Claudia IRTI

Full Professor
Ethics Committee member
041 234 7660
Scientific sector (SSD)
Diritto privato [GIUR-01/A]
Website (personal record)
Department of Economics
Where: San Giobbe

Qualifications and academic training

• Full Professor of Private Law at the University of Cà Foscari in Venice (from May 2024)

• Previously, Associate Professor of Private Law at the University of Cà Foscari in Venice (from March 2015).

• Recipient of research grants, fellowships and visiting scholar at universities and research centres in Italy and abroad (Max

Planck Institut in Hamburg, Germany; University of Regensburg, Germany; University of Barkley, California, USA).

• Awarded a PhD from the Faculty of Law at the University of Florence, Department

of Comparative Private Law, three-year scholarship (2003)

• Lawyer (since 2002) and enrolled since 2014 in the special list of full-time university professors in the Council

of the Milan Bar Association.

• Graduated (magna cum laude) from the Faculty of Law at the University of Bologna,

Thesis in Comparative Private Law, (March 1998).

• Awarded an Erasmus Programme Scholarship at the Faculty of Law at the University of Leiden, The Netherlands


• Graduated from Domenico Modugno High School, L'Aquila, (1992).


Academic administrative roles

• Member of the Ethics Committee of the Cà Foscari University of Venice

• Coordinator of the Doctorate in Law, Market and Person at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

• Former Coordinator of the Data Monitoring Board of the University of Venice, Ca' Foscari from 2019-2020 -

member since 2016.

• Former member of the teaching staff of the Master's Degree Course in Intercultural Development of Tourism Systems

(SIST), as well as a member of the QA Group of the same degree course in the three-year period 18/19-20/21.

• Former member of the board of the BEC, Biblioteca Economica of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, (2017- 2020)


Other professional experience

• Member of the study commission for ‘The reorganisation and simplification of the institutes of interdiction, incapacitation,

support administration and related proceedings, in the areas defined by the UN Convention on the Rights of

Persons with Disabilities and in compliance with guiding principles and criteria’, by appointment of the National Guarantor Authority for the Rights

of persons with disabilities (from January 2025).

• Member of the evaluation commission of specialist lawyers pursuant to art. 6 paragraph IV, Ministerial Decree no. 144 of 12 August 2015, by decree of

appointment of the Minister of Justice (from August 2024)

• Civil lawyer (since 2002), enrolled since 2014 in the special list of full-time university professors in the Council

of the Milan Bar Association.

• Consultant to the non-profit organisation ‘Doppia Difesa’, for the protection of people who have suffered discrimination, abuse and violence

(in the years 2013 – 2014 - 2015).


Participation in teaching colleges, research groups and other assignments

• Director of the Ca' Foscari Legal Summer School, Vulnerability Policies: Law and Institutions put to the test of

transitions, June-July 2025.

• Head of teaching excellence, as part of the support committee for the management of the

VIVA (Venice Initiative on Vulnerability Analysis) project of the Department of Economics – May 2023 to present.

• Member of WP 5, Spoke 7 (Cultural and political dimensions of ageing societies) of the extended Partnership

funded by PNRR for the ‘AGEIT’ Project - PE00000015 (CUP H73C22000900006, scientific director:

Prof. Agar Brugiavini) - 1.01.2023 to present

• Member of the Project ‘Universitas per la Giustizia. Programme for the quality of the justice system and for

the effectiveness of due process - UNI 4 JUSTICE’ (CUP: J19J21026980006, scientific director Prof. Stefano

Campostrini) – 04.01.2022 - 30.09.2023

• Already a member of the Research Group for a project funded by the CNF at the Ca' Foscari Foundation concerning

an investigation into the Reorganisation of the organisational structure of the districts of the Courts of Appeal in the context of studies of

Judicial Geography (contact person Prof. Stefano Campostrini) (2016-2019)

Teaching and lectures

• As a full professor and associate professor, he teaches and has taught courses in Private Law, Internet Law and Electronic Commerce, Family Law, Contract Law and Public Procurement, Commercial Law tourism, women-education-labour market, European private law, at, among others, the Cà Foscari University of Venice, the La Sapienza University of Rome, the Catholic University of Milan, the University of Brescia, the University of Siena

• He holds and has held lectures and seminars at the High School of the Judiciary, the School of Forensic Specialisations at the Catholic University of Milan, the Master's Degree in ‘Family and Child Law and Procedure’ at the University of Pisa, directed by Prof. Claudio Cecchella; the Master's Degree in ‘Primary Care Management - Long-term Care from Frailty to Longevity’at the University of Padua directed by Prof. Luca Spiezia; the Master's Degree in ‘Data Protection Officer’ at the Suor OrsolaBenincasa, directed by Prof. Ilaria Amelia Caggiano.


Participation in editorial committees and journal editing

• Participation as a member of the Review Committee of the Computer Law & Security Review (CLSR), published by Elsevier UK,

class A journal, from January 2024

• Participation as a member of the Reviewers Committee of the journal Nuove leggi civili commentate, published by the publishing house

Wolters Kluwer, class A journal, from January 2024.

• Participation as a member of the Editorial Committee of the journal Familia published by Giuffrè; then IlSole24; from 2016 in

class A, republished by the Pacini publishing house legal journal directed by Prof. Salvatore Patti from 01-01-2007 to 01-01-2010.

• Participation as a member of the Editorial Committee of the Jus civile journal published by Giappichelli, class A journal, from

01-01-2016 to present.

• Participation as a member of the Review Committee of the Archivio storico sassarese Review,

published by INschibboleth edizioni - Rome, directed by prof. Giovanni Maria Uda and others, from 01-01-2019 to today.

• Participation as a member of the Review Committee of the Persona e Mercato Review, published by

Wolters Kluwer, class A magazine, directed by Prof. Giuseppe Vettori and others from 01-08-2020 to present.

• Participation as a member of the Editorial Committee of the magazine Giurisprudenza italiana, an A-range magazine published by the

publishing house UTET, from 01-01-2021 to present.

• Participation as a member of the Judicial Editorial Committee of the journal La Nuova Giurisprudenza Civile

Commentata, an A-list journal published by Wolters Kluwer, a journal directed by P. Zatti and G. Alpa. from 01-01-2021 to present.

• Participation as a member of the National Scientific Committee of the Rivista delle successioni e della famiglia, an

A-list magazine, published by Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, from 01-11-2021 to present.



Member of the ELI (European Law Institute) since March 2025

Member of Secola since January 2025

Member of SISDiC since 2022

Member of UPI since 2022

Member of ACI since 2015. Currently a member of the Judging Commission for the award for the best debut work.


Conferences and seminars

• Report entitled, ‘Marital (union) crisis and the different business activities of the family business’, given at the conference

‘Business and family relationships’, at the University of Verona, Verona, 6 December 2024.

• Speaker as discussant at the 40th Coordination of PhD programmes in private law, held at the University of Roma Tre,

Rome, 25-26 October 2024.

• Speaker at the ‘Workshop - INTRAPRENDENTI: opportunities and services to promote female entrepreneurship’ -

As part of the project ‘INTRAPREDENTI: development of opportunities and services to promote female entrepreneurship’,

funded by the Veneto Region, at the Ca ‘Foscari University of Venice, Venice, 22 October 2024.

• Report entitled “The circulation of personal data relating to frail elderly people: function and risks”, given at the

conference ‘Elderly people and market dynamics’, at the University of Padua, Padua, 4 October 2024.

• Report entitled ‘The use of mobile technologies applied to health between progress and vulnerability of the person’, held

in the panel ‘Right to health and technological development’ during the Legal Congress of the Sicilian Courts and the district of

May 2024.

• Intervention as discussant at the civil law seminar ‘The relevance of compensation for damages and its criteria of determination’,

speaker Giacomo Buset, held at Bocconi University, 14 May 2024.

• Report entitled ‘The impact of health technologies, between research needs, ethical rules and legal rules’,

given at the conference ‘Machine learning: algorithms, consent, responsibility and ethics’, organised by the University of Bergamo,

12 April 2024.

• Report entitled ‘Reflections on the impact of technological applications in the healthcare sector, between ethical and legal rules

’, held at the conference ‘The law of technological innovation’, organised by the University of Tor Vergata in Rome,

7-8 March 2024.

• Lecture entitled ‘Digital platforms and personal data protection’, held at the conference ‘The private law of the digital economy

’, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, 17-18 November 2023.

• Lecture entitled ‘Family relationships and the human person’, held at the conference ‘Civil relationships and constitutional legality’,

at the Lumsa University, Palermo, 7-8 November 2023.

• Report entitled ‘The vulnerable elderly person: on the legal relevance of the notion’, held at the conference ‘A kind law for the elderly person’, University of Padua, 3-4 November 2023.

• Report entitled ‘Old and new foster care in the family crisis’, held at the conference ‘Current issues of dyspne

Cartabia ten years after the reform on filiation’, University of Verona, 29 September 2023.

• Report entitled ‘The elderly subject between care and administration’, held at the Study Days in honour of Salvatore

Patti, at the University of Sassari, 16-17 June 2023.

• Organisation and participation as moderator at the conference ‘The circulation of personal data’, held at the University

Ca ‘Foscari in Venice on 21 April 2023.

• Report entitled, ‘Mobile applications for health and circulation of personal data’, given at the conference ‘Personal data,

new assets, market dynamics and protection techniques’, University of Catania, 25 November 2022.

• Speech at the conference for the presentation of the book by Prof. Vincenzo Ricciuto ‘L'equivoco della privacy’ held in

Bergamo on 14 October 2022.

• Report entitled ‘Digital justice’, given at the conference ‘Artificial intelligence: new technologies and paradigm shift

in the legal profession 4.0’, organised by the Venice Bar Council on 15 September 2022.

• Report entitled ‘Maintenance allowance for financially dependent adult children: between legal dictates

and case law developments’, given at the conference ‘Dialogue between universities: a series of meetings on family law’,

University of Siena, 21 July 2022.

• Report entitled ‘Maintenance allowance for financially dependent adult children: for how long,

how and to what end’, given at the study seminar ‘Living law between statute and case law’, University of Pavia, 13-14 May


• Report entitled ‘Violence against women, domestic violence and the trial’, given at the

Conference ‘The reform of the trial for individuals, minors and families: substantial and procedural aspects’, held at

Ca' Foscari University, Venice 29-30 April 2022.

• Participation in the webinar - presentation of the book Consenso ‘negoziato’ e circolazione dei dati personali, by C. Irti, event organised

by Prof. Salvatore Orlando at JODI/OGID -Osservatorio giuridico sull'Innovazione digitale - established at the

Department of Law and Economics of Productive Activities of the University of Rome ‘Sapienza’, 16 February 2022.

• Participation in the webinar ‘Interview with the author’ on the book Consenso ‘negoziato’ e circolazione dei dati

personali, by C. Irti, interview with Prof. Vincenzo Ricciuto, series of meetings organised by the Unione dei Privatisti, 20 January


• Participation in the webinar on the ‘Discussion of the Proposed Law for the reform of the regulation of the family home pursuant to articles

337 sexies, paragraph 1, Part one, civil code and 6, paragraph 6, law no. 898 of 1970’, organised by the Italian Society of Civil Law Scholars (S.I.S.Di.C)

Civil Law (S.I.S.Di.C), chaired by Prof. Gianpaolo Frezza, held online on 24 September 2021.

• Intervention as moderator at the conference ‘A judge for businesses: prospects for innovation for justice in Italy’,

held as part of the Festival of Statistics and Demography at Ca' Foscari University, Treviso campus, on 17

September 2021

• Participation as a discussant at the ADP Seminar, in collaboration with the University of Florence, “Dialogue with

young scholars”, held online on 9 September 2021.

• Report entitled ‘Family Relations and Covid-19’, given at the webinar entitled Legal relations

in the time of Covid-19, organised by Prof. Cristiano Cicero of the University of Cagliari, 29 May 2020.

• Speech at the Economics Tuesday talks at Ca' Foscari on “Tourism and Covid-19”, webinar on 5 May 2020.

• Speech at the Round Table on “Protection of personal identity and inclusion of minors in situations of abandonment”, held at Unitelma Sapienza, Rome, 11 December 2019.

• Organisation and participation as moderator at the conference ‘The rights of minors, thirty years after the

New York Convention on the Rights of the Child’, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Venice 20 November 2019.

• Paper entitled “The one-off payment”, delivered at the International Conference ’The divorce settlement: a comparison

between Italy and Germany?’, organised by the European Association for Family and Succession Law, 9/10 November 2018,

Regensburg, Germany, 10 November 2018.

• Report entitled, “Premarital agreements”, at the 4th Legal Congress of the Federation of Civil Chambers of the

Triveneto entitled The lawyer between tradition, innovation and balancing acts, Treviso 23 March 2018.

• Organisation and participation as moderator at the conference ‘I Tempi della giustizia’ (The Times of Justice), as part of the Festival of Statistics

and Demography at the Chamber of Commerce of the city of Treviso, Treviso 29 September 2017.

• Report entitled, ‘The new right of residence and issues relating to the family home in registered de facto cohabitations’,

in the series of meetings on the ‘Regulation of civil unions and cohabitations one year after the approval of Law no.

76/2016‘ organised by the University of Verona by Prof. Alessandra Cordiano, Verona 23 June 2017.

• Report entitled “The patrimonial management of marital crisis between autonomy and control” given in the series of seminars entitled

’Percorsi giurisprudenziali di diritto privato’ (Case law in private law), organised at the University of Naples Federico II by Prof.

Anna Scotti, Naples 1 June 2017.

• Organisation of and participation as a speaker at the event on ‘Sex Trafficking’, organised by the Department of Economics

of the Cà Foscari University of Venice in collaboration with the non-profit organisation BeAwareNow at the Cà Foscari University, Venice

16 May 2017.

• Organisation and participation as moderator at the study seminar on ‘Couple and parental relationships in the aftermath of

law no. 76/2016 on civil unions and de facto cohabitation’ held on 14 December 2016 at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

• Report entitled ‘The agreement for the payment of the one-off divorce settlement in the new separation and

divorce procedures before the civil registrar and in assisted negotiation’ given at the round table discussion What future for

divorce settlement? held on 24 November 2016 at the University of Milan, Department of

International, Legal and Historical-Political Studies.

• Organisation and participation as moderator at the National Coordination Meeting of Doctorates in Private Law,

27th meeting, held on 17 June 2016 at the Ca‘ Foscari University of Venice.

• Scientific organisation of the conference The family between European principles and the constitution, held on 5/6 December 2016, at

the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

• Report entitled ‘Shared management of the family crisis: from family mediation to assisted negotiation’

organised by AIMS in Treviso on 23 October 2015.

• Report entitled ‘Brief introduction to the Problem of Legal Gaps’, at the international conference ‘Filling the gaps: The study of

Judicial Creativity and Equity in Mixed Jurisdiction and Beyonds’ organised by Johns Hopkins University and Tulane

University, at the University of Catania, Catania 26, 27 May 2013.

• Report entitled “Family mediation: regulatory references and jurisprudential applications”, Seminar ’Family

family mediation’ organised by the “Giovanni Puglisi” Centre of Excellence in European Law, at the University of

Roma Tre, Rome 5 December 2012.

• Report entitled “Family home and autonomy of negotiation”, at the conference ’Property agreements during separation and

divorce’ organised by the Pisa section of the national observatory on family law, Pisa 9 September 2011

• Report entitled “The allocation of the family home”, at the conference “Family crisis: measures to protect the offspring”

organised by the Chamber for Minors of Abruzzo, L'Aquila 6 May 2011.

• Report entitled ‘Child custody and the exercise of parental authority’, at the Conference ‘Shared custody’ organised

by the University of Rome Sapienza, Research Centre for the Protection of Persons and Minors, at the National Council of

Lawyers, Rome, 5 October 2009.

• Report and Round Table on ‘The discretionary powers of the judge in the application of Law 54 of 2006’, Study Days on the application of Law 54 of 2006 organised by the Associazione crescere insieme and the Associazione Linda Onlus, Florence, 12/13 October 2007.


Italian: mother tongue

English: expert user

German: basic use