Maurizio BUSACCA

Associate Professor
Department Delegate for Tutoring
041 234 7289
Scientific sector (SSD)
Sociologia dei processi economici e del lavoro [GSPS-08/A]
Website (personal record)
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage
Where: Malcanton Marcorà
Interconnected Nord-Est Innovation Ecosystem - Temporary Project Centre
Research Institute
Research Institute for Social Innovation

Actually, I teach economic sociology and social policy at Ca' Foscari University within the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage where I hold the position of tenure-track assistant professor (RTDb). Since 2023, I have been a member of the Yunus Social Business Centre at Ca' Foscari University, where I serve as the Scientific Director of the Labour Unit, focused on labour transformations ( In 2023, I was also appointed by Rector Prof. Tiziana Lipiello to represent Ca' Foscari University in the cross-cutting initiative LAB VILLAGE of the iNEST Consortium, with the aim of experimenting with the creation of an advanced research hub for the exchange and cross-pollination of ideas in the field of cultural and creative industries within high-density tourist environments.

In 2018, after 15 years as social entrepreneur, I obtained my PhD in Public Policy at IUAV University with a dissertation on social innovation and urban social policy. My research topics range from local welfare systems to the labour transformations in knowledge society, paying particular attention to social and economic innovation, welfare mix and social work. 

In 2020, I got National Scientific Habilitation (ASN) as associate professor for Economic and Territorial Sociology (14D1, SSD SPS/09 and SPS/10) and General Sociology (14C1, SSD SPS/07).

I published articles and essays in various journals and books. A list of my publications is available here 

As reviewer, I support various Italian and international journals: Archivio di Studi Urbani e Regionali, Autonomie Locali e Servizi Sociali, Economia e Società Regionale, Genalogy, Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, Smart Cities, Sociologia del Lavoro, Sociologia Urbana e Rurale, Studi Organizzativi, Sustainability, Tracce Urbane.

My approach to the academic job is very attentive to the relationship between university and community, i.e. for what we call university third mission, engaged university or entrepreneurial university. For this reason I'm frequently involved in international, national and local projects in the fields of education, poverty, youth, social inclusion, local development, and urban regeneration.

At methodological level, I prefer comparative research and the case study approach, using in particular observation, interviewing, participatory action research and secondary data. I have a good knowledge of the following data analysis software: NVivo, Qualitative Data Analysis Software; ATLAS.ti, Qualitative Data Analysis & Research Software; SPSS, software for advanced statistical analysis.