Venice centre in Economic and Risk Analytics for public policies

VERA Centre

The Venice centre in Economic and Risk Analytics for Public Policies (VERA) is the Centre of the Department of Economics focusing on big data applied to social welfare and wellbeing, risk analytics and evaluation of public policies. 

A primary aim of the Centre is to inform policy makers and to provide scientific support for decisions concerning several policy challenges such as the sustainability of welfare and health systems, the phenomenon of migration, the impact of ageing, the effects of climate change, the mitigation strategies of environmental impacts, the emergence of policy and financial instability.

The activities of the Centre will address four of the Ca’ Foscari Research Institutes for Global Challenges (Complexity, Social Innovation, International Studies, Green and Blue Growth) through methodologies and advanced systems based on the use of big data, social networks, georeferencing, experimental data (lab and field experiments).

One of the most important goals is to enhance production and use of big data and to develop economic, mathematical and statistical models applicable to different economic sectors such as agriculture and environment, health, finance, tourism and sustainability.

The VERA Centre is funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research [ITA] through the Department of Excellence Project for the period 2018-2022.


Innovating research

Innovating research methods, adapting them to calculation models that can exploit the great potential of microdata and big data from different sources.

Strengthening research

Strengthening experimental research conducted in lab and field (lab and field experiments).

Improving public policies

Widening the fields of application of the analysis of and methodologies for the evaluation of public policies in order to improve their quality and effectiveness.

Training future decision makers

Training future economists and analysts able to provide scientific support for analysis and to identify potential public policy actions.

Attracting international talents

Enhancing international talent selection and recruitment in order to set up an international multidisciplinary and multicultural research team with the best talents on board.