
02 Lug 2024 15:30

Kerrie Mengersen - Being Bayesian in the 21st Century

Aula Magna «Guido Cazzavillan», San Giobbe Economics Campus

Kerrie Mengersen
Queensland University of Technology


The Bayesian paradigm has become entrenched in Statistical Science. It is also a standard tool in many applied and social sciences. So where to from here? What is left for Bayesians to do in the 21st Century? In this presentation, I will briefly reflect on the past few decades of our discipline and focus on some of the directions that I see Bayesian statistics travelling in the next few decades. These will include new methodological and computational pathways, dealing with different data sources, expansion into other disciplines and mergers with other fields such as product development and AI.

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This lecture is included in the programme of the 2024 ISBA World Meeting

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L'evento si terrà in inglese


Department of Economics, Ca' Foscari University of Venice; ISBA World Meeting


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