Syed Imran HAIDER
- Position
- Research Grant Holder
- Website
www.unive.it/people/syedimran.haider (personal record)
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Syed Imran Haider
Mob: +39 334 238 4323, Email: syedimran.haider@unive.it
1. PhD Sociology (Sept- 2013 to Dec-2019) - From University of Karachi, with research dissertation “Role of Life Skills Based Education (Sexuality Education) in Empowerment of Adolescents in Pakistan.”
2. M.Phil Anthropology (Sept 2006 to Dec 2009)- From Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad with research dissertation “A Qualitative study of Garbage and Rag Picking Children in Rawalpindi”
3. MSc Sociology (June 2002 to Dec 2004)- From Allama Iqbal Open University with research dissertation on “Effect of intimate relations on learning of criminal behavior amongst juvenile prisoners in Rawalpindi Prison”
4. Feminist Edge- Professional Development Program for Gender Trainers (Jan-Aug 2024)- KIT Royal Tropical Institute, the Netherlands
5. Professional Certificate in Computer Applications (Mar to Sept 2002)- Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
6. Diploma in Medical Lab technology (April 1999 to Mar 2001)- From College of Medical Technology, Islamabad.
7. BA (August 2001)- BA in Sociology and Journalism from University of Punjab, Lahore.
ACADEMIC POSITIONS (Oct 2007 to-date)
- September 2024 to September 2026, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Fellow, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy.
- February 2022 to August 2024, Associate Professor/ Chairman, Department of Sociology, Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) Islamabad.
- August 2016 to January 2022, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, AIOU Islamabad
- October 2007- August 2016, Lecturer, Department of Sociology, AIOU Islamabad.
Following are the major achievements at AIOU:
- Supervised research studies of 61 students of MSC Sociology, 04 students of Mphil and 02 students of PhD Sociology
- Developed scheme of studies of BS, MSc, Mphil and PhD Sociology and PGD Criminology programs.
- Teaching sociological theory, gender issues, population studies, sociology of child rights, criminology, criminal justice system and Social Psychology to Postgraduate students.
- Developed Undergraduate and postgraduate courses of the above mentioned subjects.
- Coordination with tutors, regional campuses and other departments for online and face to face programs.
- Twice awarded best teacher award.
PREVIOUS POSITIONS (Professional/ Non Academic)
January 2014- November 2018, Technical Advisor CSE/ SRHR Education (40% Time), Rutgers International Pakistan.
- Provided leadership for overall programmes development (Theory of change and implementation models) and implementation by the partner organizations.
- Developed Curricula (Workbooks in english and urdu, teachers notes, master trainers manuals) for LSBE
- Developed training manuals and IEC materials on mentorship, leadership skills, gender transformative approach and life skills based education (LSBE) including, self awareness, communication skills, anger management, human rights and gender etc.
- Conducted several trainings of master trainers on LSBE and established a community of practice.
- Developed Whole School Approach model to implement LSBE in Secondary Schools
- Developed Kirans model of youth empowerment and leadership development for adolecent girls and boys and established a network of young girls in Sindh
Sept 2005 – March 2007, Program Officer- Trainings, Sahil (NGO), Islamabad.
- Developed materials and conducted over 70 trainings of teachers on the body protection of children and protection from child sexual abuse.
- Facilitated 20 trainings of the staff of different organizations to capacitate them on the issues of child rights and child protection.
June – August 2005, Researcher, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad.
March – October 2004, Ordnance Officer, Ministry of Defence Pakistan.
- As member of Higher Education Commission Curriculumn Development Committee, participated in the development of BS Sociology curriculum for Pakistan.
- As Master Trainer, part of international communities of practice on SRHR/ Sexuality Education and Gender Transformative Approach.
- Established collaboration and signed MoU with Pakistan Air Force to offer criminology diploma to its provost school trainees.
- As master trainer, part of an international community of practice of gender transformative approach and SRHR/ sexuality education.Serving as Editor for Global Sociological Review, and Pakistan Journal of Social Research, peer reviewed journals in Pakistan.
- American Sociological Association
- American Anthropological Association
- Interdisciplinary Association of Population Health Science
- Association of Asian American Studies
- International MenEngage Alliance
Following are some of the funded research and training projects/ consultancies carried out
1. Shifa Foundation- Review of an online course on gender responsive health service provision (May-June 2024)
2. Green Star Marketing- Development of Gender strategy for Pakistan for The Challenge Initiative program (June- August 2023)
3. Nutrition International- Developed materials and conducted a training for staff of Nutrition International and Partner organizations on Gender and Nutrition in Pakistan (February 2022)
4. Nutrition International- End-line Study on Knowledge Attitude and Practices (KAP) under Weekly Iron Folic Acid Supplementation for in-school Adolescent Girls project, Lodhran (Oct 2021-Feb 2022)
5. Rahnuma-FPAP- Conducted three trainings on LSBE: 02 for teachers of Punjab Vocational & Training Council and 01 for Master Trainers of Pakistan Girls Guides Association (June & Sept 2022)
6. Shirakat- Partnership for Development- Qualitative and Quantitative data collection from 10 districts for a nationwide research study on child marriages in Pakistan (Sept-Dec 2021)
7. Rozan- Development of Training Manuals on 1) Leadership and Communication Skills 2) Gender Equality and Masculinity to train young people from marginalized groups (March-Sept 2021)
8. Oxfam Pakistan- Conducted End line evaluation of Empower Youth for Work project in Jamshoro and Layyah districts (Jun-Aug 2021)
9. Agha Khan Rural Support Program-AKRSP- Developed Life Skills Education (LSBE)/ leadership Curriculum for Adolescents Friendly Spaces in Gilgit Baltistan (Mar-May 2021)
10. Rahnuma-FPAP- Developed an Information Package and conducted Two Days Training on Values Clarification and Attitudes Transformation (VCAT) on Sexuality, Gender Diversity and Inclusion (June 2021)
11. Welthungerhilfe- Developed 08 Stress-relief management tools/ messages in audio for women and children to better deal with covid related stress to be broadcasted via radio (Feb-March 2021)
12. Cowater International- Developed Strategic Plan for the Gender Cell, women empowerment and Social Welfare department, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan (Feb-Apr 2021)
13. Nutrition international- Conducted sex and gender-based analysis of Maternal and Newborn Health Nutrition programmes in Pakistan and developed a comprehensive report after a comprehensive desk review and collection of primary data from different stakeholders (Jan-March 2021)
14. SAFWCO Sindh- Conducted a research study to find out the effectiveness of Empowerment of Adolescent Girls Project (Oct-Nov 2020)
15. Rahnuma-FPAP- Developed materials and conducted a two days training of staff on gender transformative approach under Dutch funded GUSO project (Dec 2019)
16. SAFWCO Sindh- Provided technical support in monitoring, and implementation of gender-based violence project and Video lectures on the issues of gender, child protection, life skills, and youth leadership were developed (Sep 2019 - Oct 2020)
17. Cowater International- Development of strategic plan for Social Protection and Gender Mainstreaming Section, Planning and Development Department, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan (Oct- Nov 2020)
18. Bedari- Conducted a three days’ training workshop on ‘Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights’ for Bedari field staff (Oct 2019)
19. SPARC- Reviewed the overall landscape and curricula of teacher training institutes and assessed the presence of content on child protection and positive disciplining (Oct-Dec 2019)
20. Oxfam Pakistan- Being Technical Advisor/ Subject Expert, I supported the study (Desk review, development of tools and data collection), for evaluation of child marriages project (Oct-Dec 2017)
21. SCOPE-Shifa Foundation/ MdM International- Developed training modules and materials on SRHR, Gender Issues and Counseling Skills and facilitated 04 trainings for staff, Healthcare providers, Instructors of RTIs, and Psychologists (Mar-May 2016)
22. Rutgers WPF- As an overall action research supervisor, developed concept, detailed plan and managed/ coordinated a pilot intervention of Life Skills education / Human Rights education based on Whole of School Approach in 4 cities of Pakistan (Oct 2014, Dec 2015)
23. Women Welfare Organization Poonch- As part of an advocacy campaign, recommendations for inclusive education policy of AJK government were developed after three consultations with different stakeholders on inclusive education and education policy of AJK (Oct-Nov 2014)
24. Caritas Pakistan- Developed training module/ materials and conducted a two days training for staff and volunteers on Psychosocial support for victims of GBV in emergencies (Dec 2014)
25. Integral Films Norway- Worked as consultant in Pakistan for Ms. Nefise Ozkal from Integral Films Norway and coordinated all the activities in Pakistan for a documentary film on masculinities and violence project covering five Asian countries. Done all the arrangements for HD filming equipment, coordination for interviews with religious scholars and other stakeholders, done translations of interviews in form of subtitles, editing (Nov-Dec 2013)
26. UNWOMEN- As consultant, I was assigned the responsibility to develop a Training Manual/ Guide to Integrate Gender Equity and Human Rights Approach in to HIV/ AIDS Programs with Most at Risk Populations (MARPs) in Pakistan with consultation of six UN agencies and local partners (Feb-Oct 2011)
27. SUNGI Development Foundation- Developed a training module and conducted two trainings each of three days on sensitization and acknowledgement of women economic role and GBV in Chamiali, Abbottabad (Sept-Dec 2010)
28. Nai Zindagi Trust- I was part of the core management team for National RTI/STI study conducted by London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. I was responsible for monitoring and quality assurance (M & QA) of quantitative survey of high-risk groups (Apr-Sept 2007)
29. Sahil- As Principal Investigator, conducted a study on knowledge, attitude and practices of violence in Pakistan in 12different universities all over Pakistan (Oct-Dec 2007)
1. Children’s Learning in Adults’ Environment – The Street, Vol.4 Issue 2 (Winter 2022), Pakistan Journal of Social Research, ISSN: 2710-3137
2. People's Behavior and Belief System about the Oblation Rituals at the Shrine of Shah Daulah in Gujrat, Pakistan, Vol 44, No.1 (Sprig 2022), Journal of Asian Civilizations, ISSN: 1993-4696
3. Normative Orders in Everyday-Life: Being Expatriate in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic and Crisis in Frankfurt am Main, Vol IV, No. 1 (Summer 2021), Global Anthropological Studies Review, ISSN: 2788-4678
4. Geo-Politics of Syrian Conflict: Role of Regional, Extra-Regional and Non-State Actors in the Situation, June 2020, Vol. 4, No. 2, Pakistan Social Sciences Review, ISSN: 2664-0430
5. Women’s Education and Empowerment in Islamabad, Pakistan. Vol. V, No. I (Winter 2020), Global Economics Review, ISSN: 2521-2974
6. Socio-Economic and Cultural Determinants of Maternal and Neonatal Mortality in Pakistan. Vol. V, No. I (Winter 2020), Global Regional Review, ISSN: 2663 – 7030
7. Contesting Sectarian Identity in Pakistan: Narratives from the Three Cities. Vol. V, No. I (Winter 2020), Global Regional Review, ISSN: 2663 – 7030
8. Child Abuse in Automobile Workshops in Islamabad, Pakistan. Vol.12, Issue 01, January-2020, Pakistan Journal of Criminology, ISSN: 2222 - 6648
9. Caregiver Burden among Parents of Hearing Impaired and Intellectually Disabled Children in Pakistan. Jan-2019 (Vol 49, No. 2), Iranian Journal of Public Health, ISSN: 2251-6093
10. Mitigating the Challenges of Open and Distance Learning Education System through use of Information Technology: A Case Study of Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad. Dec-2019 (Vol 5 No. 2), Pakistan Journal of Distance and Online Learning (PJDOL), ISSN: 2415-2021
11. The Parliament of Pakistan and its Role in the War on Terror. Oct-2019 (Vol 11, no.4), Pakistan Journal of Criminology (PJC), ISSN: 2222 - 6648
12. Tobacco Farming and Its Social Impacts on Farmers in the Rural Mardan. Pakistan, Jun-2019 (volume 4 Issue 3), Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR), ISSN: 2520-0348
13. Improving Self Esteem, Assertiveness and communication skills of adolescents through life skills based education. Dec-2018 (Vol 26 No.2), Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (JSSH)
14. Role of Tribal Family Institutions in the Promotion of Honour Killing, Mar-2019 (volume 4 Issue 2), Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR), ISSN: 2520-0348
15. Differential Associational in Learning Religious Extremism/ Violent Behavior: A case study of Central Jail Rawalpindi, July-2019 (Vol 11, no.3), Pakistan Journal of Criminology (PJC), ISSN: 2222 - 6648
16. Effectiveness of Whole School Approach (A Management Model) for Life Skills Development in Pakistan, June 2018 (Vol: 4, Issue:1), Journal of Contemporary Management Sciences, ISSN: 2521 - 8247
17. Causes and Manifestations of the Perceived Behavioral Issues of Adolescents A Case Study of Learners in Secondary Schools Islamabad. Mar-2019 (Vol. IV, No. I), Global Regional Review (GRR), ISSN: 2663 – 7030
18. The Role of Fathers’ Overseas Migration in Educational Performance of Female Children in Sindh, Pakistan
Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2020 (April – June), Sir Syed Journal of Education & Social Research, ISSN: 2706-6525
19. The Implementation Challenges to Women Protection Laws in Pakistan” June-2018 (Vol. III, No. I) Global Regional Review, ISSN: 2663 – 7030
20. Socio-Cultural Determinants of Child Marriages and Teenage Pregnancies among Adolescent Girls and Young Women: A Case Study of District Sanghar and Karachi, June-2018 (Vol. III, No. I), Global Regional Review (GRR), ISSN: 2663 – 7030
21. Socio-Economic Impact of Emigration on the Families Members Left Behind: A Case Study of District Rawalpindi, June-2017 (Vol. II, No. I), Global Regional Review (GRR), ISSN: 2663 – 7030
22. Role of Identities in the Indo-Pak Relations: A Study in Constructivism, June-2017 (Vol. II, No. I), Global Regional Review, ISSN: 2663 – 7030
23. Jirga and Sharitization: An Analysis of Maraka in District Karak, Dec-2017 (Vol. II, No. I), Global Political Review
24. Garbage Collection and Rag Picking: An Issue of Child Labor in Rawalpindi (An Anthropological Approach), Dec-2016 (Vol. I, No. I), Global Regional Review
25. Socio-Economic and Political Causes of Child Labor: The Case of Pakistan, Dec-2016 (Vol. I, No. I), Global Political Review, ISSN: 2521-2982
26. Family, Peer Group, and Adaptation of Delinquent Behavior, Feb-2011 (Oct-Dec 2010), The Dialogue, ISSN: 1819-6470
27. Association Between Primary Dysmenorrhea and Depression Level among Students, Jun-2017 (Vol 1 Issue 2), The Rehabilitation Journal, ISSN: 2521-3458
28. Depression, Anxiety and Stress in Rural and Urban Population of Islamabad, Jun-2018 (Vol 2 Issue 1), The Rehabilitation Journal, ISSN: 2521-3458
29. Gender Based Difference in Quality of Life After Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation in Patients with Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery, Dec-2019 (Vol 3 Issue 2), The Rehabilitation Journal, ISSN: 2521-3458
30. Psychological Health Related Quality of Life in Pakistani Physical Therapists, Dec-2019 (Vol 3 Issue 2), The Rehabilitation Journal, ISSN: 2521-3458
31. Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of violence (A study of University Students in Pakistan), Mar-2014 (Vol 2, No.1), Journal of Sociology and Social Work, ISSN: 2333-5815
32. The Self-Study Model of ODL: An Instigating Factor to Join and a Source to Develop Self Reliance Amongst the Learners, Jul-2013, (Vol:21 No.7), Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN: 1990-9233
33. Open Distance Learning (ODL) and Economic Empowerment of Women: A Pathway for Poverty Reduction and National Development, Jan-2014, (Vol:22 No.1), Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN: 1990-9233
- Presented a paper entitled “The Praxis of Gender on the Basis of Spirituality: The Case of Hijras in Pakistan“ in the Annual Meeting of American Sociological Association in August 2023 at Phildelphia, United States of America.
- Presented a paper entitled “Socio-economic and adjustment challenges to Pakistani Migrant workers in UAE” in the Migration Conference 2022 Rabat, Morocco.
- Accepted a paper for presentation in “Dealing with gender in the country of destination: A formative research among refugee people in Frankfurt am Main, Germany” in the Migration Conference 2022.
- Presented and moderated the south asian caucus on child marriages in Women Deliver Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Was invited as co presentor to present Gender Transformative Approach experience in FP 2020, Rwanda.
- Presented 02 papers in Asian Association of Open Universities, International Conference 2012, held in Pakistan..
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