Maurizio FALSONE
- Position
- Associate Professor
- Roles
Rector's delegate for Union relations
- Telephone
- 041 234 6985
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Diritto del lavoro [GIUR-04/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/maurizio.falsone (personal record)
- Office
Venice School of Management
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.management
Where: San Giobbe
Current position
Associate Professor, VSM (since 2021)
School/university academic appointments
Ca’ Foscari University delegate for Union Relation (since 2022)
Member of the Research Committee, VSM (since 2022)
Delegate for Organizational Welfare and Gender Equality, VSM (since 2020)
Member of the board, VSM (since 2020)
Short bio
Maurizio Falsone is currently Associate Professor of Employment Law at the VSM where he teaches Labour Law, Industrial Relations and Social Security Law. He serves as Rector’s Delegate for the union relations and as VSM Delegate for the organizational welfare and gender equality. He received his PhD at University of Milano-Bicocca in 2014. His main research interests concern employment regulation in state-owned enterprises and labour regulations through new technologies. He published on authoritative Italian and European journals (Giornale di diritto del lavoro e delle Relazioni Industriali, Industrial Law Journal - Oxford University Press). He served as visiting research fellow at Fordham University (New York)
Previous positions (last ten years)
Assistant Professor, VSM (2018-2021)
Researcher Assistant, University of Genoa (2017-2018)
Post-doc Researcher, VSM (2015-2017)
Graduate studies/education
PhD in Employment Law and Industrial Relations, University of Milano-Bicocca (2014)
Master’s in law, University of Pisa (2009)
Bachelor’s in legal studies, University of Pisa (2007)
Academic services (last ten years)
Associate editor, The Italian Law Journal, https://www.theitalianlawjournal.it/ (since 2021)
Member of the referees’ committee, Rivista Italiana di Diritto del Lavoro (since 2021)
Member of PhD board, Learning and Innovation in Social and Working Contests, University of Siena (since 2020)
Non-Academic services/connections with practice (last ten years)
Lawyer for Employment disputes, Milan Bar (since 2022)
Member of the Certification Committee for employment contracts, Ca’ Foscari University (since 2017)
Funding/research projects (last ten years)
Associated Investigator of the Local Research Unit for Research Project of National Interests (PRIN 2017; for under 40 researchers): Dis/Connection: Labor and Rights in the Internet Revolution (2020-2023)
Research interests (key words)
SH2_4 Legal studies, constitutions, human rights, comparative law
International experienceS/appointments (last ten years)
Visiting Research Fellow, Fordham University Law School (New York) (2022)
Visiting Research Fellow, Fordham University Law School (New York) (2019)
Selected invited talks/conferences (last ten years)
Seminar on “Working through Digital Platforms: A Legal Approach to the Hidden Risks”, Fordham University Law School (New York, 23rd March 2022)
Seminar on “Union Freedom and the Armed Forces under International Law”, Fordham University Law School (New York, 30th October 2019)
Talk on “Last call for Social Europe? A legal analysis of the European Pillar of Social Rights” 4° Labour Law Research Network Conference (Valparaiso - Chile, 24th June 2019)
Selected publications
M. Falsone (2022), What Impact Will the Proposed EU Directive on Platform Work Have on the Italian System?, Italian Labour Law e-Journal, 15(1), 99–116, https://doi.org/10.6092/issn
M. Falsone (2022), Union Freedoms in the Armed Forces: Still a Taboo?, in Industrial Law Journal, 51, 2, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1093/indlaw/dwab003
M. Falsone (2021), Nothing new under the digital platform revolution? The first Italian decision on the employment status of a rider, in The Italian Law Journal, 1/2021, 253-269, https://www.theitalianlawjournal.it/falsone/?lang=it
Other publications (last five years)
M. Falsone (2022), Lavorare tramite piattaforme digitali: durata senza continuità, in Giornale di diritto del lavoro e delle relazioni industriali, 2, 247-274, https://doi.org/10.3280/GDL2022-174004
M. Falsone (2022), L’esclusione dalle trattative di rinnovo del sindacato non firmatario del CCNL: fra inattuazioni del Testo Unico del 2014 e disorientamenti sul giudice competente, in Diritto delle relazioni industriali, 3, 863-874
M. Falsone, Enti pubblici economici (dir. lav.), in S. Bellomo (a cura di), IX Aggiornamento. Digesto delle Discipline privatistiche - Sezione commerciale, Utet, 201-214
M. Falsone (2021), La repressione della condotta antisindacale fra spiazzamenti, potenzialità inespresse ed esigenze di manutenzione’ in Lavoro e diritto, 2, 373-398, https://www.rivisteweb.it/doi/10.1441/100870
M. Falsone (2021), La repressione della condotta antisindacale oltre la subordinazione: una storia tutta da scrivere, in Argomenti di diritto del lavoro, 4, 1032-1037
M. Falsone (2020), Conversione dei rapporti di lavoro, reclutamento e solidarietà negli appalti delle imprese pubbliche: una terra contesa dal diritto comune e speciale, in Rivista italiana di diritto del lavoro, II, 68-75;
M. Falsone (2020), Il sindacato e la risoluzione delle controversie: una, nessuna o centomila identità?, in Giustizia Civile.com, 7 luglio, 25-55
M. Falsone (2019), Dalla corsa per esternalizzare alla (re)internalizzazione negli enti pubblici: l’incerto destino del personale, in Variazioni su Temi di Diritto del Lavoro, 1, 93-126
M. Falsone (2019), Quali diritti per le coppie omosessuali prima della legge sulle unioni civili? Il caso della pensione di reversibilità, in Rivista Giuridica del Lavoro, 1, 157-168
M. Falsone (2018), La professionalità e la modifica delle mansioni: rischi e opportunità dopo il jobs act, in Professionalità Studi, 1/II, 31-52
M. Falsone (2018), La discriminazione della lavoratrice part time in ambito previdenziale: le lacune dell’ordinamento UE in materia di lavoro non standard colmate dal divieto di discriminazione di genere, in Lavoro Diritti Europa, 1, 1-11
M. Falsone (2018), La libertà sindacale indossa le stellette, ma il legislatore deve ancora prendere le misure, in Diritto delle relazioni industriali, 4, 1185-1195;
M. Falsone (2018), Le società controllate da enti pubblici e il principio del divieto di “conversione” dei rapporti di lavoro a termine illegittimi, in Argomenti di diritto del lavoro, 4-5, 1290-1300
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