Mirella AGORNI
- Position
- Full Professor
- Roles
Referent for the Treviso Campus
- Telephone
- 041 234 6678
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Lingua, traduzione e linguistica inglese [ANGL-01/C]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/mirella.agorni (personal record)
- Office
Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.dslcc
Where: Palazzo Cosulich
Curriculum Vitae
Mirella Agorni Milan, 31/05/1965
2022 Full Professor in English Language and Translation, October 2022
2003- 2022 Associate Professor in English Language and Translation
2021-2023 Vice Director of Selisi, Campus Treviso Ca’ Foscari University Venice
2018-today Coordinator of the Degree Course in Linguistic and Cultural Mediation (MLC) Ca’ Foscari
2019-today Resposible for all the courses in the English/Spanish/Lis curriculum of the Laurea Magistrale in Interpreting and Translation for Publishing and Special Purposes (TI) Ca’ Foscari
2021-today Member of the Direction Commettee of the Centro Studi sul Multilinguismo, Università Ca’ Foscari, https://www.unive.it/pag/43436/
2019-today Member of the Doctoral School at Ca’ Foscari University, DSLCC.
2001-2003 Two-year Post-Doctorate research project in Translation Studies at the University of Bologna (1/7/2001-1/7/2003). Research title: “Le teorie della traduzione nel nuovo millennio”.
1993-1998 PhD in Translation Studies, Warwick University. Thesis: ‘Translating Italy for the Eighteenth Century: British Women Novelists, Translators and Travel Writers 1739-1797’, supervised by Prof. Susan Bassnett.
1991-1992 M.A. in Translation Studies at the University of Warwick with a thesis supervised by Prof. Susan Bassnett and passed with distinction.
1990 First Class Honours Degree in Modern Languages and Literature at the University of Verona. Interdisciplinary course drawing on English and German language and literature, philology, literary history and history.
2012 “Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale”, qualification as Full Professor, “Professore di Prima Fascia”, Settore 10/L1, Lingue, Letterature e Culture Inglese e Anglo-Americana. Deadline: AUGUST 2023.
2003 Qualification as Professore Associato in Lingua e Traduzione, Lingua Inglese L/LIN-12, University of Verona, Decreto Rettorale 709-2003, 15/04/2003.
Contract lecturer:
SSLMiT Forlì, Bologna University 1994-2002
Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Bologna 1999-2002
Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Verona 2002-2003
Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia Statale Milano 2003-2004
Associate Professor L-LIN/12:
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, 1 November 2004 –31 August 2018.
Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia 1 September 2018- 31 September 2022.
Università Ca' Fiscari Venezia 1 October 2022: Full Professor in English and Translation Studies
2023 Visiting Fellow at the University of Stellenbosch for 3 weeks (10-31 July 2023) Erasmus + KA107 ICM as organizer of the program. Traning mobility at the Dept of Dutch and Translation Studies.
2022 Visiting Fellow at the University of Auckland for 2 weeks (2-16 July 2022) Erasmus + KA107 ICM as organizer of the program. Training mobility at the Dept of Translation Studies.
2019 Visiting Scholar at the University of Ottawa for 4 weeks (20 July-19 August 2019) as organizer of an Erasmus + ICM (International Credit Mobility) project directed by Ca’ Foscari University, Venice.
2018 Visiting Scholar for 2 weeks at ANU, Australian National University, in July 2018 with an Erasmus + ICM (International Credit Mobility) project from Ca’ Foscari University, Venice
2018 Visiting Scholar for another 2 weeks at the University of Melbourne in August 2018 with an Overseas project from Ca’ Foscari University, Venice.
2017 Visiting Scholar for 2 weeks at ANU, Australian National University, in August 2017 with an Erasmus + ICM (International Credit Mobility) project from Ca’ Foscari University, Venice.
2002 Fellowship for a 3-month post-doctoral research project in Translation Studies carried out at Brown University, Providence, RI, USA.
2023 Invited presentation at the Giornata Europea delle Lingue, Campus Treviso: “Asolo for all”, Treviso 27/9/2023.
2022 Invited seminar I-LanD Seminar Series – 2nd Edition, University L’Orientale in Napoli, 7/12/2022: “Translating the Other/Othering Translation”.
2021 Relatrice nel Seminario di Ricerca Dottorale congiunto DSLCC e DSAAM Ca’ Foscari, titolo “Translation Studies, Theories and Methodologies” che ha visto la partecipazione di relatori provenienti da altri Atenei italiani, 1/12/2021 https://www.unive.it/data/agenda/4/55669
2021 Invited seminar for students of the Doctoral School and the Corso Magistrale in Foreign Languages and Literatures of the University of Ferrara, title: "La traduzione del testo turistico: routine o creatività?", 8/4/2021.
2019 Invited seminar, University of Cagliari, for students of the Doctoral School and the Corso Magistrale in Specialized Translation. Title: "Translation and ideology: a case for ubuntu?" 12/19/2019.
2019 Invited seminar, University of Milan, Doctoral School in Linguistic, Literary and Intercultural Studies, organized by Prof. Giovanni Iamartino: "Translation, History and Culture",12/4/2019.
2019 Invited seminar, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Doctoral Schools of the Departments DSLCC and DSAAM. Title: "Translation and Intercultural Mediation: writing the Other, rewriting for the Other," 10/5/2019.
2018 Invited seminar, University of Genoa, IANUA High School, invited seminar for Doctoral students organized by Prof. Michele Prandi. Central theme: translation and ESP: the discourses of economics and tourism. 20/4/2018.
2018 Invited seminar, Ca' Foscari University, Doctoral School in Asian and African Studies organized by Prof. Nicoletta Pesaro, DSAAM, Lecture on contemporary theories of translation, 7/5/2018.
2017 Four invited lectures, Ca' Foscari University, Summer School, "Accessible Writing," organized by Prof. Anna Cardinaletti. Central themes: discourse and tourism translation, accessibility and tourism communication. June 2017.
2017 Two seminars held at the Doctoral School of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, event organized by Prof. Dante Liano. Central topics: translation studies and ESP. November 2017.
2006 Two seminars by invitation Ca' Foscari University, "Master in Literary Translation" directed by Prof. Rossella Mamoli Zorzi, Venice 20-21 January 2006.
2001-2 Four seminars by invitation University of Bologna, Poetry Center. Post-graduate course "Literary Translations for the Publishing Industry", organized by the University of Bologna with the European Social Fund. Four seminars between November and March 2001-2.
1996-2002 Series of seminars, University of Bologna, SSLiMIT, Post-graduate course in Multimedia Translation, scientific responsibility prof. Rosa Maria Bollettieri Bosinelli. Annual seminars of 30 hours on historical and theoretical aspects of translation.
2019 Grant for the Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission in Rome for the organization of an international Summer School in Translation Studies held at Ca’ Foscari University 24-28 June 2019 (speakers: Anthony Pym, David Katan, Luise von Flotow, Pilar Orero, Loredana Polezzi). Title: “Translation in the 21stCentury and the Challenges of Sustainable Development”. It was attended by 35 students.
2018 European Grant from the Directorate-General for Translation in Bruxelles for a “Translating Europe Workshop” project held at Università Cattolica on 12-13 April 2018. Title of the event: “Translating Tourism and Cultural Heritage: Challenges in Professional Training”.
2017 “Premio Pubblicazioni Alta Qualità Università Cattolica”, award for the best publications in Università Cattolica for the year 2017 (Agorni in Cultus 9 (2): 13-27. ISSN: 2035-2948)
2001-2002 University of Bologna, national competition for Post-Doctoral Research Scholarships. Award for a two-year research project on the theory and history of translation.
1992-1995 Three University of Warwick Full Graduate Awards for the academic years 1992-1993, 1993-1994 and 1994-1995.
1991 University of Padova, national competition: award for one-year postgraduate course in Britain.
See section dedicated to research projects on the university website: https://www.unive.it/data/persone/12803305/ricerca
2022-2023: Ca' Foscari University, supervisor of the research fellowship of Elena Mattei, PhD, research related to the PRIN project Dietaly.
2021-2022: Ca' Foscari University, supervisor of the research fellowship of Giuliana Podda, PhD - research related to the PRIN project Dietaly.
2006-2011 Università Cattolica, Brescia Campus: Direzione and supervision of all the research projects implemented by the “Centro Studi sul Turismo”, Research Institute at Università Cattolica, co-financed by Lombardy Region, Ente Universitario Lombardia Ovest (EULO).
2006-2011Academic supervision of a series of projects, “assegni di ricerca”, financed by the Centro Studi sul Turismo for research in the field of tourism realized by Dr. Costanza Peverati (PhD) in the academic years 2007/8; 2008/9; 2009/10; 2010/11.
See section dedicated to research project on the university website: https://www.unive.it/data/persone/12803305/ricerca
See section dedicated to publication on the university webpage: https://www.unive.it/data/persone/12803305/pubblicazioni
My main research interests are in Translation Studies and include translation theory, translation history and translation pedagogy. A special attention has also been paid to the theoretical and practical aspects of linguistic and cultural mediation. Furthermore, I have worked extensively in the Language for Specific Purposes field, particularly on tourism discourse and its application for language and translation teaching.
2023 Scientific direction and organization of the 1st Winter School in Translation Studies, “Translation Today; Technology, Trust and the Role of the Translator”. Guest speakers: Prof. Anthony Pym (Melbourne University), Prof. Giulia Togato (California State University Long Beach), Prof. Adrià Martin-Mor (California State University Long Beach), Prof. Giuliana Garzone (Università IULM Milano), Prof. Silvia Bernardini (Università di Bologna a Forlì), Prof. Adriano Ferraresi (Università di Bologna a Forlì), Prof. David Katan (Università del Salento). Treviso, 11-15/12/2023.
2022 Chair at the international conference “Buzzati, la lingua, le lingue, le traduzioni” Ca’ Foscari Venezia 5-6/9/2022, introduction and chair of Lawrence Venuti's presentation.
2022 Ca’ Foscari, co-organizer together with Prof. Paolo Maganin of the national conference “Technology, Multimediality and Specialization”, Venezia 12/12/2022. Guest speakers: Adriano Ferraresi (Bologna), Maria Teresa Musacchio (Trieste), Federico Zanettin (Perugia), Giuseppe De Bonis (Ca’ Foscari).
2022 Università degli Studi di Milano, co-organizer together with Prof. Giovanni Iamartino of the two-days international conference “Recent Trends and New Perspectives on Translation History”. Guest speakers: Lieven d’Hulst (Leuven), Diana Roig Sanz (Catalunya), Andrea Rizzi (Melbourne), Alessandra Petrina (Padova), Diego Saglia (Parma), Alessia Castagnino (Firenze), Irene Ranzato (Sapienza), Helena Sanson (Cambridge), Josè Santaemilia (Valencia), Anna Lanfranchi (Manchester), Nicoletta Pesaro (Ca’ Foscari). Milano 23-24/11/2022.
2022 DCa’ Foscari, organizzazione, scientific direction and organization of the II Summer School in Translation Studies, “Humanised Technology, Automated Creativity: Bridging Illusory Divides in Translation”. Guest speakers: Prof. Anthony Pym (Melbourne University), Prof. Vanessa Henriquez (Auckland University), Prof. Luise von Flotow (Ottawa University), Prof. Loredana Polezzi (Stony Brook University, USA), Prof. David Katan (Università del Salento), Prof. Eleonora Federici (Università di Ferrara), Prof. Giuseppe Sofo (Università Ca’ Foscari). Treviso, 6-10 giugno 2022.
2021 Direction of the organizing and scientific commettee of an international conference in collaboration with the DGT of the European Commission, TranslatingEurope Workshop series. Title: “La collaborazione in ambito traduttivo: dalla formazione alle piattaforme e all’editoria”, 19/12/2021. 14 relatori, 190 iscrizioni alla partecipazione online. Streaming on the European Commission channels.
2019 Ca’ Foscari. Direction of the scientific commettee for an international seminar on translation history. Title: “History of Trust Between East and West”, 4/12/2019. Partecipanti: Ilse Feinauer (Stellenbosch University), Monika Ganssbauer (University of Stockholm), Nicoletta Pesaro (DSAAM unive), Anthony Pym (University of Melbourne), Andrea Rizzi (University of Melbourne), Luise von Flotow (University of Ottawa).
2019 Ca’ Foscari, Venice University. Direction of the scientific committee for the organization of the 1st Summer School on translation theory and practice organized in collaboration with the European Commission – DGT in Rome. 24-28 June 2019. Streaming on the European Commission channels.
2019 Ca’ Foscari, Venice University. Membership of the scientific committee for a two-day international conference on translation history held in Treviso. “Translation History/Translation Stories”. 15-16 April 2019. International speakers: Prof. Lieven D’ulst and Prof. Monica Bolufer.
2018 Università Cattolica, Brescia. Direction of the scientific committee for athe organization of a TranslatingEurope Workshopevent organized at Università Cattolica in collaboration with the European Commission. Title: “Translating Tourism and Cultural Heritage: Challenges in Professional Training”. 12-13 of April 2018. Streaming on the European Commission channels.
2018 Ca’ Foscari, Venice University. Direction of the scientific committee for a one-day conference on the mediation of tourism and museum communication. “Towards an Intercultural and Socially-Inclusive Mediation”. 1 March 2018.
2017 Ca’ Foscari, Venice University: Direction of the scientific committee for one-day conference on the translation of tourism discourse. Title: “Mind the Gaps in Tourism Discourse: Translation, Mediation, Inclusion”. 11 May 2017.
2016 Organisation of a panel on directionality in translation for the international conference Languaging Diversity/Languages and Power, Macerata 3-5 March 2016.
2015 Università Cattolica, Brescia Campus, Direction of the scientific committee for a one-day conference on ESP for Mathematics and Physics : “Quale inglese per la Matematica e la Fisica?
Teaching Mathematics and Physics in English at University Level”. 20 April 2015.
2014 Università Cattolica, Brescia Campus. Direction of the scientific committee for a one-day conference on memory, language and translation, “Translation (h)as Memory” 15 May 2014.
2009 Università Cattolica, Brescia Campus. Direction of the scientific committee for a two-day International Conference on cultural tourism in Brescia: “Comunicare la città: il turismo culturale a Brescia” 19-20 November 2009. Guest speakers: Prof. Michael Cronin and Prof. Graham Dann.
2006 Università Cattolica, sede di Brescia. Direction of the scientific committee for a one day international conference on the language of tourism, “Travelling Texts/Reisende Texte, Prospettive linguistiche e traduttologiche negli studi sul turismo” 21 December 2006. Guest speakers: Prof. Luisanna Fodde and Prof. Loredana Polezzi.
2023 Organization of 6 teacher training seminars in November and December 2023 by Prof. Anthony Pym Melbourne University: “Technologies in the Training of Translators and the Teaching of Languages”.
2023 Ca’ Foscari, Organizer of a face-to-face seminar by Prof Ilse Feinauer, Stellenbosch University“Curatorial Practice as Translation: District Six Museum in Cape Town as Case Study”, 28/11/2023.
2023 Ca’ Foscari, Organizer of a face-to-face seminar by Prof. Federico Zanetti: “An Introduction to News Translation”, 4/4/2023.
2022 Ca’ Foscari, Organizzazione di un seminario online con la partecipazione del Dott Tiziano Leonardi del Comitato Tecnico-Scientifico di ANITI, titolo: “La professione dei traduttori”, Treviso, 20/12/2022.
2022 Ca’ Foscari, Organizer of a face-to-face seminar by Prof. Andrea Rizzi Melbourne University: “The concept of trust in translation”, Treviso 22/11/2022.
2022 Ca’ Foscari, Organizer of an online seminar by Prof. Federico Gaspari Dante Alighieri University Reggio Calabria: “Valutazione della qualità della traduzione automatica neurale”, 17/5/2022.
2022 Ca’ Foscari, Organizer of a face-to-face seminar by Marco Turchi e Luisa Bentivoglio Fondazione Bruno Kessler: “Intelligenza Artificiale e traduzione: nuove tendenze, scenari applicativi e prospettive”, Treviso, 26/4/2022.
2021 Ca' Foscari, Organization of an face-to-face seminar with Prof. Manuel Barrese, University of Chieti/Pescara, title: "Visual strategies for the communication of tourism in Italy (1919-1959)", 14/12/2021.
2021 Ca' Foscari Organization of a webinar with Prof. Christopher Rundle, University of Bologna, title: "History through the lens of translation: a comparative study of four fascist regimes", 5/10/2021 https://www.unive.it/data/agenda/13/52463
2021 Ca' Foscari. Organization of a webinar with Prof. Patrick Leech, University of Bologna, Title: "Cosmopolitanism, Dissent and Translation", 18/5/2021 https://www.unive.it/data/agenda/5/49715
2021 Ca' Foscari. Organization of a webinar with Prof. Alessia Castagnino, University of Florence. Title: "Il mercato delle traduzioni, Tradurre a Venezia nel 18° secolo", 14/4/2021 https://www.unive.it/data/agenda/5/48593
2021 Ca' Foscari: Organization of 1 webinar with Prof. Ester Torres Simon, Rovira I Virgili University, Spain Title: "Translation as a Profession: the Role of Technnologies 2", 20/4/2021 https://www.unive.it/data/agenda/13/47540
2021 Ca' Foscari. Organization of 1 webinar with Prof. Ester Torres Simon, Rovira I Virgili University, Spain Title: "Translation as a Profession: the Role of Technnologies 1", 16/3/2021 https://www.unive.it/data/agenda/13/47540
2020 Ca' Foscari. Organization of a webinar with Dr. Katia Castellani, Representative of the Directorate General for Translation of the European Commission in Italy, 24/11/2020. Title: "Translating for a multilingual European Union in the digital age".
2020 Ca' Foscari. Organization of a face-to-face seminar with Prof. Cristina Perissinotto, University of Ottawa. 11/2/2020. Title: "Education and Research in Canada. History and Opportunities."
2020: Ca' Foscari. Organization of a face-to-face seminar with Prof. Ester Torres Simon, Rovira I Virgili University, Spain, 4/2/2020. Title of the presentation: "Wikipedia: good or evil? Keys to evaluate the quality of the sources".
2020 Ca' Foscari. Organization of a webinar with Prof. Amanda Powell, Oregon University, Eugene. 5/5/2020. Title: "Better a Bridge than a Wall: Talking about Literary Translation".
2020 Ca' Foscari, Venice University. Organization of a webinar with Prof. Eleonora Federici, Ferrara University, 14/4/2020. Title: "Gender in Translation".
2024 Speaker at the national conference “Tourism, Culture and Creative Industries, Annual Coference”, Bolzano University 26/2/2024, iNESTproject, Spoke 6. Title: “Asolo for All: innovative tourism communication”
2023 Speaker international conference “Traditur”, Cordoba University 6-8/11/2023, title: “Italian Cultural Identity and Tourism: a Diachronic Approach to the Study of Tourism Communication from a Linguistic and Translation Studies Approach”.
2023 Invited speaker, seminar o the PRIN projectDietaly organized by the Ferrara unit, “From Mass Tourism to Slow Sustainable Tourism in Emilia Romagna”, title: Presentazione del progetto dell’unità unive. 10/11/2023.
2023 Invited speaker at the international seminar open to Dectoral students and the general public, di Stellenbosch University 27/7/2023, title: “Women Translating and Disseminating Science in the 18th Century”
2023 Round table chair on the seminar organized by the Salento unit of the PRIN project Dietaly, “The Making of Salento and Beyond: l’internazionalizzazione nella promozione turistica dal 1990 ad oggi”, Lecce 16/6/2023.
2023 Relatrice convegno internazionale HTN Online Conference: “History and Translation: Situated Practices in the Global Context”, 11-12/5/2023, title: “The Role of Women Translators in the early 19th Century in the Formation of a New Cultural Identity”.
2022 Invited speaker at the international conference Circulating Gender in the Global Enlightenment, Valencia 23-25/2 2022. Title: “The role of Women in Translation History: Translating and Collaborating in the Re-shaping of Italy in the Early Romantic Period”.
2021 Speaker at the joint Doctoral Research Seminar DSLCC and DSAAM Ca' Foscari, entitled "Translation Studies, Theories and Methodologies", with the participation of speakers from other Italian Universities, 1/12/2021 https://www.unive.it/data/agenda/4/55669
2021 Round table organizer and chair at the national conference "La fabbrica dei classici: la traduzione delle letterature straniere e l'editoria milanese 1950-2021, 24-25/11/2021", University of Milan
2021 International conference speaker, 11th CERLIS conference 'Translation and Gender in the Profession', 17-19/6/2021, University of Bergamo. Title: 'Gender and tourism: social and cross-cultural engagement in tourismo communication'.
2020 Keynote speaker, international conference Letterature minori nel contesto editoriale e culturale italiano, Ca' Foscari, 12-16/10/ 2020. Title: "Translation between theory and history: centrality of relationships of trust and collaboration".
2019 International conference speaker. Ca' Foscari, "Translation History/Translation Stories". Title: "Translation Historiography in European Languages." 15-16/4/ 2019.
2019 International conference speaker, Ca' Foscari, 4/12/2019: "History of Trust Between East and West." Title: "East and West in Translation." Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
2019 International conference speaker. University of Padua, XXIX AIA international conference in Padua, 5-7/9/2019: "Moving languages, texts and cultures across intangible borders: Translation Studies and the role of intercultural mediators as agents of history".
2018 Keynote speaker, European University Institute international conference, Florence. Research Conference "(Re)Thinking Translations: Methodologies, Objectives, Perspectives", organized by Prof. Ann Thompson and Alessia Castagnino. Presentation title: "Women Translation and the Circulation of Scientific Knowledge in the Eighteenth Century", 11-12/10/2018.
2018 Paper presented at the international conference “Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: Circuits and Circulation”, organized by Università di Bologna in collaboration with the British Association for Romantic Studies the Open University, 19-21 September 2018. Title: “Science in the Feminine: The Role of Eighteenth-Century Women in the Circulation of Scientific Knowledge and the Myth of Italian “Filosofesse” “.
2018 Paper presented at the conference “Exploring and Translating Stratified Multilingual Landscapes”, Melbourne, La Trobe University, 10-11 August 2018. Title: “Translation Didactics and Transcultural Exchange”.
2018 Invited speaker Summer School internazionale, Associazione di Anglistica Italiana, International Summer School “British Romanticism Then and Now: Poetics, Language(s), Translation and Culture”, Viareggio 4-9/6/2018. Title: “Translating Science in the Early Romantic Period”.
2018 Invited speaker conferenza internazionale “On the Move, Sites of Change, Sites of Insecurity”, Università di Macerata, 17-19/5/2018. Title: “Translation in the 21st Century: history on the move”.
2018 Keynote lecture at the Second Valencia/Napoli Colloquium on Gender and Translation. Università Orientale di Napoli, 8-9 February 2018. Title: “Gender, Tourism and Travelling Translation”.
2017 Paper presented at the conference Found in Translation, Università di Bergamo, September 2017, Title: “The Role of (Female) Translation in the Dissemination of Scientific Culture in Eighteenth-Century Italy”.
2017 Paper presented at the XXVIII AIA Conference, Università di Pisa, September 2017. Title: “Directionality in Translation Teaching: Old and/or new Approaches in the 21st Century?”.
2016 Paper presented at the 2016 Cerlis conference, “Ways of Seeing, Ways of Being: Representing the Voices of Tourism”: “Translating Tourist Memory”, Università di Bergamo, 23-25 June 2016.
2016 Keynote lecture in the conference “Tourism Across Cultures: Accessibility in Tourist Communication, Università del Salento, Lecce, 25-27 February 2016.
2015 Paper co-presented with Costanza Peverati at the 5th International conference Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice (ALAPP), Unversità degli Studi di Milano, 6-8 November 2015. Title: “Translation in Language-Learning Environments in a Transferability Perspective”.
2015 Paper presented at the XXVII AIA Conference, Napoli 10-12 September 2015. Title: “Translating Tourism, Translating Tourist Memory”.
2015 Paper presented at the conference “Quale inglese per la Matematica e la Fisica?
Teaching Mathematics and Physics in English at University Level”. Title: Translating Science Popularisation in the Eighteenth Century and the Birth of the New Female Reader”.
2015 Paper presented at the conference “Transcultural Amnesia: Mapping Displaced Memories”, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal - 16-18 April 2015. Title: “Memory in Translation: the Concept of Memory in Translation Studies”.
2014 Keynote lecture presented at the conference “Lingua, Memoria, Traduzione”, Università Cattolica, sede di Brescia, 15/5/2014.
2013 Paper presented at the XXVI AIA Conference, Parma 12-14 September 2013. Title: “Tourism Communication as a Form of Re-Mediation”.
2010 Paper presented at the conference “Confini Mobili. Lingua e Cultura nel Discorso del Turismo”, Università degli Studi di Milano, 10th-12th November 2010. Title: “Questions of Mediation in the Translation of Tourist Texts”.
2010 Paper presented at the ESSE 10th International Conference, Torino 12nd-14th August 2010. Title: “Ethics and Subjectivity in Translation Studies: a Western assumption?”
2009 Introductory lecture presented at the conference “Comunicare la Città. Il turismo culturale a Brescia in una prospettiva Internazionale, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia Campus, November 2006.
2006 Introductory lecture presented at the conference “Travelling Texts, Reisende Texte”, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia Campus, December 2006.
2004 Paper presented at the conference “Discourse, Ideology and Ethics in Specialized Communication”, Università degli Studi di Milano, 11th-13th November 2004 Title: “Questions of Ethics and Subjectivity in Specialized Translation”.
2003 Paper presented at the 32nd conference of the British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Oxford University, U.K., 3rd-5th January 2003. Title: “The Role of Women Translators as Literary Innovators in the Eighteenth Century”.
2003 Paper presented at the conference ‘The Languages of Romanticism’ at the Università di Bologna 28th February-2nd March 2003. Title: ‘British Women Translators in the Romantic Period’.
2002 Paper presented at the international conference on translation and travel writing “Borders & Crossings III“, held at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, July 10- 13. Title: ‘Hestor Piozzi's Observations and Reflections during a Journey through France, Germany and Italy (1789)’ translating Italy into the feminine.
2001 Paper presented at the conference Women Romantic Poets, Lerici, 16th-18th February 2001. Title: ‘‘Expanding the Feminine Canon via Translation: from the Domestic Novel to Representations of the Foreign’.
2001 Paper presented at the Research Seminar Italia e Inghilterra nell’Età Romantica, 1st-2nd March 2001, Università di Bologna. Title: ‘Hester Piozzi’s Travelogue Obervations and Reflections: Italy in the Feminine’.
1999 Paper presented at the conference Il fantastico nel cinema e nella letteratura, Bologna University 18th-19th March 1999. Title: ‘Elementi Gotici nella scrittura di Jane Austen’.
1999 Paper presented at the conference Gender and Literary Translation, University of East Anglia, Norwich, 17th-19th December 1999. Title: ‘Female Translators in the Eighteenth Century: The Role of Women as Literary Innovators’.
1998 Paper presented at the conference La traduzione multimediale: quale traduzione per quale testo, Università di Bologna, SSLMIT di Forlì, 2nd-4th April 1998. Title: ‘Quale teoria per la pratica della traduzione multimediale?’
1996 Paper presented at the 18° Congress of the Italian Association of English Studies, Genova 30th September 1996. Title: ‘Translation Studies: la revisione del rapporto traduzione/originale continua’.
1995 Paper presented at the Tempus Symposium on Translation Teaching, Graduate School for Translators and Interpreters, Misano Adriatico, 15-18 September 1995. Title ‘Translators’ Notes’.
1994 Paper presented at the Graduate Seminar Annual Conference of the Centre for British and Comparative Cultural Studies, Warwick University, 6th-7th June 1994. Title: ‘The Birth of the Modern Reader: Elizabeth Carter's translation of Il Newtonianismo per le dame by Francesco Algarotti’.
1993 Paper presented at the ESSE/2 Conference, University of Bordeaux 4th-8th September 1993. Title: ‘The Public and the Private Spheres in Jane Austen's Letters’.
1993 Paper presented at the International Conference on Translation Theory and Practice, Birmingham University 17th-19th September 1993. Title: ‘Women Manipulating Translation in the Eighteenth Century: The Case of Elizabeth Carter’.
1992 Paper presented at the British Comparative Literature Association Triennal Conference Across Europe, University of Warwick 13th-16th July 1992. Title: “Jane Austen's Voice in her Letters”.
2019 Membership of the committees for a public selection procedure for no. 1 researcher position (RTDB) SSD L/LIN12, Dept. of Philology, Literature and Linguistics, Cagliari University 2/10/2019.
2019 Membership of the committees for a public selection procedure for no. 1 researcher position (RTDB) SSD L/LIN12, Department of Linguistic and Comparative Cultural Studies, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 30/8/2019.
2018: Membership of the committees for a public selection procedure for no. 1 researcher position (RTD B) SSD L/LIN12, Dept of “Scienze Umane e Sociali”, Università per Stranieri di Perugia, 4 September 2018.
2018 External Examiner for a PhD thesis submitted at the Doctoral School in Lingue e letterature straniere moderne, Università degli Studi di Torino. 1 March 2018.
2017 Internal Examiner for the Scuola Dottorale in Scienze Linguistiche e Letterature Straniere, Facoltà di Scienze Linguistiche e Letterature Straniere, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano (September 2017)
2017 External Examiner for a PhD thesis submitted at the Doctoral School in Studi Umanistici e Interculturali, Università degli Studi di Milano (April 2017)
2016 External Examiner for a PhD thesis submitted at theResearch Centre for Languages and Cultures, Università del Salento, Lecce (December 2016)
2016 Internal Examiner for the Scuola Dottorale in Scienze Linguistiche e Letterature Straniere, Facoltà di Scienze Linguistiche e Letterature Straniere, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano (September 2016)
2016 External Examiner for a PhD thesis submitted at theResearch Centre for Languages and Cultures, School of Communication, International Studies and Languages, University of South Australia (September 2016)
2016 President of the Examining Committee of a PhD Theses in Translation Studies at the University of Tarragona, Spain (Juanuary 2016).
2021-today Member of the editorial board of the international journal Altre Modernità, https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/AMonline/about/editorialTeam. Indexed on Scopus, Base, Dialnet, Doaj, Pleiadi, Road, Ulltich’s ZDB, WorldCat, Erih Plus, MLA, Circ, Web of Science, Esci, Latindex, EuroPub: https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/AMonline/about/contact
2020-today Member of the editorial board of the international journal Trans-kata: Journal of Language, Literature, Culture and Education based at the University Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia. Indexed on Worldcat, MLA bibliography, the Linguist List, Moraref ect.
2018-2020 Member of the editorial board of the international journal Perspectives:Studies in Theory and Practice, indexed in the Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Scopus and ERIH+.
2018-todayMember of the editorial board of Translating Wor(l)ds: Collana di studi sulla traduzione e traduzioni delle lingue asiatiche e nordafricane. Edizioni Ca’ Foscari
Peer referee appointments for the following journals:
Perspectives:Studies in Translation Theory and Practice; The Translator, CultusJournal: the Journal of intercultural mediation and communication; Studies on Travel Writing; ALL, Analisi linguistica e Linguistica e Letteraria; Intralinea: online translation journal.
Peer referee appointments for VQR (valutazione qualità ricerca, ANVUR)
2018-todayMembership of EST (European Society of Translation Studies).
2000-today: member of AIA (Associazione Italiana di anglistica).
2022 Best in Translation 2: public event at the Treviso Campus (7/2/2022) aimed at promoting tourism projects in foreign languages carried out by ITES students, with the participation of the Municipality of Treviso, Treviso Chamber of Commerce, Tiziana Sicilia President of Com&Tec (Italian Association of Technical Communication), Mirko Silvestrini (President of Unilingue and EUATC). The event saw the participation of the Vice-Chancellor for Terza Missione, Prof.ssa Carpinato. https://www.unive.it/data/agenda/13/57080
2021 19/11/2021 International conference realized with the collaboration of the Translation Division of the European Commission in the series TranslatingEurope Workshop, https://ec.europa.eu/info/events/translatingeurope-workshops_en
Title: "Collaboration in the field of translation: from training to platforms and publishing" transmitted by the channels of the European Commission, the report of the commission showed us a total number of 269 " viewers" of the event. The conference was opened by the Vice-Chancellor for Terza Missione, Prof. Carpinato. https://www.unive.it/data/agenda/13/51864
2021 14/7/2021 Participation in an interview for the creation of a podcast for the radio program "2020: come ce l'abbiamo fatta" (2020: how we made it) in collaboration with Radio Ca' Foscari and the Communication Office on the theme of sustainable tourism and related communication.
2019, 2020, 2021 I was in charge of the presentation of the MLC at all events related to the open days of Ca' Foscari, including streaming on Youtube.
2020 Best in Translation 1, public event held at the Treviso Campus on 15/10/2020 with the presence of the Rector Tiziana Lippiello, and representatives of the City of Treviso and the Chamber of Commerce. The event was intended to display the work of tourism promotion in English carried out by the students of my courses at MLC. The project can be viewed at: https://www.unive.it/pag/41218/
2019 Summer School "Translation in the 21st Century and the Challenge of Sustainable Tourism" (June 24-28, 2019), carried out with the collaboration and co-funding of the DGT of the European Commission, featured 11 international speakers, 35 selected international students, and was streamed on the channels of the European Commission. https://www.unive.it/data/agenda/1/30876
2018 Direction of the scientific committee responsible for the organization of a TranslatingEurope Workshop, an event organized in collaboration with the DGT of the European Commission. Title: "Translating Tourism and Cultural Heritage: Challenges in Professional Training", 12-13 April 2018. The event, which saw the participation of Ca' Foscari colleagues active in tourism research, was streamed on the Commission's channels. The program is still visible:https://convegni.unicatt.it/tew-translating-europe-workshop-organizzazione#content https://convegni.unicatt.it/tew-translating-europe-workshop-programma#content
2006-2015 The conferences organized at the Catholic University, Brescia Campus, in the years 2006, 2009, 2014 and2015were recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education as training for secondary school teachers and the conference in 2015 on “ESP for Mathematics and Physics” was recognized as part of a CLIL corse for teachers.
2006-11 At the Centro Studi sul Turismo at the Brescia Campus of the Università Cattolica, I organized a series of conferences and lectures open to the public in the years 2006 – 2011 in collaboration with istitutions such as Brescia Comune and Provincia. I also directed the scientific commettee responsible for the organization and implementation of courses for tourist guides and tourist operators. See the following examples:
17/11/2018Conferences on translation history for high school students of “Liceo Scientifico A. Calini” in Brescia.
2022-2025 The MIUR funding of the PRIN DIETALY of the unive unit I direct amounts to 242,246 euros, in a total funding of 577,966 euros.
2019 Co-funding (6000 euros) from the DGT of the European Commission for the organization of the Summer School at Ca' Foscari 24-28 June 2019.
2018 Co-funding (4000 euros) from the European Commission DGT for the organization of the "Translating Europe Workshop", Università Cattolica, Brescia campus, 12-13/4/2018.
2018-today The 7 projects Projects Erasmus+ - Key Action 1 - International Credit Mobility organized by me or in which I have a role as a participant between 2018 and 2020 have brought substantial funding to Ca' Foscari University that have allowed mobility and training to teachers, students and administrative technical staff.
2007-2011 As Director of the Center for Tourism Studies at the Brescia campus of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, I managed fundraising activities, which made it possible to carry out research (5 research grants), professional training and refresher courses and public engagement activities, in collaboration with EULO (University Consortium for Eastern Lombardy) and local authorities. The activities are visible on the following pages, for the categories not mentioned in the previous section:
Training: https://centridiricerca.unicatt.it/cst-formazione-moduli-professionalizzanti#content
Internship: https://centridiricerca.unicatt.it/cst-formazione-stage#content
Open Lectures: https://centridiricerca.unicatt.it/cst-formazione-lezioni-aperte#content
Professional refresher courses: https://centridiricerca.unicatt.it/cst-formazione-corsi-di-aggiornamento#content
Collaborations with local authorities: https://centridiricerca.unicatt.it/cst-centro-studi-sul-turismo-cst-collaborazioni#content
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