- Position
- Associate Professor
- Scientific sector (SSD)
- Storia moderna [HIST-02/A]
- Website
www.unive.it/people/giulia.delogu (personal record)
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Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies
Website: https://www.unive.it/dep.dslcc
Where: Ca' Bembo
Giulia Delogu is Associate Professor of Early Modern History at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies. She investigated the use of poetry in eighteenth-century political communication (La poetica della virtù, 2017), the intertwinement between information and institutional change in seventeenth-nineteenth centuries free ports (The emporium of words), and the construction of images of economic and political power starting from the case of Napoleon (Global Napoleon - EconoMyth). She is currently developing new lines of research related to: 1) the debates on population growth/degrowth between the early modern and modern ages; 2) historiography and civil commitment in nineteenth-century Italy, from Ugo Foscolo to Alessandro Manzoni; 3) translations and reviews of the foreign press in Napoleon Bonaparte's decision-making process.
She coordinated the research project Northern Adriatic port cities and the development of public health in the early modern age (Le città porto alto adriatiche e lo sviluppo della sanità pubblica in età moderna), (Regione Veneto LR. 39/2019, 2021-2022) and Riflessi mediterranei. Venezia: mito e modello tra Sette e Ottocento (Regione Veneto LR. 39/2019). She is PI of the project Governing consensus. The political role of knowledge in Italy, 1789-1870 (MUR - PRIN 2022).
She graduated with honors (BA in 2008, MA in 2010) at the University of Pavia. She attended also the Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS Pavia (MA with honors in 2011) and the Collegio Ghislieri (2005-2010). She obtained a post-graduate scholarship at the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Paris (2011). She then became a PhD student at the University of Trieste and successfully defended her dissertation in 2015. She was post-doctoral researcher and research fellow at the Universities Ca’ Foscari (2015-2016), of Pavia (2016-2017) and of Turin (2017). She was also Visiting Student at St. John's College, Cambridge (2006), Visiting Researcher at Stanford University (2014), and Visiting Scholar at the University of St. Andrews (2020), at the Universität Wien (2022) and at the James Cook University of Townsville (2024)..
July 7th , 2021 – July 7th, 2030: Italian National Scientific Qualification (2nd level) in Early Modern History (11/A2) with unanimous judgment
2012 –2014: Ph.D. in Humanities, Scuola di Dottorato in Scienze Umanistiche, Università di Trieste (XXVII course). Dissertation: Trieste “di tesori e virtù sede gioconda”. Una storia poetica, dall’Arcadia Romano-Sonziaca alla Società di Minerva. Tutor: Professor Elvio Guagnini (date of defense: April 17th, 2015).
2005 –2011: M.A. summa cum laude in Humanities, Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS Pavia. Dissertation: Le Vite di Plutarco, vangelo laico del Settecento
2008 - 2010: M.A. summa cum laude in Modern Philology, Università di Pavia. Disseration: “École des vertus”. Lessico massonico nella poesia italiana e francese tra Illuminismo, Rivoluzione, Età Napoleonica.
2005-2008: B.A. summa cum laude in Modern languages and literatures, Università di Pavia. Dissertation: Risemantizzazioni in Loggia. Esplorazioni sul lessico massonico di poeti civili italiani dall’Illuminismo all’Età Napoleonica
2005: High school diploma, Liceo Ginnasio Statale ‘M. Gioia’, Piacenza (100/100)
Prizes, awards and honors (selected)
Mario Pannunzio Scolarship, Fondazione L. Einaudi Torino-Accademia dei Lincei, 2016
Minerva d’Argento International Prize for Research into History, Science, Literature and Arts, 2015
Giacomo Treves Dissertation Prize, 2009
Honors University Residence Student, Collegio Ghislieri, Pavia, 2005-2010
Grazia Cherchi Prize for the best final grade, high school diploma, 2005
Italian, native speaker
English, advanced proficiency
French, intermediate speaking and writing proficiency, advanced reading proficiency
Spanish, elementary reading knowledge
Latin, advanced proficiency
Ancient Greek, elementary reading knowledge
Conferences and seminars (selected)
- June 25th, 2024, Dietro le quinte dell'impero: biografie e prosopografie nell'Europa napoleonica, Conference, Venice: All’ombra dell’Imperatore: funzionari, traduttori, segretari (1809-1814)
- April 17th, 2024, Percezioni di Venezia. Prospettive, pratiche e narrazioni in età moderna e contemporanea, International conference, Venice: Venezia in chiaroscuro: Foscolo, la Repubblica, la Costituzione nel primo Ottocento
- November 23rd, 2023, Cultural Transfers in Habsburg Monarchy in 18th Century, International conference, Prague: Knowledge and government: cultural transfers in Pavia, Milan, Vienna and Prague (1784-1791)
- October 20th, 2023, La révolution de l’imaginaire. Fictions, inventions, récits, écritures. 1780-1820, International conference, Milan: Veleni e “contravveleni” poetici: il racconto della rivoluzione in Italia
- July 3rd, 2023, 16th Congress of the International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies ISECS, Rome. Participation to the roundtable: Rethinking Eighteenth-Century Italian Culture and Its Transnational Connections
- June 22nd, 2023, Rethinking Eighteenth-Century Italian Culture and Its Transnational Connections / La cultura italiana del Settecento e le sue connessioni transnazionali, International conference, Naples: Giochi di specchi: le Italie del diciottesimo secolo
- December 13th, 2022, Chi ha paura del potere? Politica e comunicazione negli studi sull’età moderna, Seminar with Pasquale Palmieri and Andrea Graziosi, Scuola Superiore del Meridione, Naples
- December 7th, 2022, Tradurre, pubblicare, governare: circolazione e costruzione della cultura di governo nell’Italia del primo Ottocento, International conference, Turin: Da Rasori a Gherardini: la traduzione medico-scientifica e la costruzione di un sapere politico
- October 27th, 2022, Rinascimento straniero. Arcadie, International conference, Venice: Le “arcadie possibili”: metafore del buon governo nel discorso politico italiano del Settecento
- June 25th, 2022, Trieste, ville d’empire(s), International conference, Bochum: Early Modern free ports as gateways of information between competition and collaboration: the case of Trieste
- May 24th, 2022, The emporium of words. Free ports as laboratories of information (16th-19th centuries), Seminar, Universität Wien
- May 12th, 2022, Laboratorios políticos de la ciudadanía, la república y la guerra entre América e Italia, Workshop, Universidad de Buenos Aires: Experimentos sobre la ciudadanía en la edad moderna: el caso de los puertos francos
- April 29th, 2022, L’impero delle città: lo spazio urbano come nuovo cantiere della storia imperiale, progetti, linee di ricerca, prospettive, Istituto Svizzero - Ecole française de Rome, Rome, International conference: Tra sogni americani e immaginari orientali: il ruolo delle città porto in età napoleonica
- June 21st, 2021, L’esperienza napoleonica in Italia: un bilancio storiografico, Conference, Università di Milano - Centro interuniversitario per lo studio dell’Italia rivoluzionaria e napoleonica: Un’eredità sommersa: i porti franchi da Napoleone a metà Ottocento
- May 13th, 2021, La virtù tra paideia, politeia ed episteme: una questione di lungo periodo, International conference, Collegio Ghislieri, Pavia: Virtù, commercio e dubbio morale: città porto e porti franchi in età moderna
- March 15th, 2021, Nuove ricerche sul contesto italiano nell’età delle rivoluzioni, Seminar, Università di Roma Tor Vergata: I porti franchi: un case study per misurare l’eredità napoleonica in campo politico-economico
- October 23rd, 2020, Trieste ville d’empire(s): the sociability of Imperial gateways-cities 16th-19thcenturies, Workshop, CIERA – SciencesPo, Parigi: Places of negotiation in port cities (18th- 19thcenturies)
- Feb. 5th, 2020, The emporium of words: free ports and port cities as laboratories of modernity (16th-19th centuries), Seminar, University of St. Andrews
- October 14th -15th, 2019, Gli scritti di una stagione: libri e autori dell’età rivoluzionaria e napoleonica in Italia, Conference, Centro interuniversitario per lo studio dell’età rivoluzionaria e napoleonica, Milan: Dibattiti intellettuali e politiche economiche nell’età napoleonica:Il Nuovo Prospetto delle Scienze Economiche di Melchiorre Gioia
- October 9th-11th, Empire of Circulation: Habsburg Knowledge in its Global Settings, International conference, Vienna: Information, Communication, and Knowledge:Imagining and Creating Global Connections in 18th and 19th century Trieste
- June 28th, 2019, A Global History of 18th century Trieste. What materials? What Methodology? What Scales?, International conference, SciencesPo, Paris: Trieste as a hub for the creation and thetransfer of knowledge: port cities and free ports in the global system
- June 6th, 2019, A General History of Free Ports: The Global Impact of European Political Economy, International conference, Helsinki: Free ports: states of nature or artifacts against nature? The political debate in Venice in the early 19thcentury
- April 29th-30th, 2019, The construction of free ports: political communication, commercial development and administrative control, International conference, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia: What is a free port? Creating the institution and defining the concept (17th – 18th centuries)
- March 29th-30th, 2019, Les Régions entre Alpes Orientales et Adriatique et les autres aires culturelles européennes en dialogue (1740-1867): la transformation des paradigmes épistémologiques dans les réseaux d'échanges des scientifiques et des hommes de lettres. International Conference, Ljubljana: Between the sea and the Alps: information and communication in 18th century Trieste and Ljubljana
- September 17th-18th, 2018, Beyond Truth: Fiction and (Dis)information in the Early Modern World, New College, Oxford: Global (Fake) News: the 18th Century Debate on Smallpox
- December 1st-2nd, 2017, Der Buchdrucker Maria Theresias. Johann Thomas Trattner und sein Medienimperium, Universität Wien - Ludwig Maximilians Universität München, Vienna: Trattner’s impact: webs of commerce, culture and information in Trieste
- October 14th, 2017, Nel solco di Teodora. Pratiche, modelli e rappresentazioni del potere femminile, tra antico e contemporaneo, International Conference, Università di Bologna, Ravenna: Rappresentare il potere al femminile: comunicazione politica da Maria Teresa a Maria Carolina d’Asburgo
- September 5th, 2017, Nuovi cantieri di ricerca sull’Italia rivoluzionaria e napoleonica, Seminar, Università di Milano – Centro interuniversitario per lo studio dell’Italia rivoluzionaria e napoleonica, Gargnano: Networks of Power and Communication: Mapping Napoleon in Europe
- March 30th, 2017, Maria Carolina Regina di Napoli tra rivoluzione, restaurazione ed esilio, Conference, Österreichisches Historisches Institut Rom Università Ca' Foscari, Roma: «Col canto amabile la Genitrice, Col cenno rigido il Genitor». La rappresentazione del potere virtuoso tra Vienna e Napoli
- May 26th, 2016, Tradition and/or modernity Literary, Historical and Cultural Perspectives (1660-1940), International Conference, Radboud University, Nijmegen: Towards a Just and Equitable Society: Modernity and Virtue in Eighteenth-Century Italy
- January 23rd, 2016, Migrazioni e Mediterraneo. Due linee di ricerca per la Storia moderna, Seminar for early career scholars, Società Italiana per la Storia dell'Età Moderna (SISEM), Catania: Virtù, commercio e politica: circolazione delle idee nell’area adriatica tra Settecento e primo Ottocento
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