041 234 6839
Scientific sector (SSD)
Econometria [ECON-05/A]
www.unive.it/people/ya1.gao (personal record)
Department of Economics
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.economics

Bassoli E., Belloni M., Brugiavini A., Gao Y. Did the pandemic change retirement trends? , Social, health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures: First results from the SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, De Gruyter, pp. 129-140 (ISBN 9783111135908; 9783111135779)
DOI 2023, Book Article - ARCA card: 10278/5063321

Agar Brugiavini, Raluca Elena Buia, Irene Ferrari, Ya Gao; Irene Simonetti Work interruptions and medium-term labour market outcomes of older workers during the COVID-19 pandemic , Social, health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures: First results from the SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, Berlin, Boston, De Gruyter, pp. 150-161 (ISBN 9783111135908; 9783111135779)
DOI - URL correlato 2023, Book Article - ARCA card: 10278/5063261

YA GAO The Interaction between Parents and Children: three Essays on Family Economics , Groningen, University of Groningen, SOM research school, pp. 1-142
DOI - URL correlato 2022, Tesi di Dottorato - ARCA card: 10278/5025640

Gao, Ya; Alessie, R; Angelini, V Parental housing wealth and children's marriage prospects in China-evidence from CHARLS in REVIEW OF ECONOMICS OF THE HOUSEHOLD, vol. 21, pp. 615-644 (ISSN 1569-5239)
DOI 2022, Journal Article - ARCA card: 10278/5024540

Bergeot, Julien; Ferrari, Irene; Gao, Ya The effect of parental health shocks on living arrangements and employment in HEALTH ECONOMICS, vol. 33, pp. 2798-2837 (ISSN 1057-9230)
DOI 2024, Journal Article - ARCA card: 10278/5088908