- Position
- Researcher
- Telephone
- 041 234 9188
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Economia applicata [ECON-04/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/nicola.camatti (personal record)
- Office
Department of Economics
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.economics
Where: San Giobbe
MSc, MIEF and PhD in Economics
Research Interests
Regional and urban development
Sustainable tourism
Food System
Circular Economy
Member of Committees and Coordinator of academic activities
• Member of the CPDS (Comitato Paritetico Docente e Studente), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (from the academic year 2018-2019 to date).
• Academic coordinator of the Erasmus+ study programme (network of 5 universities, educational area in tourism), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, (from the academic year 2020-2021 to date).
• One of the coordinators of the International Master in Hospitality (I level), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, academic year 2018-2019.
• Member of search committees for 10 research grants and fellowships, Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
Research projects (H2020 and EUProject)
Since January 2020 - to date
Cities2030 H2020 Project, “Co-creating resilient and sustainable food systems towards FOOD2030”, Horizon2020 Programme; topic: CE-FNR-07-2020 - FOOD 2030 - Empowering cities as agents of food system transformation.
• Principal Investigator and Lead Partner on behalf of the Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
• My role in project has thus far included conceptualizing and writing the project proposal and the submission of the application form, as well as being responsible for the scientific research team in the Department of Economics.
• Research topics that I am currently pursuing: the role of cities, tourism destinations and urban areas in supporting the sustainable development of the food system; identification and analysis of CRFS typologies; design of living lab implementation strategies to support CRFS; innovation and digital solutions for the management of smart cities; blockchain and food systems.
Since November 2020 - to date
SmartCulTour H2020 Project, Smart Cultural Tourism as a Driver of Sustainable Development of European Regions; topic: TRANSFORMATIONS-04-2019-2020- Innovative approaches to urban and regional development through cultural tourism.
• Principal Investigator, Partner and lead coordinator of the WP5 (DSS development for the management of tourist destinations) on behalf of the Department of Economics at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
• My role in the project: conceptualizing and writing the project proposal, in particular of WP5, as well as being responsible for the scientific research team in the Department of Economics.
• Research topics: development of strategic indicators for monitoring sustainability, competitiveness and tourist attractiveness; telco data analysis; tourism flow prediction; webscraping from OTA’s Website; design and coordination of living labs in 6 pilot cases studies in Europe.
Since May 2021 - to date
AlterEco PLUS Project (MED Programme -2017); topic: tourism and local development
• Scientific Coordinator and Project Manager, Partner and lead coordinator on behalf of the Department of Economics at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
• My role in the project: conceptualizing and writing the project proposal as well as being responsible for the scientific research team in the Department of Economics.
• Research topics: knowledge transfer strategies in the field of sustainable tourism
January 2018 – June 2019
BluTourSystem Project, Italy-Croatia CBC Programme, SO 1.1.; topic: Blue Innovation - Enhance the framework conditions for innovation in the relevant sectors of the blue economy within the Italy-Croatia area cooperation area.
• Lead Partner in the research group in the Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
• My role in the project: conceptualizing and writing the project proposal; implementation of scientific research activities
• Scientific activities developed: analysis of tourist ecosystems; tourism knowledge transfer strategies.
November 2016 - April 2018
ShapeTourism Project, Interreg MED Programme 2014-2020; Axis 3 - Obj. 1 Sustainable Tourism.
• Lead Partner of the research team in the Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
• My role in the project: conceptualizing and writing the project proposal and its submission; implementation of scientific research activities
• Scientific activities developed: development of tourism sustainability monitoring indicators at NUT2 level; tourism pressure indicators and TCC; design and implementation of a virtual Tourist Observatory focused on the MED area.
September 2016- February 2019
AlterEco Project, Interreg MED Programme 2014-2020; Axis 3 - Obj. 1 Sustainable Tourism.
• Lead Partner of the research team in the Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
• My role in the project: conceptualizing and writing the project proposal, in particular that of WP3-4-5; implementation of scientific research activities
• Scientific activities developed: tourism carrying capacity model and its application to five case studies; study, through a transnational survey, of the Med identity
January 2014-December 2014
TourMedAsset - MED Programme 2007-2013 - Objective: sustainable growth.
• Lead Partner of the research team in the Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
• My role in the project: conceptualizing and writing the project proposal, in particular that of WP3-4-5; implementation of scientific research activities
• Scientific activities developed: tourism carrying capacity model and its application to five case studies; study, through a transnational survey, of the Med identity
September 2013 – October 2014
Adrifort Project - IPA Adriatic Programme – Objective: cultural heritage and sustainable development.
• Lead Partner of the research team in the Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
• My role in the project: conceptualizing and writing the project proposal, in particular WP3-4; implementation of scientific research activities
• Scientific activities developed: identification of reuse strategies for the military architecture and cultural heritage of the Adrion area; development of alternative itineraries as a strategy to decongest areas exposed to high tourist pressure.
National projects:
Tourism Observatory of the Puglia Region, (2018-2019); commissioned by the Puglia Region.
• Role: conceptualization and preparation of the scientific research proposal; member of the research group
• Research carried out: survey on the economic impact of tourism in the Puglia Region; building tourist indicators with dashboard.
Traditional accommodation and Airbnb in Veneto, (2016); commissioned by the Veneto Region.
• Role: conceptualization and preparation of the scientific research proposal; member of the research group
• Research carried out: building Airbnb data database; creation of indicators measuring the spread of the Airbnb phenomenon in Veneto.
Economic impact study of the establishment of a European biomedical agency in Venice, (2020); commissioned by the Veneto Region.
• Role: conceptualization and preparation of the scientific research proposal; head of the research group.
• Research carried out: study of the economic and fiscal impact of the opening of a European agency in Venice (input-output analysis).
Tourism Observatory of Veneto, (2016-2018); commissioned by the Veneto Region.
• Role: conceptualization and preparation of the scientific research proposal; member of the research group
• Research carried out: construction of dashboards and strategic indicators of tourism performance.
Strategic Tourism Plan of the Veneto Region, (2017); commissioned by the Veneto Region.
• Role: conceptualization and preparation of the scientific research proposal; member of the research group
• Research carried out: development of tourism performance indicators.
G20S, (2021 and 2019); commissioned by the Italian beaches network G20.
• Role: conceptualization and preparation of the scientific research proposal; member of the research group and coordinator of activities.
• Research carried out: construction of tourism performance indicators; brand analysis of G20 beaches.
Milano-Cortina 2026 Olympics, (2017-2018); commissioned by the Veneto Region.
• Role: conceptualization and preparation of the scientific research proposal; member of the research group.
• Research carried out: analysis of the economic and fiscal impact generated by the Milano-Cortina 2026 Olympics event (Input-Output analysis).
Riviera del Brenta, (2017); commissioned by the DMO Riviera del Brenta.
• Role: conceptualization and preparation of the scientific research proposal; member of the research group and coordination of activities.
• Research carried out: development of a smart tourism destination strategy.
Veneto Coffee, (2020); financed by the European Social Fund.
• Role: head of the research group.
• Scientific activities in progress: analysis of the strategic innovation capacity of a group of Venetian roasting companies.
HAL 9000, (2020); financed by the European Social Fund.
• Role: head of the research group.
• Scientific activities carried out: strategy for the enhancement of local trade.
Author's Atelier, (2018); financed by the European Social Fund.
• Role: member of the research group.
• Scientific activities carried out: the creation of a strategies to enhance the attractiveness of the Author's Atelier to tourists.
Lovefood, (2018); financed by the European Social Fund.
• Role: member of the research group.
• Scientific activities carried out: study of the link between brand identity and food.
Other relevant international projects:
T-Lab Project – ITA-SLO Programme (2013)
• Role: member of the research group of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Ca’ Foscari Foundation; member of the research group in charge of defining management models based on the use of ICT to support the tourism sector.
VerRoTour Project, (2012): DG Enterprises and Industry Ref.
• Role: lend support to transnational thematic tourism products as a means of enhancing the competitiveness and sustainability of European tourism; external consultant for the international consortium MPS g.e.i.e.; implementation of scientific research activities
• Scientific activities carried out: planning of strategies for tourism competitiveness, surveys, case study analysis.
TechTOUR Project, (2012): Trans-national Cooperation Projects on European Cultural Routes "Call for proposals 23 / g / ENT / CIP / 11 / BN02S008 European Commission - Enterprise and Industry Directorate General
• Role: external consultant
• Scientific activities carried out: project proposal design and analysis of tourism and cultural sector potentials using augmented reality technology.
CULTEMA Project (2011): South-East Europe Programme
• Role: external consultant
• Scientific activities carried out: multi-criteria analysis for the reconversion of the cultural heritage built in the South-East Europe area for tourism purposes.
Project CAMMA- ITA-SLO Program (2011)
• Role: external consultant
• Scientific activities carried out: development of strategies for the reuse of strong cultural heritage.
Project ACT4PP (2011): “Central Europe Programme”
• Role: external consultant
• Scientific activities carried out: development of strategies for the inclusion of private stakeholders in actions for the reuse of cultural heritage.
Project HERMAN (2011): “Central Europe Programme”
• Role: external consultant
• Scientific activities carried out: development of strategies for the inclusion of private stakeholders in actions for the reuse of cultural heritage.
ATTREG Project ESPON 2013 Programme, (2010-2011)
• Role: member of the research group at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
• Scientific activities carried out: database design and case studies analysis. Coordinator: Prof. Jan van der Borg.
Other Italian projects:
Confeserenti Veneto (2014-2015)
• Role: consultant, as applied economist, Confeserenti Veneto; role:
• Scientific activities carried out: analysis of the attractiveness of the local retailer system of over 9 historic city centers in the Veneto region; construction of performance indicators.
New planning laws in Veneto (2011)
• Role: consultant, as applied economist, in the context of the decentralized regional planning "New planning laws"; art. 25 of the Veneto regional law n. 35/2001;
• Scientific activities carried out: development of local strategic plans of the following networks Intesa Programmatica d'Area (IPA): IPA di Vicentino (VI), IPA di Castellana (TV), IPA del Veneto Orientale (VE), IPA of Camposampierese (PD), IPA of Agno-Chiampo (VI).
Municipality of San Michele sul Tagliamento (VE) (2010 2013)
• Role: consultant, as applied economist, for the development of the Territorial Marketing Plan - analysis of tourism potential - of the Municipality of San Michele sul Tagliamento (VE) and definition of new strategies for the period 2010-2013.
Teaching experience
September 2018 – to date
(academic years 2018-19, 2019-18, 2020-2021)
Economics of Tourism Systems
(position: professor; 30 hours; academic discipline SECS-P/06; 6 credits; no. of students approx. 105)
Master's Degree in Intercultural Development of Tourism Systems. Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
February 2019 – to date
(academic years 2018-19, 2019-18, 2020-2021)
Business Ecosystem for Tourism
(position: professor; 30 hours; academic discipline SECS-P/06; 6 credits; approx. no. of students 105)
Master’s Degree in Intercultural Development of Tourism Systems. Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
September 2017 – November 2017 (academic year 2017-18)
Economics of Innovation and Development
(position: professor; 30 hours; academic discipline SECS-P/06; 6 credits; no. of students approx. 85)
International Master’s Degree in Global Development and Entrepreneurship. Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
September 2018 – November 2018 (academic year 2017-18)
Information Systems for Tourism
(position: professor; 30 hours; academic discipline SECS-P/06; 6 credits; no. of students approx. 85)
Master's Degree in Intercultural Development of Tourism Systems. Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
Supervision of students
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (to date).
I have supervised over 100 student theses in the Master’s Degree in Intercultural Development of Tourism Systems, as well as approximately 10 theses for students in other master’s degree courses (master's degree level) and approximately 30 theses at bachelor’s degree level.
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