Local projects

"Analisi della legalità nel tessuto imprenditoriale Veneto"
Analysis of the Legality Issue in the Veneto Region Entrepreneurial System

A protocol agreement between Ca’Foscari University of Venice (departments of Economics and Management), the Comando Regionale Veneto of the Italian finance Police, and Infocamere and Unioncamere Veneto was drawn up in June 2021, for a collaboration that aims to observe and analyze entrepreneurial dynamics in the Veneto region, and the related risk factors related to potential criminal infiltrations.
A round table for sharing data, approaches and methods in order to address and further investigate the issue of legality within the regional economic system.
The collaboration is supported by Regione del Veneto, that aims to be involved in the round table for analysis and research.
This is part of the activities within the framework of the Excellence Project of the Department of Economics, linked to the main research topics of the VERA Center, focusing in particular on the use of big data to support public policies.
The primary goal is to develop a series of experimental research activities for the implementation of both quantitative and qualitative indicators and the definition of new tools for monitoring illegality risk areas in the economy, with a specific focus on economic and financial factors that are a marker of illegal behaviors by companies. The analysis will focus also on the differences and changes between pre-pandemic, current and post-pandemic periods.

"Eccellenze del Nord Est"
The performance of North-East enterprises

The project, carried out by the 13 Orders of Chartered Accountants and Auditors of North- East Regions in cooperation with the Department of Economics-VERA Centre, developed an analysis of  firms performance in the North-East regions (Veneto, Trentino Alto-Adige and Friuli Venezia Giulia). The proposed indicator combines both balance sheet information and opinion of experts by using quantitative methods. The project aims to study also the relationship between the performance and the network structure of the firms with special attention to the topology of interlocking directorate network, the degree of openness of the firm governance, the human capital endowment and the complexity of the firm competences.
The analysis will be conducted on data from the Bureau Van Dijk AIDA dataset and will make use of econometrics and machine learning techniques.
A research grant is funded by the Order of Chartered Accountants and Auditors of Treviso on the following theme: «A Big Data approach to firms heterogeneity and interlocking directorate».