Adjunct Professor
Website (personal record)
Department of Humanities

Luca Beltramini (Verona 1994) is a Ph.D. student in Classics (XXXVII cycle). with a research project on Lucian's Lexiphanes in joint supervision with the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (supervisors: Prof. Olga Tribulato, Prof. Heinz-Günther Nesselrath, Prof. Alberto Camerotto).

He graduated in 'Historical and Philological-Literary Studies' at the University of Trento (2017) with a thesis on Greek literature (Sofocle e Asclepio) written under the supervision of professors Giorgio Ieranò and Luigi Belloni. He subsequently obtained his master's degree in 'Classical Philology, Literature and Tradition' at the Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna (2020), discussing a thesis on Greek philology and literature (Ricerche sul rapporto tra Luciano e i Cristiani) with professors Camillo Neri and Antonio Cacciari.

He carried out study and research activities abroad: Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (2018-2019), American School of Classical Studies at Athens (2021), Universität zu Köln (2022), École Normale Supérieure of Paris (2024). He is also a member of the Greek literature laboratory Aletheia at Ca' Foscari and cooperates with the activities of the Classici Contro project.

He has given talks at conferences and seminars in Italy (Venice, Trento, Adria, Valdagno) and abroad (Paris, Leipzig, Coimbra, Athens); he organised the international conference "Parodia in azione. Paradigmi, strategie ed effetti in Luciano di Samosata" (Venice, 4 December 2024), preceded by a cycle of seminars of the same name (Venice, September-November 2024).

He collaborates as a reviewer for the Classical Quarterly and the Digital Encyclopedia of Atticism.