Associate Professor
Coordinator of the VERA Laboratory for Experiments in Social Sciences (VERALabEx)
041 234 9150
Scientific sector (SSD)
Scienza delle finanze [ECON-03/A]
Website (personal record)
Department of Economics
Where: San Giobbe

Personal data
Born, July 31, 1985 in Vicenza, Italy; one daughter (born in 2017)

Current position
From december 2020: Associate Professor, Cà Foscari University, Department of Economics

National Abilitation Full professor in Public Economics (11.12.23 - 11.12.34) and National Abilitation Associate professor in Public Economics (13.07.20 – 13.07.31).

Previous position

  • December 2017 – December 2020:Tenure-Track Researcher (RtD - B), Cà Foscari University, Department of Economics.
  • January 2016 – December 2017: Post-doc researcher, GATE (Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St Etienne), CNRS - University of Lyon. Supervisor : Prof. Marie Claire Villeval.
  • December 2013 – December 2015: Post-doc researcher, University of Milano Bicocca. Supervisor: Prof. Giovanna Iannantuoni.


  • January 2010 – September 2013: PhD in Economics, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy. Supervisor: Prof. Antonio Nicolò.
  • October 2007 – October 2009: Master’s Degree in Business Administration, Università degli Studi di Padova. 110/110 Summa cum laude. Advisor: Prof. Antonio Nicolò.

Further Education

  • October 2011- June 2012 & January 2011 - June 2011: Visiting Ph.D student, Groupe d’Analyse et de Théorie Economique Lyon St Etienne (GATE),  France. Advisor : Prof. Marie Claire Villeval.
  • June 26th - July 8th2011: Summer School on “Evolution of social preferences”, Computable and Experimental Economics Laboratoy (CEEL), University of Trento, Italy.

Associate member of CERME, CRIEP, GateLab, ESA, NeuroMi.

Member of the organizing committee of the "Experimental and Behavioral Economics Workshop"  (Ca' Foscari University, co-organized with Matthias Sutter (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods), November, 23rd - November,  24th, 2023); 9th meeting of the Behavioral and Experimental Economics Network (BEEN)  (Ca' Foscari University, January, 27th, 2023); "VERA Workshop on Experimental and Behavioral Economics” (Ca' Foscari University, June, 23rd - June, 24th, 2022); “2015 Political Economy Summer School” (Alba di Canazei, Trento, June 29th - July 3rd 2015) & of the “2014 Political Economy Workshop” (Catholic University, Milano, 12-13 May 2014).

Referee for: Annals of Economics and Statistics, the B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, the Economic Journal, Economics Letters, Experimental Economics, European Journal of Political Economy, Games, Italian Economic Journal, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Public Economic Theory, International Economic Review, Management Science, the Journal of the Economic Science Association, PLOS One, Poverty and Public Policy, Scientific Reports, The Czech Science Foundation (GACR).

For an updated and detailed version of my cv please look here.