
24 Giu 2024 15:00

Seminar | TREMBLING WATERS. A Walk Through

Ca' Bottacin, Venice

Research Cluster NICHE | Ecological Art Practices and Waterscapes 

Seminar (on invitation only)

Monday, 24 June 2024 3pm-4.30pm
Yellow Room, Ca’ Bottacin, Venice


This seminar is conceived as an open dialogue starting from Antonio Rovaldi’s artistic research on wetlands and his photographic and editorial projects, including Orizzonte in Italia (2015), The Sound of the Woodpecker Bill. New York City (2019), and Morgen. Torno indietro un attimo (2024). In a journey through different waterscapes, Antonio will present his practice, which relates walking to photographing – with its multiple implications, inside and outside the landscape –  as slow and reflective practices. Measuring the passing of days by walking, translating a place into the rhythm of a photographic and sound sequence, considering looking as a backwards process in personal, geographical, literary memory, crossing the real and metaphorical landscape as a dimension of flexible and connective understanding, have always been constants in his work.

Antonio Rovaldi (Parma, 1975) studied at NABA in Milan with Hidetoshi Nagasawa and Mario Cresci. Since then, his artistic practice has been investigating the perception of landscape through photography, video, sculpture and sound installation, consolidating a research that makes use of the direct exploration of places, through walking and resting. While living in New York between 2006 and 2016, Antonio won the New York Prize from Columbia University (2006) and was an Artist in Residence at the ISCP in Brooklyn (2009). Once back in Milan, he started CLER in his studio (@clerviapadova27), an exhibition project to create dialogues with the practices of other artists. His publications include: Orizzonte in Italia (2015), a research along the entire Italian coastline, which Antonio travelled by bicycle to photograph the horizon line, and The Sound of the Woodpecker Bill: New York City (2018), a photographic novel dedicated to the margins of the five boroughs of New York, which he walked through between 2016 and 2018. In 2023, his project on the Adige River, Torno indietro un attimo. Along a River, won the call Strategia Fotografia (the book Morgen. Torno indietro un attimo was released). 

In collaboration with research ClusterEcological Art Practises and Waterscapes



L'evento si terrà in inglese


Lungomare, NICHE


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