
23 Lug 2024 11:00

Recent Advances in Mechanochemistry

Aula Delta 1A, Edificio Delta, Campus Scientifico, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia

Seminario con il Prof. Tomislav Friščić organizzato dalla Dr.ssa Daily Rodríguez-Padrón e dal dottorando Oscar Trentin nell'ambito del corso di  dottorato in Sustainable Chemistry.

Short Bio Prof. Tomislav Friščić
Tomislav Friščić is a Professor and Leverhulme International Chair in Green and Sustainable Chemistry. He is an expert in solid-state chemistry, and pursues the applications and  fundamental understanding of solid-state reactivity, such as mechanochemistry, photochemistry, thermochemistry, and more with the ultimate aim to establish a new, more efficient and environmentally-friendly system of chemical and materials synthesis. His work often involves industry partners in the pharmaceuticals, mining, metals and advanced materials space, and he is a co-founder of two start-up companies.

He has co-authored >300 research publications, book chapters and patent applications, and his group’s research has led to numerous awards, including the John C. Polanyi Award by the Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada (2021), the “Spiridion Brusina” Medal of the Croatian Society for Natural Sciences (2021), the Award for Research Excellence in Materials Chemistry by the Canadian Society for Chemistry (2019), National Research Council Steacie Prize for Natural Sciences (2018), the RSC Harrison-Meldola Memorial Prize and Lectureship (2011) etc.

For more information, visit the Friscic Research Group webpage and Tomislav's Wikipedia page.

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Dipartimento di Scienze Molecolari e Nanosistemi, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia


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