
17 Giu 2024 12:15

Gustav Kjellsson - An App Call a Day Keeps the Patient Away?

Meeting Room 1, San Giobbe Economics Campus

Gustav Kjellsson (University of Gothenburg) - An App Call a Day Keeps the Patient Away? Substitution of Online and In-Person Doctor Consultations Among Young Adults


The emergence of markets for on-demand online physician consultations -–direct-to-consumer telemedicine (DCT) -– is currently transforming many healthcare settings. DCT may be a cost-effective substitute for ordinary consultations, but the convenience of seeking DCT may increase the demand for the service and consequently also the costs for health insurers. To causally assess the degree to which DCT consultations substitute for in-person primary care consultations, we exploit exogenous changes in patient fees in a fuzzy difference-in-discontinuities analysis of young adults in Sweden. We estimate a degree of substitution of 45\%, implying an increase in the consultation volume. We further estimate that the increase in volume could be close to cost neutral, and we find no evidence that the decreased share of in-person visits has negative effects on quality.


L'evento si terrà in inglese


Department of Economics (EcSeminars)

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