Associate Professor
Department’s Delegate for Accessibility, Disability, Inclusion and Gender Equality
041 234 7446 / 041 234 6688
Scientific sector (SSD)
Sociologia generale [GSPS-05/A]
www.unive.it/people/michele.marzulli (personal record)
Department of Economics
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.economics
Where: San Giobbe
Interdepartmental School of Economics, Languages and Entrepreneurship
Website: https://www.unive.it/sele
Where: Treviso - Palazzo San Paolo
Research Institute
Research Institute for Social Innovation

Office hours

The reception for students and undergraduates takes place on Tuesday at 11:00 a.m., after booking by e-mail.
Students are invited to consult the Moodle page and the Notices section (Avvisi) for further information or any changes.

Thesis supervision
I supervise bachelor and master theses on a range of subjects. 
The principal areas of interest are public policy, the commons, social innovation, transformations of welfare services (both public and private), the health system, and health services, including the regional level. Other topics of relevant social interest may be considered, but the titles will still have to be agreed upon on an individual basis. For three-year theses, students are also invited to propose topics of their interest, provided that they are aligned with their course of study and that the perspective and interpretation of sociology is taken into account.
Having passed an exam in Sociology is preferred for accepting proposals.
It would be beneficial to consult resources such as Google Scholar, Jstor or other online databases accessible via the University (CerCa') in order to gain an understanding of the current scientific debate.


Published on 06/03/2025

Si informa che il giorno 7 marzo alle ore 14,30 in Aula Magna, presso il Campus Economico, si terrà una lezione dal titolo: Le nuove regole sui conti pubblici europei: sarà la volta buona?. Carlo Cottarelli è Direttore dell'Osservatorio sui Conti Pubblici Italiani, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.

Tutti gli studenti del CdL in Governance delle Organizzazioni Pubbliche (GOP) sono invitati a partecipare.

Published on 21/02/2025

A tutti gli studenti intenzionati a svolgere una tesi di laurea, si segnala che abbiamo attivato un servizio di tutorato specialistico, presso il Dipartimento di Economia.

Per chi sta iniziando il percorso di stesura della tesi e per chi è intenzionato a iniziarlo, gli incontri sono vivamente raccomandati.

Cfr. Tutorato tesi 1 e tutorato tesi 2: LINK


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