the Universities of Venice Ca 'Foscari, Verona and ARPAV. He was also the owner, within the master in question, of the modules relating to the design and management of the sludge lines of the treatment plants.
From the 2016-2017 academic year he has been coordinator of the first level Master "Environmental assessment and management of businesses and the territory" at the Ca Foscari University of Venice.
Prof. Pavan was also a member of several international doctoral commissions, in Spain (Barcelona) and England (Southampton). He has taught in several masters and specialization schools abroad (Spain, Bercellona; Brazil, Joinville). He was a member of a commission for full professor qualification at Buckwell Univeristy.
He participated by invitation to several panels of experts in the European Community related to waste treatment and the application of circular economies in this field.
The training and scientific interests of Prof. Pavan have always been oriented towards the study of biotechnological plants and processes in the field of waste treatment, solid and liquid, which guarantee an inclusion in the environmental context with the least possible impact and with a view to of circular economy.
Most of the research work carried out by Prof. Pavan was conducted through the collaboration of colleagues from other Italian and foreign university institutes and departments and public research bodies. This was made necessary by the interdisciplinary nature of the studies conducted and therefore by the need to create a working group. The consequence of this was the co-ownership of the published works.
The studies undertaken and in progress have and have had as their guiding lines the development of innovative processes and technologies of productive and environmental interest, considering the most recent problems deriving from environmental, energy recovery and material constraints that are the basis of a balanced development. of the production system.
In particular, the studies addressed and in progress are based on the following guidelines:
- treatment of municipal solid waste through biological and non-biological stabilization;
- recovery of energy and materials through biological stabilization processes of organic fractions from urban solid waste and from the agri-food industry;
- production of bioplastics through combined anaerobic / aerobic processes;
- biological purification of mixed urban and industrial sewage;
- secondary and tertiary treatments of excess sludge;
- monitoring the environmental impact of controlled landfills of urban and industrial solid waste, using and proposing innovative techniques and methodologies, with particular attention to biological degradation techniques of leachate;
- study of purification processes with biological removal of nutrients from urban and mixed effluents;
- recovery of phosphorus through controlled crystallization processes of struvite and hydroxyapatite;
- study of the possibilities offered by the biological degradation of algal biomass from lagoon systems;
- mathematical modeling of biological degradation processes;
- control of biological processes through expert systems in fuzzy logic.
The common thread of these areas of interest from the point of view of the research approach is constituted by the fact of having always operated and operating on real and not simulated substrates and using large pilot reactors. This is thanks to the possibilities offered by the fact of operating in an experimental station located at the water purification plant in the city of Treviso, equipped with sophisticated equipment and automatic process data acquisition systems. The professor. Pavan directs and coordinates this area from a technical-scientific point of view both as regards the management of the laboratories and the experimental area where the pilot plants operate. The area normally hosts PhD students from various universities, fellows and undergraduates, all coordinated by Prof. Pavan and / or in collaboration with Prof. David Bolzonella, of the Faculty of Sciences MM.FF.NN. Of Verona, and Prof. Mauro Majone, of the University of Rome 'La Sapienza'.
The topics addressed, all of great topicality, were developed in the context of research programs of national interest funded by CNR, MURST (research unit coordinator), SNAMPROGETTI, ENIRICERCHE, and internationally thanks to the support of the European Community (V, VI and VII Framework Program, H2020, research unit coordinator), of NATO and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Current H-Index (Scopus): 41, citations 4758
Professor Paolo Pavan was a member of some ministerial commissions of the MIUR, as well as several times president of the contract award commission appointed by the Commissario straordinario unico per la depurazione.
Professor Paolo Pavan is included in the REPRISE expert register.
Since the beginning of his career, Prof. Pavan has collaborated on a professional level with many subjects, both public (including the municipality of Treviso) and private. In particular, Prof. Pavan has collaborated since 2000 through various targeted consultations with IngegneriaAmbiente srl (www.ingegneriaambientesrl.it), an engineering company that has always been involved in the design development of advanced wastewater and waste treatment systems. In particular, the object of the consultancy is mainly related to:
- Development of advanced sorting lines for OFMSW collected separately;
- Optimization of sludge lines for water treatment plants with biological removal of nutrients;
- Integrated water and waste treatment plants;
- Gaseous emissions treatment systems.
Prof. Pavan is also co-author of the following industrial patents:
Co-author of two other patents of industrial interest for the application of anaerobic digestion to complex matrices, currently being filed.
In addition to activities related to design, Prof. Pavan is also active from a professional point of view in the field of extra and post-graduate training, through invited lectures to workshops, masters and graduate schools in Italy and abroad.
He has been a member of the judging committees of projects subject to Provincial and Regional funding.
He was appointed CTP in various civil and criminal judicial proceedings.
Currently, the overall scientific output of Prof. Pavan can be quantified as follows:
Journal publications with impact factor: 126
Journal publications without impact factor: 22
Publications on proceedings of international congresses with referees:> 260
Publications on proceedings of national congresses (by invitation and not):> 100
Books / book chapters: 4
Patents: 4
1999-2001 (Co-funded) Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) PRIN 1999 "Treatment of liquid and gaseous streams purification for the removal of highly harmful pollutants (" priority pollutants "), with particular reference the problems of environmental recovery in the Venice area ". National coordinator: Prof. Gennaro Volpicelli, Federico II University of Naples.
2000-2002 (Co-funded) Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) PRIN 2000 "Production of low molecular weight carbon compounds by means of acidogenic fermentations and study of the synthesis of copolymers consisting of 3-hydroxybutyrate and 3 -hydroxyvalerate (3-HB-co-3-HV) in bacterial strains accumulating co-polyesters starting from different organic substrates and complex carbonaceous matrices. " Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Mario Beccari
2001-2003 Region of Veneto, Municipality of Treviso, Technical-scientific agreement for the "Monitoring of the centralized purification plant in via Cesare Pavese, Treviso". Scientific coordinator: Prof. Franco Cecchi, University of Verona.
2003-2005 Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) PRIN2003 Removal of micropollutants in advanced wastewater treatment: performance and modeling of the process "National coordinator: Prof. Franco Cecchi, University of Verona.
2004-2006 EU - VI Framework Program "CROPGEN - renewable energy from crops and agrowastes". Scientific coordinator for the Venice operational unit: Prof. Paolo Pavan, "Cà Foscari" University - Venice.
2005-2007 Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) PRIN2005 "Removal of priority micropollutants in advanced purification processes for the treatment of industrial liquid waste and waste" National coordinator: Prof. Franco Cecchi, University of Studies of Verona. Scientific coordinator for the Venice operational unit: Prof. Paolo Pavan, "Cà Foscari" University - Venice.
PRIN 2007 Advanced biological treatments for the removal of nitrogen and micro-pollutants from anaerobic effluents resulting from the treatment of agro-industrial biomass. Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Franco Cecchi University of Verona. Scientific coordinator for the Venice operational unit: Prof. Paolo Pavan, "Cà Foscari" University - Venice.
2009 VENETO AGRICOLTURA, "RiduCaReflui" Project: "Reduction of the polluting load generated by livestock waste in the basin area of the Venetian lagoon". Scientific Responsible for the Operational Unit of Venice: Prof. Paolo Pavan, "Cà Foscari" University - Venice.
2010-2013 EU - VII Framework Program, “VALORGAS- valorisation of food waste to Biogas” project. Scientific Responsible for the Operational Unit of Venice: Prof. Paolo Pavan, "Cà Foscari" University - Venice.
PRIN 2012 - WISE - Advanced processes for the conversion of organic waste into innovative, useful and sustainable products.
2013-2017 - Production of renewable energy with minimum environmental impact from a mix of biomass and special waste through innovative processes ", INDUSTRIA 2015
2016 - BRIC-INAIL - Innovative bioprocesses for the valorisation of organic waste through integrated production of biogas / biohydromethane and biodegradable polymers: process development and related health and safety aspects. Scientific Responsible for the Operational Unit of Venice: Prof. Paolo Pavan, "Cà Foscari" University - Venice.
2017-2020 - RES URBIS - Horizon 2020 - PHA production from organic matrices - Head of the Venice Unit
2021-2022 - ARIC.RUN.REGIONEVENETO.COFIN Framework Program Agreement between the Region and the University of Veneto for analysts, studies, support for innovation and technological development of the economic system of the Veneto Region
2017-2020 - ARR ID. RIR project POR FESR VENETO 2014-2020 ACTION 1.1.4 "SARR - Advanced waste recovery systems" ID 10057503 RIR DGR 1139-2017 call
2020-2022 - EcoDPI ID n.10300288 [AIS.RIR.ECODPI_ID10300288.PAVAN] project RIR POR FESR EcoDPI
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