Subject expert
www.unive.it/people/katia.barbaresco (personal record)
Department of Humanities
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.humanities

Katia Barbaresco earned her PhD in Greek literature from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice with a dissertation on the death of Achilles in Quintus of Smyrna’s Posthomerica (a commentary on Posthomerica 3). She conducted research at several UK universities, including the University of Reading in 2017 and King’s College London between 2019 and 2020, under the supervision of Dr. Pavlos Avlamis and Prof. Michael Trapp.

Her research interests focus primarily on archaic, Hellenistic, and Imperial Greek epic, with particular attention to epic diction, the representation of women and gods in epic poetry, and the persis of Troy.

For the volume Writing Homer Under Rome: Quintus of Smyrna In and Beyond the Second Sophistic (Edinburgh University Press, ed. S. Bär, L. Ozbek, and E. Greensmith), she wrote a chapter on Quintus of Smyrna’s strategies for diminishing the power of the Olympian gods in the Posthomerica. She also co-edited, alongside Alberto Camerotto and Valeria Melis, the volume Il grido di Andromaca. Voci di donne contro la guerra (Vittorio Veneto 2022).

She is a member of the Aletheia research group and collaborates with the Classici Contro project. From April 2020 to December 2021, she served as president of the Doctoral Students’ Council at Ca’ Foscari and participated in Academic Senate meetings as a speaking observer. She was also a member of the board of EUTOPIA European University.

Additionally, she is a member of the Advisory Board for the Degree Program in Ancient Studies and the social partners committee for the Interuniversity PhD Program in Ancient Studies. She teaches and serves as an examiner for teacher qualification courses (A013) offered by the Ca’ Foscari Foundation.

She is also a reviewer for The Classical Quarterly and for Paradoxa (De Bastiani Editore).